How to train a CAT to pee??

a cat - a picture of a cat cleaning up his self
@shobasvk (787)
May 21, 2007 12:36pm CST
I was wondering about this question how to train a cat to pee/bowels in proper place or to pee outside??Like dogs,they are clever enough to follow what we train them... And they always scratch the doors when the door closed and if they wana go for a pee,so we know that he/she wana go outside.But how bout cats?I think cats have less brain(ability to follow our instruction)than dogs. How you train your cat to pee at proper place?? Isn't it disgusting and nasty to see them pour everything in your house?Will your cat make such a mess?pee inside your house,your bed?
1 response
• India
21 May 07
Lot of people are suffering from goin to pee themselves due to urinary problems. I am not more important about cats peeing. Sorry about this friend!
1 person likes this
@shobasvk (787)
• Malaysia
21 May 07
thanks for that,but here i would like to hear from those who's having cats as pet on how they train their cat go for pee.As people always know to pee theirselve but not animal.