Eclipse Insanity is here!

@MarieCoyle (30190)
April 6, 2024 11:59am CST
It's in full force, and it's only Saturday. My area is in 97% totality, south of me about 60 miles is full totality. The interstates and state highways are already snarled up. According to my facebook feed, everyone is trying to capitalize on making money from the eclipse. Food trucks are all on the highways, on their way to wherever they decided to go. I've seen a huge number of businesses renting parking spaces for the eclipse, so that you can have your own spot--IF you can even get there. One of the towns of totality right on I-57 is Effingham, IL. The Effingham Performance Center is selling spots to park for $50. You can have a spot for your vehicle, and another spot ajoining it to set up your chairs, etc. This is a town of 12,000 people, and everyone there is selling something for the eclipse. Towns are having festivals in their parks, concerts, food everywhere, beer gardens, and who knows what else. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who thinks they are going to get to the areas of totality in normal time. In 2017 I recall the highways being at a standstill at times, and barely crawling. If you are traveling for the eclipse, take good care. It's recommended that your gas tank be full, you carry water, a cell phone charger, and a protein snack of some type that travels well. Take your eclipse glasses and a blanket as well, they say, in case you are stuck on the roads for a very long time. Sheesh...with all of the stuff you have to think of if you are going to drive to it, I think I would stay home and watch it on TV. As it is, I am more than satisfied with 97% totality, and we will be home and not out in the crazy! Are you going to travel for the eclipse, or know someone who is?
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18 responses
6 Apr
I am too afraid it will hurt my eyes so I will stay indoors with my cat. I don't know how much totality it is for my area as I don't watch the news and recently quit watching the Weather Channel as it was causing me too much anxiety I love my life as lately, my life's motto is Ignorance is Bliss. Much better for me.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
I wish that there was something that could be done for your anxiety, Jennifer.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
@LovesEverybody oh, I hope that works out for you! I am sure it’s exhausting to be anxious and depressed all the time. Take care of yourself!!
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7 Apr
@MarieCoyle My insurance company sent me something for therapy online and my case manager convinced me to start therapy. I filled out a form and the company gave me some therapists to choose from who specialized in anxiety and depression as I am deeply depressed about something only my family and caregivers know about My case manager is available to help me figure out how to do therapy telehealth( as I have no idea how to do it) but not until the end of the month which is the nearest appointment my case manager can be here at my house in my room with me
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
7 Apr
I would surely not even walk a mile to go to see an eclipse. I have seen two total eclipse in my life. It does not last long, it's interesting to have witness, but not so interesting to spend money to reach a location where you can witness it.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
7 Apr
@MarieCoyle We could see very well the one we had in August 1999, we sit on our balcony, it was interesting, more than the eclipse the behaviour of the animals as soon as the sun disappeared.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
And it’s over so quickly. I am sure we can see plent enough of it right here without joining the masses and helping clog up traffic. Besides, I drive so much already, it’s sort of restful to just stay home that day.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
@LadyDuck Animals are affected by these things. I recall an earthquake we had a few years back. I was fostering some tropical bird-several parrots, some cockatiels and other birds. They started screeching in the middle of the night and they never did that before or afterwards. They were in a panic and I got up to see why. Then the earthquake hit. They know these things somehow!
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@rebelann (111577)
• El Paso, Texas
6 Apr
I'm waiting for all the youtube videos of the event to appear, otherwise I don't have an interest mostly because I'm so far away from any of those spots that will experience it.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
There was an eclipse here in 2017. This one is a lot more hyped up somehow. I am staying home that day!
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@rebelann (111577)
• El Paso, Texas
6 Apr
Too many people get all hyped up for these kinds of events .... in a few weeks we'll hear all about the horrors they went through to get to a place to see the eclipse, it's human nature I think.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
@rebelann There are so many people who think they can just get on the road and speed to be there. That's just not how it goes when there is so much traffic and so many people. They interviewed people who owned businesses off of I 57, which runs north and south the length of Illinois. It was completely clogged last time, as were all the other north and south highways, more than likely with people traveling from the Chicago area. The business owners interviewed had ordered tons of extra supplies, foods, gas to sell, everything from soup to nuts, as they say. Every time I was on the road this week, I saw trucks of port a potties heading south. I guess some are really planning ahead!!
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@wolfgirl569 (97301)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Apr
I might walk out the door if it isn't cloudy. But not traveling anywhere. I haven't been near a major highway to see what they are like. The little ones through LaRue were normal today
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@wolfgirl569 (97301)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Apr
@MarieCoyle This is a time I am extremely glad to be on a country back road
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
@wolfgirl569 I have heard a lot of people say, they know a country road that will be great to watch it from. There is going to be a lot of people any where and everywhere, I think.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
It's already getting nutty here. Stay home, it's the best plan!
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@TheHorse (208348)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Apr
I jut read that the world is going to end on that day. So I in the air on my way to France in search of a pretty French girl to kiss.
