Howard Stern Surprised Me

@celticeagle (160797)
Boise, Idaho
May 12, 2024 7:01pm CST
I don't like Howard Stern. Or not the man I once knew anyway. He was just so brash and nasty-mouthed. Then I saw a doc about him and my opinion changed ALITTLE. Now the other night I happened across an interview he did with.......the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Yes, as many others probably did I did a double-take and checked the person sitting in the seat to be sure it was him. It was. Well, I got a very pleasant surprise. He did a very nice and respectful interview. He told Biden he was nervous and so proud to have him there for the interview. It was great. Fun stories of Biden's life showed the respect Stern had for this man. I hope it was real and stands time. Biden talked about his experience with stuttering. He told about when he was in school and a nun gave him a bad time about his condition. He went home and told his mother about the experience. His mother told him to get in the car and they sped down to the school. His mother was a mere 108 pounds and stood about five foot one. She looked the nun square in the eye and told her "If anything like this happens again I will come back and rip that bonnet off your head!" When he was in law school he didn't even get his books until he was about halfway through the first semester. When called upon in class by the professor to give an explanation of the case the class was learning about Biden gave some simplified roundabout gibberish about something but not the actual case at hand. Afterward, the professor told him he thought he would, if nothing else, he could talk his way through anything that might come up. He talked about his family and how supportive they all were after his first wife and infant daughter died in a traffic accident. how he meant with his family on the back porch and they talked him into running for president. His mother reminded him of when he was a lifeguard and had insisted on applying to the all-black school. About when Obama called him and talked him into being his running mate. And, the stories went on and on. It was delightful. Things I'd never heard about this great man. And Howard Stern really changed my mind about what kind of man he himself is.
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3 responses
@marguicha (216933)
• Chile
13 May
I loved you post. Lately, politics here and there usually only mean showing how dumb the person that you don´t support is. Tjat´s why I don´t like debates either. Nothing is positive. But this was delightful. I specially loved Biden´s mother and the way she backed him. That´s how mothers should be. A nice reminder of that on mother´s day.
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
14 May
He is so lucky to have such a devoted family. I think Biden is a great man and I have changed my opinion of Stern.
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@marguicha (216933)
• Chile
14 May
@celticeagle He has been supported in his times of pain.
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
14 May
@marguicha ......Yes, he has a very supportive family.
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@LindaOHio (160324)
• United States
13 May
I always enjoyed Howard Stern. Interesting about the Biden interview. Have a good week.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
13 May
That was a nice story about Biden.
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
14 May
I'm glad you liked it.
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