Should We Prioritize Learning Our Native Language Alongside English?

@annierose (19742)
May 11, 2024 7:07am CST
Filipino is my native language, a language that resonates deeply with my identity and culture. English, on the other hand, was first taught to me by my parents, becoming my second language. I later continued to learn English in school. I grew up learning English vocabulary from my parents, alongside speaking Filipino at home and later reinforcing it in school. Filipino, with its melodious tones and expressive phrases, has always been the language that feels most natural to me. However, I'm saddened by the fact that some people prioritize learning more in English than in their native language. It's unfortunate that some are proficient in English but know little about their own language and culture. Language reflects the warmth and hospitality of people, known for their respect and love for family and community. Speaking one's native language is not just about words; it's about connecting with others on a deeper level, sharing stories, and preserving traditions. While English is a language I learned early in life from my parents and later in school, my native language is more than just a language to me; it's a part of who I am. It carries the essence of my heritage and upbringing, and I take pride in speaking it every day. Do you believe it's important for individuals to prioritize learning their native language alongside English, regardless of where they're from?
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7 responses
@LadyDuck (461870)
• Switzerland
11 May
YES, it is absolutely important to prioritize our native language It's part of our culture, our habits, the language of our ancestors.
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
13 May
@LadyDuck What is your native language, Anna?
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
I agree! Language embodies the collective wisdom, traditions, and history of our ancestors. When we prioritize our native language, we honor their legacy and ensure that future generations can continue to connect with their roots.
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@LadyDuck (461870)
• Switzerland
12 May
@annierose I studied English in school, but growing up we only spoke my native language in the family.
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@Shivram59 (32341)
• India
11 May
I'm from India and Hindi is my native language.I learned English in school and tried to improve it;but I can express myself in Hindi only.My native language is my priority.
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
It's wonderful that you prioritize your native language, Hindi. Language is not just a means of communication; it's also a reflection of our cultural identity and heritage. By prioritizing Hindi, you're not only preserving your cultural roots but also deepening your connection to your community and ancestors. While learning English is undoubtedly valuable, especially in today's globalized world, it's essential to maintain a strong bond with your native language. It's the language through which you can most authentically express yourself and truly connect with others on a cultural and emotional level.
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@Shivram59 (32341)
• India
12 May
@annierose You are absolutely right.My native language is my priority.It's the only language in which I can express myself.It's the window through which I can understand my country and my culture. I'm Hindu and my cultural language is Sanskrit.I'm studying Sanskrit now.Sanskrit is the mother of all Indian languages. If you don't know your native language;you can't learn any other language properly.This is what I have experienced.
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
@Shivram59 Do most Indians study Sanskrit, or is it more of a personal choice based on cultural interest?
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@snowy22315 (171967)
• United States
11 May
I think it's good to keep cultural traditions alive..including language.
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@snowy22315 (171967)
• United States
12 May
@annierose Yes, definitely
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
@snowy22315 Is English your native language?
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
Cultural traditions, including language, are like threads that weave together the fabric of our society.
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@May2k8 (18156)
• Indonesia
12 May
I am from Indonesia, my priority is our nation's national language because even though each province has a different language, that is what unites us in communicating.
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
That's wonderful! Communication is key to understanding and connecting with one another, and having a common language strengthens that bond.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
13 May
Definitely native languages should be cherished, they are such an important part of our heritage. English is useful as being used globally (and maybe this will change and before long we will all be learning Mandarin) but we should not forget our roots!
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
13 May
Absolutely! Our native languages are indeed a crucial part of our identity and heritage. While English serves as a global language, it's vital to cherish and preserve our roots. Who knows, perhaps Mandarin or another language will become more prominent in the future, but our native languages will always hold a special place in our hearts and cultures.
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@noni1959 (9922)
• United States
12 May
I enjoy learning about different cultures and hearing different languages. Your language is who you are. It's a priority to you. Learning English helps if you are where most speak the language but in no way takes over from your own. Some get angry hearing people talking in their own language and I think that is more of a can't understand so get insecure about it. I don't mind hearing someone speaking in their language and glad you embrace yours.
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@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
I'm glad to hear that you appreciate and value different cultures and languages! You're absolutely right that language is an integral part of one's identity and cultural heritage. While learning English can be useful for communication in many parts of the world, it's important to recognize and respect the diversity of languages and cultures that exist.
@Beestring (13553)
• Hong Kong
12 May
Yes, I agree. Our native language is part of our culture, our heritage and our roots.
@annierose (19742)
• Philippines
12 May
Absolutely! It's something worth cherishing and preserving.
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