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@TheHorse (208348)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Apr
@MarieCoyle Do tell. I just thought Jesus was going to come down and rapture everyone but me. Or something.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
@TheHorse You have to wear your eclipse glasses or you don't get in on anything, it seems. Not even the rapture, according to one nut I saw on facebook.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
Yes, we are all going to be personally infected by an alien being and turned green and glowing. Our cars mysteriously will not run. All forms of social media will disappear. The fast food restaurants will all close up because the cooks are being turned into evil aliens that kill off all the people who eat there. Oh, and cell phones will all get hot and blow up. If that is not enough conspiracy theories for you, I can find some more.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Apr
After reading your post, I agree that is absolute insanity. I watched the eclipse on YouTube.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Apr
@MarieCoyle I'm glad you enjoyed. I saw people's excitement during the eclipse on a video. It was very exciting for those who saw it in real life.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
11 Apr
@mildredtabitha It was very special and I truly did enjoy it. Thank you.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
11 Apr
I truly enjoyed the eclipse. I don't take good pictures so I didn't take any, but I've enjoyed other people's pictures they took.
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@kareng (56240)
• United States
6 Apr
We are not in a good viewing area here and I am glad about that!
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@kareng (56240)
• United States
7 Apr
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
I can see why you are glad!
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@capirani (2791)
• United States
7 Apr
My meals on wheels come on Mondays. This time they had to come today because the company doesn't want their drivers to be out in the eclipse madness and traffiic.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
That was a smart thing for them to do. Any cars off the road on Monday will be a good thing!
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
7 Apr
You pretty much will get the full view! We will only get a partial view here. I'm going to the backyard and do it the old fashioned way with . . . actually I just use a colander on these occasions (the lemon tree does it too) . I'm sure there will be the eclipse cams too . . . livestreamed everywhere.
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Apr
@MarieCoyle Yep! It would have been cool to see it in person, but it was enough to see it pretty much everywhere at that time.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
8 Apr
I am sure there will be many videos and reports on television, etc. of it all for us to look at as well.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
14 Apr
@much2say It was worth all the hype, and then some!
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@RasmaSandra (74595)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Apr
Personally I think that is insanity. I will be at my PC as usual come what may, No one could budge me to stand among people in dark glasses looking at day turning into night,
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
It’s just going to be too crowded to be much fun, in my opinion.
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@sallypup (58557)
• Centralia, Washington
6 Apr
I know some people who are right now on their way from WA state to Dallas for the eclipse.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
That's a long, long trip! I don't think I would want to travel that far right now for the eclipse.
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@sallypup (58557)
• Centralia, Washington
6 Apr
@MarieCoyle I agree. I hope they are enjoying their road trip.
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
9 Apr
I didn't travel. We had 80% here with cloud cover. But I did see some of it with a cereal box viewer.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
9 Apr
I read about people doing that but I did have the glasses so I used them.
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@Dena91 (16009)
• United States
8 Apr
We weren't in the direct path of it so we only got to see a partial eclipse this afternoon. We had one a few years back which was a bit more than todays. If I lived where I could see it like you, I would have stayed home too. I don't like crowds.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
9 Apr
Before the world went insane, I honestly didn't mind crowds too terribly bad, just not massive ones. Now, I try to avoid them. My son voiced his worries about today, the big crowds were his concern. He was concerned that people could be in danger if any anger started up...but I haven't heard of any, so hey, that's good!
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
7 Apr
I haven't been out to see if there's any madness out on the roads. We are in the path of totality; but I think I'll watch it on TV. Have a good day.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
8 Apr
@MarieCoyle I'm going to call our housekeeper's mother. She's a bit much to take; but I want to see my husband!
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
8 Apr
@LindaOHio Hopefully, that will work out and you can get there to see him!
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
Linda, I hope you have a good day and can find someone to take you to see your husband very soon. I am sure it helps you both when you get to visit.
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@GardenGerty (158139)
• United States
6 Apr
Nope, I am not traveling. It will be on TV, etc. anyway.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
7 Apr
Most definitely the smartest thing to do is stay home. I read that Shawnee National forest is already at capacity.
@snowy22315 (172013)
• United States
6 Apr
The hotels and restaurants along the way are thanking their lucky stars or lucky eclipse!
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
The tiny little towns in the path are charging hundreds of dollars for a hotel room. I am sure they think this is a huge windfall for them!
@kaylachan (59747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Apr
Oh hell no. I'm not sure what we'll see. I'll just make sure George doesn't chose to look up at the sky. Honestly, you'd think this marked the end of the world.... again.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
Oh, some conspiracy theorists are saying that Monday is the end of the world, it’s the “real” Y2K, some claim total loss of life…sigh…
@NJChicaa (116485)
• United States
6 Apr
I think it is 80 or 88% totality here. I'll take it.
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@MarieCoyle (30190)
6 Apr
That’s plenty good enough, I agree.
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