Mai Hoomin vs Walmart

April 3, 2024 10:06am CST
Wednesday April 03, 2024 Okay, just got out of my shoes - shoes are nasty most days and they were killing me this morning. And with the pressure off of my feet, my attitude relaxes considerably - which will enable me to (hopefully) tell the story without having to edit too much cursing. Let us call this 'Walmart Olney vs Scar's Hoomin'. This morning (early as always) I went grocery shopping at my local Walmart - I spent just under $200 on groceries - and after paying with my bank card and beginning to put the bags in the cart to leave, a Walmart employee came walking over and said "May I see your receipt?" Now, I was actually expecting this to happen, because I had already been approached by one employee earlier. Let's go back to the beginning and I'll explain why. As I was walking through Walmart after loading the cart with groceries, I saw a 32" Roku TV on sale for $88.00 and a wall swivel-mount for $30.00 and I stood and thought for a few and walked around and looked at TV prices and yes, that was pretty good, so I grabbed one of each. I then went to the checkout - of course at this hour (shortly before 7 A.M.) only self checkout was available - which is what I always use anyway so no big deal to me. Now, the TV and mount were not planned for this month's budget, so I rang them up first and then dug through my wallet to get the credit card with $0 on it I keep for odds and ends and paid using it for those two items, folded up the receipt, and stowed it and the card back into my wallet. Then I began scanning and bagging my groceries. About ½ through that, an associate of the store came over and asked if I had trouble scanning the TV - I said no, I had scanned it and paid for it with another card and all was fine. And I finished scanning all my groceries, and paid for them, and here we are back at the beginning of the tale. So - I asked the Walmart employee what item, in particular, they were looking for on my receipt. And they stood there for about 30 seconds and then said "The television". And I said well, you won't find it on this receipt in my hand because I already paid for it with a different card. And they said they wanted to see the receipt for the TV. And I said "No." So then they wanted to know why. "[i]Why[/w]" is actually the hassle of trying to dig the receipt from the middle of my wallet where I had tucked it away so I wouldn't lose it for warranty purposes. But I simplified it and said "Because I paid for it, it is on camera I paid for it", and I went back to attempting to load the bags in my cart. And about then another employee comes over and they started in about the receipt. According to the two employees I have to show them a receipt before I leave the store - I declare no such law exists in Illinois saying I have to show you anything (I could be wrong but...). One of the employees (the first to ask for the receipt) is standing as though they will block me leaving, and to get to my grocery bags I had to shoulder them out of my way. And this, of course, elicits a "Don't touch me!" from them to which I say not a word, just continue loading my cart. At that point the employee says something about calling the police - which I cheerfully ignored as the second employee continued insisting I show my receipt and asking why I didn't want to show it (my business, i don't have to). And I finished loading my cart, told them to be sure and tell the police I am Scar's Hoomin, they know where I live, calmly exited the store, and casually loaded the Durango waiting for the police to show. They never did. Hey Walmart - I was positioned directly in front of the service desk where there are always a few employees congregating for whatever reason. They usually watch the self checkout. Employees were there the entire time I was there. Between those employees and your cameras, someone saw me pay and put up the card and receipt. Your employees were acting in a harassing manner. Want to see my receipt? Take me to court for theft and demand I produce it as evidence. THAT is the only way you get to see it. Scar's Hoomin Olney, IL
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17 responses
@MarieCoyle (30196)
3 Apr
I wish you had some other options for shopping there, but you don't. You are living in Walmart hell. It's no secret how I feel about Walmart. I have seen them treat so many customers and employees like dirt. They are too big, and I think if Sam Walton saw what it has become now, he would be horrified. Proud that you stood your ground.
3 people like this
4 Apr
They came pretty close to pushing the 'correct' button that turns me into a raving maniac. I did finally tell one of them "Just shut up, go watch the cameras, I don't want to hear another word" and they started to say something else and I loudly stated "NO I do not want to hear anything else." At that point I simply began ignoring anything else said by them.
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4 Apr
@MarieCoyle What's that old saying? "There's never a cop around when you need one." I was actually looking forward to it.
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@MarieCoyle (30196)
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe I don’t blame you. The fact that they didn’t call the police at all says a lot, that they knew you had paid for the television and more than likely were out to prove they are total turds. That was harassment on their part.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
3 Apr
They knew you paid, they are only there to harass people and show that they do their job. Well done to show nothing and move out. At least you had a great price for the TV and the hang.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe You look very comfortable now, I am glad.
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4 Apr
I can now watch TV from bed if I wish.
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@MarieCoyle (30196)
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe The only downside to the tv in the bedroom is now Scar will want to pick what you watch.
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@BarBaraPrz (45817)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
3 Apr
If they don't trust their customers to pay at the do it yourself checkout they should hire more human cashiers.
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4 Apr
They don't seem to understand they cannot have it both ways - force shoppers to use self-checkout and then accuse them of not ringing things up...
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@BarBaraPrz (45817)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe Exactly!
