Brendel Loves Her Chicken Popsicles

@CarolDM (203449)
Nashville, Tennessee
August 22, 2023 11:21am CST
Have been taking care of my cat Brendel around the clock lately. Also trying to keep my other cat, the Dude, occupied as well. A full-time job. Brendel has so much going on with her. But she is a survivor, so far. I will try to sum up her condition. She turns 14 in September. Impressed with the new vet I found. Saw her a couple of weeks ago. She was very thorough, lots of tests, new diagnoses and new meds. Brendel’s kidney disease has progressed to Stage 3 (out of 4 stages). She has very high blood pressure. Did you know cats got hypertension? Probably from the kidney disease. Her number is 170. Should be below 155. Above 180 is an emergency. Starting blood pressure chews today. Hoping she will eat them with no issues. Started her on an appetite stimulant. Transdermal ointment goes on the top part of her ear daily. The easiest medicine ever to give. Her weight is down to 5.7 pounds now. She is responding well to the stimulant. Eating very good these days. And is on liquid Gabapentin for the arthritis in her back legs and hips. After finally figuring out how to hide the meds in her food, it has also calmed her yowling down to almost nothing. Yes! What a win for all of us. She is resting much better now. Will take her back in one week to check her blood pressure and kidney levels. We have to be very careful as BP meds can make kidney disease worse. She is on a tiny dose. I split one chew into four pieces, and she takes the 1/4 daily. Hoping this helps bring her BP down. She also said there are signs of dementia, hearing loss and vision loss. Thyroid levels are borderline high. Will watch for now. She found proteinuria in her urine. This means large particles of protein are leaking from her kidneys into her urine. Not good at all. Will cause the kidney damage to progress quickly. The BP chews are suppose to help this issue as well. She turns 14 next month. Will keep you updated as I am able to get online. Have been very busy literally watching her every breath. Hope everyone here has been well. Will catch up as time allows. Photo (will not load, will keep trying) is Brendel and the Dude chilling in the screen room. She spends about 5 minutes in the sunshine, then sleeps in the linen closet the rest of the day. Video (safe link to my YouTube account) is her eating her new found treat, I call it a popsicle treat. It is chicken flavored puree and she loves it. Makes me very happy to see her eat. I have to savor the little things when I can find them.
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34 responses
@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
22 Aug
Thanks so much for the update. I know you will always do what is best for Brendel. I'm so glad she's sleeping better for all of you. Try and have a good day. Always thinking of you.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
22 Aug
@CarolDM That's amazing that she stopped so quickly. You're very welcome.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
You are very welcome. The first chance I had to get online. So much has been going on with her. A day at a time is my motto lately. I was blown away when she stopped the yowling after the very first dose of Gabapentin. So glad I found this new vet. Thanks my friend.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
22 Aug
@CarolDM Just don't ignore your own needs, OK?
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
22 Aug
I am sorry Brendel has all of these issues. I know how heartbreaking it can be. When I care for an ailing animal, I always find myself wishing they could actually speak English, so I knew what made them feel better. You are going above and beyond, giving Brendel the best life you can possibly give. Take care of you, too.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
Thank you Marie. I am glad to find out what is actually going on with her. And I have realized my time with her is limited. I will keep her as comfy as possible and hope she is in no pain. I have said so many times I wish she could talk. It is heartbreaking. It is taking a toll on a few issues with me, but I will get through it. Thanks again.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
@MarieCoyle I have had so many sleepless nights. When she sleeps through the night, I still listen out for her. Sort of like when you have a sick baby (that is exactly what she is). Even though they are sleeping, you sill have one ear and eye open. I think a lot of the yowling was being anxious too. She feels a lot of changes taking place in her body and is confused. Thank you again Marie.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
22 Aug
@CarolDM You have been giving her your all for a long time now. I am more than sure it is taking a toll on you physically and mentally, it's just as hard caring for a sick animal as it is a person. I am hoping since the crying has stopped, the pain is better for her.
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@rebelann (111577)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Aug
She is so lucky she has you to take care of her. I hope everything improves for her.
