Do you have a family secret?

United States
December 7, 2007 5:58am CST
Some people have bad family secrets and some have good ones. Like recipes are good ones but like a uncle or other love ones hurting or abusing those are bad ones. Do you have some? How do you deal with it? Do you keep it to yourself or share it with the ones you love? I have both....My family recipe for great tasting butterfly cookies...I share that with friends who want it and of course my daughters. My uncle who use to physically and verbally abuse me I shared that with my loves ones only and now here with my fellow friends LOL. But he got what he deserves from GOD. Those who wrongs us will be judge and punish by the Almighty Himself! But share with us what your secret is or just simply tell us if you have one or some.....
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2 responses
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
1 Jan 08
I think that every family has secrets, My mom doesn't really bake so we dont have like a secret recipe or anything. And i live pretty far away from all of my family on my moms side, so i sort of dont get involved in the gossip or any of those secrets that fly around through the family. I dont talk to anyone on my dads side of the family. I have never been close with any of them, cause they are all .. I dunno whats wrong with them i have no interest in meeting them though. And my hubby's family, well i hear lot of things about them, but nothing is really a secret, they are sort of crazy and whacky kinds of people, and i try to stay out of all that too! I like to lead a simple life :)
• United States
2 Jan 08
haha I totally understand what you are saying...same here I don't really talk to my father side of the family and I only have a handful of people from my mother's side that I would actually talk to and that is once in a blue moon..for hubby's family yup most of them are wack hahaha and I was told to stay away from then and to keep my life simple too...
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
7 Dec 07
My family has more secrets than you can imagine. I think most of them are bad ones myself. However, any secret I know immediately becomes not a secret, because I do NOT believe in keeping any kind of abuse secret. As a child, I went to the police about the abuse I suffered, and nothing was done. As an adult, no one is allowed to abuse me. I moved far enough away from my family that my child shouldn't have to fear them, and even if we visit I will never ever allow any of them alone in a room with him. As for secrets, I tell everyone about my own life, so I don't keep secrets.
• United States
9 Dec 07
I a glad you are so brave. I am also sad to hear that no one done anything about it when you reported the abuse. Sad, that the adults don't take the little one's seriously and the result/consequences are usually bad...I am happy to hear that you took the your family away from the abusers.......Good luck my friend....and take care and I do believe you are a happier person being that you are honest and open with yourself and others...I find it hard to keep secrets and harder to try to suppress bad behaviors of others and try to hold it all in...the result is that I put everything in and bottle up and it blew up........