Nurturing the Soul. Devotion 4.28

@annierose (19755)
April 28, 2024 7:29am CST
Have you ever pondered what motivates you to wake up early each morning? Rising early can be challenging, especially if it's not a familiar routine. So, how can we find the motivation to start each day? The key is to discover a purpose that makes waking up a joyful experience. This aligns with Proverbs 3:5-6, which proclaims, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Maintaining a strong connection with God presents its own set of challenges. How do we nurture this relationship? Through prayer and by cultivating a selfless love for others, moving beyond our own needs and desires. How can we truly claim to be in communion with God if our hearts and minds are consumed by selfish desires, disregarding the needs of those around us? How can we claim to be intimately connected with God if our thoughts are solely fixated on materialistic pursuits? In the midst of life's chaos and noise, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We are constantly bombarded with worries and anxieties, often neglecting our spiritual well-being. However, it is precisely during these turbulent times that we need to seek God the most. Through prayer and introspection, we can find peace and solace in His presence. Furthermore, staying connected with God transcends our personal relationship with Him. It extends to how we treat those around us. True devotion to God is manifested in our love and care for others. It is through selfless service to others that we truly serve God. Let us, therefore, strive to begin each day with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Let us not go merely through the motions of life but live each day with intention and meaning, keeping God at the center of all we do. As John 15:4-5 reminds us, "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
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3 responses
@AmbiePam (86269)
• United States
28 Apr
These are really good words, and very good advice.
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
28 Apr
I am glad you found them meaningful. Sometimes reflecting on our spiritual well-being can provide us with valuable insights and guidance.
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@AmbiePam (86269)
• United States
28 Apr
@annierose I absolutely agree.
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
28 Apr
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@kareng (56240)
• United States
29 Apr
Very nice! Getting up earlier is something I need to work on. It is impossible during the winter months, but i can do it now that it is warming up. I have found that I like to get out in the garden first thing in the morning. So this is going to be my new routine! Great post and very timely for me!!
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@kareng (56240)
• United States
30 Apr
@annierose Exactly!
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
30 Apr
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
29 Apr
It sounds like you've identified a positive change you want to make in your routine. Getting up earlier can indeed be challenging, especially in the winter months when it is darker and colder. But with the warmer weather coming in, It is the perfect opportunity to adjust your schedule and embrace a new routine. Starting your day by getting out in the garden sounds wonderful. It is a refreshing way to connect with nature and set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Best of luck with your new routine, and I am glad the timing of the post was helpful for you.
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@popciclecold (35973)
• United States
28 Apr
Very encouraging.
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• United States
28 Apr
@annierose You are welcomed.
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
29 Apr
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
28 Apr
Thank you for reading it.
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