Another L for Congressional Republicans

@NJChicaa (116484)
United States
April 17, 2024 5:12pm CST
Like I wrote yesterday these clowns just keep stepping on rakes. House Republicans have wanted to impeach US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pretty much since he obtained that position. They are understandably upset about the situation at the border and have been focused on impeaching him. MTG has been especially outspoken about it along with other fringe and MAGA members of the GOP. So yesterday a large group of House Republicans walked over to the Senate and hand-delivered articles of impeachment for Mayorkas. Today Senators were sworn in as jurors and then the Senate promptly dismissed the articles of impeachment. That stunt lasted like all of 24 hours. The Republicans are furious of course. They also are ginormous hypocrites because there was a bipartisan bill placed up for a vote in the House that dealt with improving things at the border. Trump didn't want Biden to get credit for trying to fix things and he wanted it to remain an issue so he could campaign on it. Trump told GOP House members not to vote for it so they didn't and it didn't pass. The border is such an awful and dangerous mess that they voted AGAINST measures that would improve the situation.
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2 responses
@Ghostlady (533)
• United States
18 Apr
The Bill you are talking about...had more money going to Ukraine than taking care of OUR border and Israel...THAT is why the bill did not pass. The House is Now TRYING to divide the Bills for Ukraine,, Israel, and Our Border...Send them as Separate Bills...Not sure if it will happen as MTG is against idea why.
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@NJChicaa (116484)
• United States
18 Apr
and it was something that addressed the border which is what Republicans keep wringing hands about. They were going to vote for it until Trump said not to b/c it would help his campaign. We need to support Ukraine. They are fighting Russia. If Ukraine falls then Russia will invade NATO countries like Poland and Estonia. Then US military will be sent there.
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@TheHorse (208345)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Apr
Putting partisan politics over helping remedy a situation. Why people like Mitt Romney are long gone.
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