Well folks I can't do what I use to do anymore

Cloverdale, Indiana
March 23, 2024 5:09pm CST
It really puts me in a bad way when I try to do what I love doing just to find out I can't do it like I use to any more like working in the yard which is my passion being outdoors. I know I've had some major health issues that has almost put me out of commission at 1 point, but it's been like what? 7 mons now since I've come back from that? so what's the problem on why I can't do what I use to do B-4 I crashed? I can't hold out like I use to, like I'd go for hrs working in the yard NOW I can barely work a few hrs at most B-4 I have to stop & take a break, I can't get nothing done like that W T H? My back can't hold up like it use to with just using hand cutters cutting limbs off the down trees, which is nothing hard to do but it's more than my back can deal with, so I HAVE to get back in shape if I want to get my yard back in shape again like I had it. If I can't do what I need to do in my own yard how in the flip am I going to get the pond at a friends house done?? cause I know the person that I'm doing it for isn't going to help but I got NEWS 4-him he's gonna HAVE to help, cause I can't be lifting heavy rocks to put in & around the pond I started 3 yrs ago NOW 4 counting this year. I'm not 1 to just give up & let it go, I'm not that type of person sorry I will get things done it just may take me longer than I planned on to GET it done which again sucks like you wouldn't believe, but like I always say it is what it is, so that's where I am with my health.
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8 responses
@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
24 Mar
You're a go getter for sure, just please be careful. My funky knee hinders me from going full force - drives me nuts - but we gotta do what we gotta do.
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@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Mar
@2ndchances24 Your body has been through so much and for a long time. But you seem like a toughie . . . the super cape is still there! It takes time and extra effort to build back up to where we were . . . I know, often longer time than we like it to be, but it's not completely impossible. Even though the yard stuff is harder to do at this moment, I do think it's good PT (physical therapy) - good for your heart and soul too as you love it. You'll get your yard done, your friend's pond, and then I'll bug ya to come over to our place to help us with our yard .
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Mar
@much2say You can't bug me to come help do your yard when I live on 1 side of the world & you live on the other, but you can try ha ha ha Yes yard work is a great way to get P T in a day & yes it is good for the mind body & soul as well as well to get some fresh air & to vent a bit too.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Mar
I WAS a go getter till my health put me down for 6 mons & now that I'm recovering from that I can't go like I use to & I hate it, cause I'm not 1 to slow down & take it slow. But on the other hand I'm no spring chicken like I use to be since I went down but (BUT) I wouldn't be in this shape if I hadn't went down like I did & laid up in bed for 5 mons.
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@Shavkat (137312)
• Philippines
24 Mar
I am also experiencing certain facts about whether I can do it anymore these days.
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@Shavkat (137312)
• Philippines
25 Mar
@2ndchances24 I can feel you. I am a bit worried about who, if I get really old, is going to take good care of me. It is the bad side of being single in life.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Mar
@Shavkat yeah I know, don't feel bad if I lose my spouse I'll be alone to cause what friends I have won't be around either so when I get where I can't do for myself, I'll be ready for it.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Mar
It sucks that we learn our bodies aren't up to the tasks we have ahead of us like we use to do when we were younger & could go go go, till you have a health issue that puts you down for 6 mons just to SLOW us down.
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@GardenGerty (158139)
• United States
24 Mar
Many of us are in that boat. It is a whole lot easier to get out of shape than in shape. Faster, too.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Mar
Yeah I know & I feel for every 1 of them too, cause while I was recovering, that's the main thing I thought about is HOW do they do it, how do they handle not doing what they use to do in life? That's what got me the most cause I'm too active to just sit around all day & watch the day go by, & not be able to get out & enjoy the day. Which is what I did today even though it was a little windy & nippy but still managed to work most the day to get some things done. After I called it a day OH MAN did I hurt, but I felt good about getting out & working in the yard it felt so GOOD, I hope I can do more in a few days after we get past the rain we're suppose to get for the next few days, I'm glad I dug up some plants I had spouting up here & there & replanted them I hope they make it.
@RebeccasFarm (87036)
• United States
24 Mar
I am fast realizing the same.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Mar
Don't let it stop you, that's the worst thing you can do.
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• United States
25 Mar
@2ndchances24 I don't.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Mar
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@wolfgirl569 (97302)
• Marion, Ohio
23 Mar
None of us can do things like we used to. Just do what you can and keep going.
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@wolfgirl569 (97302)
• Marion, Ohio
24 Mar
@2ndchances24 That didn't help. In time you will rebuild some of that strength at least
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Mar
@wolfgirl569 NO it sure didn't, but like you said over time I will get my strength back, & look out cause by then I'll be all over the place working on things. ha ha ha
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Mar
If I hadn't of went down for 6 mons I don't think I'd be where I am today, but being I crashed as hard as I did has a LOT to do with it on why I'm like I am.
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@RasmaSandra (74596)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Mar
It's our bodies getting older not us. When I attempt to clean up stuff around the apartment and I find myself stooping and bending after a while my lower back aches so much I just have to give up and sit down for the rest of the day, Best of luck with the gardening work,
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Mar
I wish that wasn't the case, but I think being my health crashed like it did, put me where I am today & that really sucks cause I'm not but 65 going on 66 & not ready to except the fact I'm old & ready to call it in.
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@RasmaSandra (74596)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Mar
@2ndchances24 you are younger than 67 year old me and I have learned to be patient with occasional aches and pains, I can understand fully how you feel especially since your health failed, I thank the Lord every day for my health and need to take no medications but the body does let me know it is wearing down,
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Mar
@RasmaSandra I'm not far from being 67 I turn 66 next month, but I did pretty good today working outside working on my 1 day to be garden area. I went outside when my sugar lever was over 200 & a hr later it went down to 84 so that was a nice site to see for once being it's been high all mon.
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@AmbiePam (86269)
• United States
23 Mar
I sure hope that person helps with the pond since, like you said, it is his pond. I know you never give up, so hopefully, as time goes on, you’ll be able to do more and more of what you want to.
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@Dena91 (16009)
• United States
23 Mar
Going through major health issues and getting older makes it hard for all of us to do what we once did. I am seeing in myself how much longer it takes me to complete things.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 Mar
I agree, but I'm not ready to say I'm old & I'm sure not ready to call myself done, I can't just say well I'm old & can't do what I use to NO, that's not going to happen, I'm just 66 next mon & I'm not going down just cause of my age, so I have some adjusting to do.
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