My Nanny finally had her Rotator Cuff Surgery....

Perth, Australia
February 25, 2022 5:05am CST
I have explained it here and there but my Poppy is in respite right now as my Nanny hasn't been in a great position to look after him herself. When Poppy was living at home with her, he did have some help come in to shower him but the rest of the time my Nanny was looking after him. Due to the amount of times he has blacked out or lost his balance, my Nanny has been the one to try help him up or hold him steady. And possibly due to this, my Nanny's arm / shoulder has been hurting her for a long long time. She finally had the surgery done on Wednesday and my dad and I picked her up on Thursday. Before we picked her up, we quickly grabbed her some flowers, a card and a little cute toy penguin that I saw. She adores penguins so I just had to get it for her. We placed it all on the kitchen counter so she could see it when we all walked back in again. She was very happy. Poor thing is tired though from everything. I believe it will take 6 weeks for everything to heal but for now her arm must remain in a sling. She's been given some small exercises to do. My dad and I will see her tomorrow to which I will offer her any help she may need like house cleaning or cooking meals. She may be stubborn and say she is fine but....I will stare her down until she agrees to at least something. ****photo is of the flowers, card and penguin we got her****
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8 responses
@moffittjc (119009)
• Gainesville, Florida
26 Feb 22
That was very sweet and thoughtful of you to get her flowers, a card and the penguin! I'm sure she loved them and appreciated them very much. I hope she is recovering quickly and healing from her surgery. I was just commenting to my girlfriend yesterday that I injured my shoulder in a paintball practice last weekend and it is been hurting worse with each passing day. I hope I haven't torn my rotator cuff.
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@moffittjc (119009)
• Gainesville, Florida
28 Feb 22
@VivaLaDani13 Allergy season is kicking in early here this year, and tree pollen is hanging heavy in the air like a blanket, and it is wiping me out. I am so congested and fatigued. I’m going to the store today to load up on lots of allergy medicine. But other than that I’m doing well lol
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• Perth, Australia
28 Feb 22
@moffittjc ugh! You poor dear. You are such a solider with all the aches, pains and now allergies! I'm glad you're well otherwise. I hope you do find things to get you feeling better.
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• Perth, Australia
28 Feb 22
@moffittjc Thank you, she was very happy to see her goodies when she come home. And thank you again, she is doing alright. She isn't enjoying her arm being in a sling but she's doing alright. oh no you poor thing! I do hope it's nothing like that! You don't need that. How are you doing at the moment?
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@LadyDuck (461941)
• Switzerland
25 Feb 22
I hope she accept your help, because it's hard to do most things not being able to move the arm. Those are pretty gifts that you bought for her.
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• Perth, Australia
28 Feb 22
@LadyDuck She is doing well and thankfully accepting what dad and I have to offer to help her. She is already getting agitated with her arm being in a sling which is understandable. And thank you, she loved it all.
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@LadyDuck (461941)
• Switzerland
1 Mar 22
@VivaLaDani13 - My rotator cuff is damaged, but I refused surgery.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 22
@LadyDuck My goodness, I'm so sorry. May I please ask why you don't want the surgery? Do you deal with pain a lot?
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@snowy22315 (171990)
• United States
20 Oct 22
Those are lovely flowers and a cute little penguin,
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@snowy22315 (171990)
• United States
20 Oct 22
@VivaLaDani13 Absolutely!
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• Perth, Australia
20 Oct 22
@snowy22315 Thank you very kindly for reading and your comment.
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@just4him (310129)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Feb 22
I'm glad she had the surgery and she's doing well. She will have no choice but to accept your help. Whether or not she likes it.
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@just4him (310129)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Feb 22
@VivaLaDani13 I'm not surprised. I didn't like wearing slings either when I needed to. Thankfully, it didn't happen often in my life.
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• Perth, Australia
28 Feb 22
@just4him Thank you very much. She's already annoyed with her arm being in a sling but otherwise she's doing well. I agree.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Mar 22
@just4him I'm glad it wasn't often. I've never had a reason to be in a sling before but I can imagine not enjoying the feeling of being restricted and not being able to do things normally.
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@JudyEv (328095)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb 22
She would have felt so good with the gifts you got her. I hope she accepts the help you're offering - and good for you too.
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• Perth, Australia
28 Feb 22
@JudyEv Thank you kindly. She really loved what we gave her especially the little penguin. She thinks it's so cute. She's doing well. She's a tad irritated with her arm being stuck in a sling but she's well otherwise.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
2 Mar 22
Yikes, I didn't about the exact ailment she needed surgery for. But yeah it must be really painful. I hear this injury hurts even when you are resting essentially disturbing your sleep. I hope the surgery helps her and she recovers soon.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 22
@Daljinder Always so surprised and so happy to see you pop on MyLot. Thank you kindly DJ.
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@Treborika (17421)
• Mombasa, Kenya
23 Jan 23
I hope she gets well the soonest possible
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 23
@Treborika Thank you, she is fine now.
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@Treborika (17421)
• Mombasa, Kenya
24 Jan 23
@VivaLaDani13 Welcome I am glad to know
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@Treborika (17421)
• Mombasa, Kenya
24 Jan 23
@VivaLaDani13 welcome. I am glad to know that
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 May
The thought behind it is what counts & I'm sure it made her whole day that much better, I hope she's doing a lot better since she's had it done.
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• Perth, Australia
11 May
@2ndchances24 Thank you. She is well regarding her shoulder at least. But not her best otherwise right now.
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• Perth, Australia
13 May
@2ndchances24 She had been dealing with some vertigo. But thank goodness it seems to be passing.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 May
@VivaLaDani13 That's good to hear she's doing better shoulder wise & I know when we get up in age there's nothing we can do to be like we were when we were young, we just have to do the best we can.
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