We have a rat in our bathroom

@dya80dya (34864)
May 9, 2024 6:14am CST
Today my mom opened the door and a rat entered our home. We live on the 3rd floor. We have three cats and my father placed a trap in the bathroom. The cats played with that rat but couldn't kill or catch it. I think it will enter my room because I can hear it near my bed. I can listen to noises in the wall. My cats are trying so hard to eat the bait for that rat. They opened the door several times. If we put poison they will eat it. So we can't use poison because my cats open doors and we don't want the rat dead in the walls. My mom said that the rat is very cute even though she has a rat phobia. When one of my cats was playing with it the rat made some weird noises. It was very scared of my cats and it had heavy breathing. They feel fear like other animals. I hope we can get rid of it without killing it. Something funny happened. I said that I knew where the rat was and my mom was in the bathroom. She thought I saw it and she lost control. She started to yell and she hit the trap.
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12 responses
@Rimps85 (1302)
• India
9 May
so, basically the rat created a ruckus in your house...
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
Yes. My mom has a rat phobia. We had a mouse before and it took us a few weeks to remove it from our house. We had a ruckus before the coming of rat, we had already too many problems.
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@Rimps85 (1302)
• India
9 May
@dya80dya my neighbour has a cat, but that poor fellow is scared of rats...LOL
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
@Rimps85 Rats are big and they are scared of them.
@marguicha (217284)
• Chile
9 May
I loathe rats. The last time I had one was about 30 or so years ago. It was terrible.
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@marguicha (217284)
• Chile
9 May
@dya80dya You have to be careful so that the poison does not hurt the cats.
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
I think it will be very difficult to get rid of it.
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@LadyDuck (463266)
• Switzerland
9 May
You scared your poor Mom. I hope you can get the rat without killing it.
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
Yes. I will try to be more careful from now on. It was funny.
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@LadyDuck (463266)
• Switzerland
10 May
@dya80dya I was sure it was.
@RasmaSandra (75080)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 May
So now you have to come up with a solution to get the rat out of the apartment, Best of luck,
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@dya80dya (34864)
10 May
We already caught it. It was hungry and it ate the bait. My father took it outside. I didn't expect to get rid of it so soon. We used a live trap. I don't see the need to kill it. It was quite huge.
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• United States
9 May
I posted on your other discussion about using peppermint oil to get rid of the rat. It's a strong fragrance and I'm sure the cats won't touch it. Also, it might get the rat to consider moving out the next time the entry door is opened. As I said in the other response, I will check to see what else you can do short of poison....you use poison, and it will die in the wall and stink something awful!!! Plus, the cats will claw the wall to get at the smell!
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
It's true, I don't want to use poison. But I need to use something for my cats too because they are trying to eat the bait. I mean I need to keep them away from that trap. I wish it would move out when the door is opened, but it's so afraid of people and it stays hidden. I haven't heard any noise since this morning.
@MarieCoyle (30845)
9 May
If I ever saw a rat in my home, I would leave. They aren't cute to me...just horrid. Plus, they can carry diseases. No, thanks. Tell your cats to get busy!
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
I understand this. They can be scary. My cats are busy trying to eat the bait. They don't care about that rat at all.
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@May2k8 (18192)
• Indonesia
10 May
Sometimes cats are even afraid with rats, it could be that some cats don't like the smell.
@RebeccasFarm (87102)
• United States
9 May
Oh my God..
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
I wonder why our cats can't do something. We have three cats. They only play with this rat.
• Midland, Michigan
10 May
Did your mom get hurt on the trap when she hit it? Maybe her show was on? Years ago we had a chipmunk enter our home. We live in the main level in a house. I didn't want it roaming the house so I figured out a way to stop it from going everywhere. It was under a couch and I found some things I could use as barriers that led to the door. After a short time it did go back out. I lived in a rental years ago and I think some type of different was in the walls as you could hear it scurrying about, but I don't think it was ever in the living area.
• United States
10 May
I just had one of my "DUH!!!!" moments. Your cats are inside cats? Do they have a litter box? You can use some of the litter from the box (not the stuff that has the fresh urine on it) and sprinkle it along the wall leaving one pathway open to the entry door. That way the rat will follow the clear path to the entry door and exit the same way. What was niggling at my mind was that usually rats and mice don't enter homes with cats, and especially ones with litter boxes. While we can't smell them if we keep them properly clean, mice and rats can detect the slightest and smallest odor from a cat. Hummmm, maybe that's why I don't have even a small bug, Petey's farts are lethal!!!! Petey is my ginger tabby boy, he has cleared out my apartment more than once with one of his expulsions. One fart and 3 seconds later the apartment was empty!
@ogbenishyna (3518)
12 May
I hate those pesky rodents, they multiply quickly and keep coming back to the place they can find food and water. You should try and poison them.
9 May
Hope you catch that rat. You have to outsmart them. You need a strategy that will outsmart their strategy. Find out where they're hiding and as soon as they come out, catch 'em
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@dya80dya (34864)
9 May
I know where it's hiding. It's hiding in a place without food, under the bathtub. The only food it has is in the trap.
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