What do you argue about most with your spouse?

United States
August 5, 2007 9:26pm CST
You know you and your spouse fight. I know you and your spouse fight. But the question is-what do the two of you fight about the most? My husband and I argue about finances. But we also argue about housework. Of course, typical marriage arguments. So, let me know. What do you fight most about?
1 response
• Malaysia
6 Aug 07
The most thing I fight with my husband is about reaching a goal or target in life. He doesn't seem to have a long term goal in life and I am very scared of this situation. But whenever I arised this issue he always misunderstood what I am trying to highlight and he thought I was condemning him. Luckily lately I have been able to solve this problem, I forced him to sit down and have a long one to one communication. I taught him to let out whatever he keeps inside because it is not good in a relationship. I taught him to be honest with me, and it was a miracle after that. All that happens all this while was only a misunderstanding due to his incapability to communicate effectively with me. Now that he has managed to overcome this problem, I hope he will have a brigher path to follow for our future life together.