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
3 Apr
I don't get why they couldn't see for themselves. Camera and witnesses aside, there should be a record on their end somewhere, that a TV was correctly paid for. They should have mentioned the manager, before speaking of police... these Karens. The price of that TV was so good I'd call it a steal, but that doesn't make you a thief.
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4 Apr
Unfortunately, my town doesn't offer any Walmart alternatives for many items so I am kind of forced to go there.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe I would have said if those employees keep that attitude they won't be working there for long, but now that I read the other comments, it looks like Walmart doesn't care about their staff quality pretty much anywhere.
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4 Apr
@sabtraversa Not like they used to. Mine doesn't even have an employee of the month/year award anymore.
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@RasmaSandra (74595)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Apr
That sounds like they were harassing you and too bad you could not call the police on them for that. I saw the photo that is great to be able to watch such a big screen, It is about as big as the one for my desktop PC. I hope you both have a good weekend,
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@RasmaSandra (74595)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe my cats have it the best. Chewy delivery every four weeks of calming scented litter for the hoomin on autopsy and earning Amazon gift cards to pay for 22 lbs of Friskies dry cat food. They live better than the hoomin Mama here.
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8 Apr
Kind of bothers me that there really is no comparable place to get groceries here without making a 40-mile round-trip.
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@grenery8 (3817)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 Apr
i used self check when i was buying my vacuum and it was all good though, i do attract bad people as well. this makes me both sad and angry how they tried to harass you for nothing, what is wrong with themi am really sorry. will you make a complain or let it go?
1 person likes this
4 Apr
I'll likely just be a total *** next time I see those employees.
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@grenery8 (3817)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe and you have every right
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@marguicha (216950)
• Chile
4 Apr
Good for you! They were bullies!
1 person likes this
4 Apr
If the very first employee had asked for the second receipt, I probably would have shown it. But a second and then a third employee bothering me? Nope. They can't see it now.
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Apr
Sounds like the Walmart Hoomins aren't very nice. From what I've heard from a WM Hoomin, there is a lot of thievery going on with those self check-outs . . . but that is NO reason to treat customers like that.
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
5 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe I know it. Not all, but a majority of the employees have no clue what good customer service is - or even customer service period.
1 person likes this
4 Apr
I've had a problem with the attitude shown by most employees of our store, about 75% of the time they won't even acknowledge a greeting from a customer who walks past them.Very rude people.
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@RebeccasFarm (87035)
• United States
3 Apr
You shouldn't be confusing Walmart is forbidden.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe The police don't do nuthin around these parts.
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4 Apr
Walmart needs to watch their employees closer and leave the customers alone. If they think shoplifting is occurring, they should call the police.
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@FourWalls (63073)
• United States
3 Apr
I’ve read (don’t know if it’s true) that Wally World is going to limit self-checkout to the “Walmart-Plus” members. So you have to pay $45 to use the only checkout lane that’s available? Meijer appreciates the unintentional promotional, Walmart. They really do.
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@FourWalls (63073)
• United States
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe — I’ve decided my time isn’t worth the few pennies I’ll save at Wally World.
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4 Apr
If they decide to do that, they'll need to have more than self-checkout open at all times.
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@Juliaacv (49120)
• Canada
3 Apr
Two of them just decided to move their congregation place from the service desk to where you were scanning and bagging up your items. I wouldn't take it personally, the clowns that work at our Walmart are all clueless.
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@Juliaacv (49120)
• Canada
4 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe Best to have your Hoomin travel with another shopper who can pitch a dramatic act at the register and take the attention off of your Hoomin.
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4 Apr
I go very early in the day specifically to avoid interactions with people, and then have this bullshit.
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@wolfgirl569 (97301)
• Marion, Ohio
3 Apr
They just wanted to be pains.
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4 Apr
They are good at it.
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@JudyEv (328093)
• Rockingham, Australia
4 Apr
It certainly amounts to harassment when this sort of thing happens.
1 person likes this
4 Apr
It all could have been avoided if they had simply checked the previous sale on that register (which I told them to do but they were too busy asking for my receipt to listen I guess)
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@kobesbuddy (75644)
• East Tawas, Michigan
13 Apr
And my guess is, they have seen your face inside that store, a thousand times! What to h**l were they trying to prove? Even their parking lot is on camera! How stupid, demanding to see the receipt when they can visibly SEE you paying for the television and swivel-mount on a video This makes all customers feel like a criminal
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@capirani (2791)
• United States
13 Apr
I do not know the law from state to state, but here you have to actually have gone out the door of any store before you can be stopped and questioned about shoplifting, which is probably why they got to you outside. As long as you are still inside the store, they can't accuse you of shoplifting because you can still go back to the checkouts at any time. I would have just showed them the receipt.
@capirani (2791)
• United States
13 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe I'm sorry. I read it as loading groceries in your car, not cart. Here they cannot stop you until you walk out the door to the outside. For all they know you could take the item back instead of purchasing it. So they have to let you leave before stopping you.
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13 Apr
Read again - I was inside the store loading groceries into my cart.
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@jstory07 (134791)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Apr
Yes you are in the right.
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@TheHorse (208353)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Apr
Can I send your hoomin to the house of the lady who owes me $1150?
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