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@rebelann (111577)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Aug
It's been glitchy lately, sometimes a photo will load sometimes not.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
And I am lucky to have her. Thank you. A day at a time I am afraid.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
@CarolDM Still trying to share photos with no luck.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
23 Aug
Checking my suggested videos on YouTube, yesterday I found the video of Brendel enjoying her new food. I am so glad to see her eating. There is a problem with photos here, I hope that later your photo will show. Thank you for keeping us update.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
23 Aug
@CarolDM I was so glad that yesterday YouTube suggested to me your video: Brendel is still so cute. I have also seen The Dude in another video, he looked so comfortable.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
Was so happy to see you watching my video Anna. Such a happy time to see her eat and Enjoy finally. Taking a day at a time and still trying to do my best to make sure she is out of pain, eating and comfortable. I tried numerous times to upload the photo to no avail.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
@LadyDuck I will post more as time allows. I have a lot as I am taking each day as it comes now. The Dude was in this one for a second. He is such great support for her and is my therapy cat.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
22 Aug
Glad to hear you found a good vet who can help Brendel. She sounds so much better. Glad you’re getting a little more rest too.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
23 Aug
@CarolDM I hope the new meds keep her more comfortable and both of you get more rest.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
@RubyHawk Thanks for your support.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
Thank you, we are buying time. There is no cure for kidney disease. But if I can make her comfy and out of pain, I will do whatever it takes. The extra rest was so needed.
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@aninditasen (15837)
• Raurkela, India
23 Aug
When pets suffer it's very painful as they can't speak and express their pains. Hope Brendel feels better.
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@aninditasen (15837)
• Raurkela, India
13 Sep
@CarolDM Watching them in pain breaks the heart.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
18 Sep
@aninditasen It certainly is heartbreaking.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Sep
Yes it is difficult to watch. Thank you.
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
23 Aug
What is the age of your cat? It appears to have numerous health concerns already, therefore I assume she is already elderly to have all of those health problems. Your veterinarian seemed to be thorough in her diagnoses for her. I only hope she recovers her health and survives all of this.
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
13 Sep
@CarolDM I see she is really an old cat for living to be 14 yrs.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Sep
She turns 14 in two weeks. She has had many health issues since I adopted her but she is still here, a day at a time. She willl not recover, just keeping her comfortable.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
18 Sep
@rsa101 She has had a long life for sure.
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Sep
You are so wonderful to Brendel and the Dude . I truly hope all the new treatments help Brendel . . . sounds like she's been responding quite well to it all thus far. And all the loving you give her is the best. The video - oh you can just tell she is enjoying that chicken popsicle .
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Sep
@CarolDM I am sure you are doing everything in your power to take care of them - they are well loved . Brendel is a lucky gal to get those popsicles .
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Sep
So kind of you. I promised them both when I rescued them to always take care of each one. Brendel is a fighter for sure. She is slowing down. Bur still enjoying her popsicles.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Sep
@much2say I am trying my best every single day, and will until the final day gets here. Thank you.
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@allknowing (130534)
• India
23 Aug
Good her yowling has come down. You both can sleep better now Poor thing has so much to deal with and with you around things should improve for her
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@allknowing (130534)
• India
23 Aug
@CarolDM Your new Vet seems to have worked on that miracle
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
The yowling stopped in day one. So very impressed. She has way too much to deal with. A day at a time now. Thanks for your support.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
24 Aug
@allknowing She is great, along with her staff as well. Wish I would have found her years ago.
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@Juliaacv (49131)
• Canada
22 Aug
That is such a precious video clip. She seems like she cannot get enough of that popsicle or lick it quick enough. It looks like you have found something just right for her.
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@Juliaacv (49131)
• Canada
22 Aug
@CarolDM When you think about it, those chicken popsicles are a brilliant idea. I almost wish that they had them for humans.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
Thank you for watching. I had to share the joy. She loves those treats. Finally I found what she likes. Such a difficult task with her. Makes me smile to hear her with this snack.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
@Juliaacv You are so right. And they come in many flavors. She loves her chicken.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49383)
• United States
22 Aug
Thanks for the update. I’ve been thinking about you.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
And thank you Marie. Have not had time to get online lately. Appreciate the thoughts, more than you know.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49383)
• United States
22 Aug
@CarolDM I understand. Taking care of Brendel is very time consuming. She’s one blessed kitty to have such a loving mama.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
@Tampa_girl7 And I have to be sure the Dude gets attention too. He turns 10 soon.
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@TheHorse (208406)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Sep
I hope she is comfortable.
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@TheHorse (208406)
• Walnut Creek, California
11 Sep
@CarolDM That's the best we can do.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Sep
That is my goal every single day. Thanks for the comment.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Sep
@TheHorse I totally agree.
@NJChicaa (116486)
• United States
22 Aug
Poor Brendel. She certainly is a trooper. Unfortunately it sounds like her time with you is limited. I hope she continues to stay comfortable.
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@NJChicaa (116486)
• United States
22 Aug
@CarolDM I'm sure you are a great comfort to her. She is lucky to have an owner who is taking such good care of her. I only had like a week between my SoCo's cancer diagnosis and when I had to put him down. It wasn't enough time for me but it was long enough for him. He was ready. Striper told me he was ready back in April by laying in the litter box. That was a heartbreaking sight.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
@NJChicaa I promised her when I adopted her to take care of her. She had chronic bronchitis from day one, but I was willing to give her a loving home. We are never ready for that day. I hope she goes on her own. When I lost Momma Kitty, she couldn't get out of the litter box. I slept in the laundry room, beside the litter box the last few nights with her.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
I have realized her days are numbered, I am spending every moment I can with her. And doing everything I can to keep her comfortable.
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• Aguila, Arizona
23 Aug
That's really good of you, I feel so pity for the poor cat, you should get someone to assist with your cat
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
Thank you. I have help. Medicine cannot save her life unfortunately.
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• Aguila, Arizona
23 Aug
@CarolDM praise God
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@ptrikha_2 (45732)
• India
23 Aug
Quite an important update. You have been taking a big care of Brendel. The new Vet too seems to have helped. Whatever treats Brendel gets are good for her. I hope that her condition improves further.
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@ptrikha_2 (45732)
• India
23 Aug
@CarolDM Yes that is the best that you can do.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
A lot going on with her. This is why I have been offline for a few weeks now. The vet is helping for sure. Her advanced kidney disease in a concern and no cure. I will keep her as comfortable as possible and enjoy what time I have with her.
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@RebeccasFarm (87035)
• United States
23 Aug
Yeah we have been having issues with photos here in myLot. Good to see you..take care of yourself and kitties Carol.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
24 Aug
Thank you very much.
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@noni1959 (9922)
• United States
23 Aug
I understand the care. My senior will be 15 in March. I'm sorry she has so many issues and hope she stabilizes and does well.
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@noni1959 (9922)
• United States
26 Aug
@CarolDM They can be. I wound up giving mine some of her gabapentin yesterday. She had extreme anxiety. She is fine today. She still sees and hears well. Just more clingy and hates to be alone now.
@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
Thanks so much. Hard to deal with in their senior years.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 Aug
She's so tiny. I'm glad she likes the chicken popsicles. I'm glad you like the new vet. She seems to be responding well.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
23 Aug
@CarolDM I hope she does too.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug
She is down to 5 pounds and it breaks my heart. I hope she gains a little form the appetite stimulant. Thank you.
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
23 Aug
Sorry to hear about her. I didn't knew that dementia is prevalent in cats as well. Have a good day. Take care
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
24 Aug
@CarolDM sorry to hear . You take care
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
Yes dementia is common in older cats unfortunately. Her advanced kidney disease is what wort me as there is no cure. Thanks.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
23 Aug
I'm sorry your cat is so unwell. I'm glad you've found such a great vet.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Aug
Thank you very much.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
24 Aug
@CarolDM You're welcome.
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