Would you laugh at me??

January 6, 2009 8:45am CST
I am a little depressed! last night ,before I went to bed I responded to a discussion.And now I get the comment from that mylotter. He sad I am answering foolishly...T_T..I am sad to see that. You know English is not my first language and I do know my English skill is not good now.But I come to mylot with the hope of improving my English not just for the money.. If you come across some body whose English is not so idiomatic(just like me), will you laugh at them?? or help them??
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61 responses
• United States
6 Jan 09
Your english seems fine to me I understand you just great. Not sure what the problem is with this person. I understand your english better than I understand my own sometimes and its the only language I understand or speak. Don't let what one closed minded person has to say bring you down. Keep on learning your doing great.
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• China
7 Jan 09
Thanks first. it is beacause my words is too simple that you understand me clearly? haha I guess my grammar need improved.
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• China
7 Jan 09
emm...Yes I should learn it in such a simple way now and get better and better.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
your words may be simple but how else are you supposed to learn. I think your doing a great job. I would not be able to do as well with another language. No mater how well I was at reading or speaking it.
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@neilchua (888)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
well, i really can't blame you if english is not your first language. though i am good in english, it's also not my first language. just to let you know though, here in mylot, don't expect that all comments that you will get will be positive. no matter how good your english or how bad, you will still receive negative response. just ignore it or learn from it. that's how life goes. have a good day justmissyou. keep it up.:)
• China
7 Jan 09
I agree with what you said. It is just like life. No matter how nice or how bad you have done, there still are negative answers. I would try more hard to improve. Thanks and wish you a nice day too. By the way ,is your avatar a gif img?
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@neilchua (888)
• Philippines
9 Jan 09
glad you noticed. yes it is. i made it.:)
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
6 Jan 09
don't let him get you down. Some people are just mean. No, I would not make fun of you or anyone for using poor english on here. I do know that many on here are from other countrys. I think it is great that you are trying to improve your skills by being on here and to be honest, judging from this post, you do very well.
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• China
7 Jan 09
emm...not good enough..maybe,I need more efforts in it. Thanks for responding and wish you a nice day.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I'm sorry someone made you angry. But I think you are making too big of a deal out of one little comment. You are doing fine with improving your english, so stop worrying about what one person said.
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• China
7 Jan 09
I was just a little depressed last night and now I am fine.I egnore that man.
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@Takashy (496)
• Latvia
6 Jan 09
Well, I wouldn't laugh at them but some texts are sometimes funny. I mean, my English isn't perfect to.. (well its far from being perfect) and I do get sometimes replays from people about my English but its not like that would stop me from posting. The more you post the better you get. Isn't that so? BTW: Cute Avatar :)
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• China
7 Jan 09
Yes I will make more posts to get better. it is really cute,some other ones say that too. But why not get one nice avatar for yourself? haha
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• Switzerland
6 Jan 09
first i would laugh, then i would help you :D because i am from switzerland and therefore german is my mother tongue. you shouldnt take it seriously, when somebody laughs at your faults. did you never laugh at someone because of a fault? you dont mean it bad but you have to laugh. i think your english is good, better than mine. just keep on learning and laugh at me if i write something wrong :D
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• China
7 Jan 09
hey Reggie_Bush..Thanks first. What you say does make me laugh...haha,your are a good guy and funny(is it right to use "funny" this word here?haha).
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@shiela15 (286)
• Australia
7 Jan 09
No, I wouldn't laugh at them.. Let me share you this thing. I am a jobless person. One day after I went to an office (callcenter) trying to get a job, as I was on the bus, I heard this passengers on my backseat talking about those people who had bad english! I'd really bet that they were a callcenter recruitment team. I didn't turn my head around to see if they're wearing an I.D. to know what callcenter company they are working with but I'm sure that they are because they were talking of the applicants wrong accent as they were on the process of interviewing the applicants. They make crude laugh at it the words and how it was mispronounced and the wrong construction of their sentences. They really laugh hard and I was just on the way back home failed in my callcenter job application. I just felt their some kind of stupid person. Not because I failed but to make laugh out of it. If they are a recruitment team, they should not make laugh of it in the public although the person they were laughing about wasn't there. Because I just seemed that they were just bragging their capabilities not otheres don't have.
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• China
7 Jan 09
I hate the persons that kind!They are idiot!! I tried to get a job two months ago, I know the feeling of failure. One time I went to a intervieiw. The pistion is Supply Chain Manager.Although I tried to show everything but I failed. That is so bad a feeling! However, before i leave the office ,the interviewer did give me some good advice which help me do the better next time!!
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• United States
7 Jan 09
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I find it very frustrating when I call into a help line for something and can't communicate what I need to the person on the other end of the line. It may be that they can understand what I am saying and what my problem is and they even know the solution but when they are trying to tell me how to fix my problem (like with my computer) either their accent is so strong or their sentence structure may be worded wrong and I have no idea of what they are telling me to do to fix the problem. If they were talking to someone who had a good grasp of computer technology or terms there would be no problem but that is definitely not me. But to laugh in public about the way someone talks, especially if it kept that person from getting a job, that is rude and insensitive.
@ajrox1810 (992)
• India
6 Jan 09
It's alright. I won't laugh at you, but would like to help you. Even I joined myLot one and a half year ago to improve my English and the progress is quite visible with my language. Moreover, I also increased my Typing speed substantially. myLot is just a great place to do all these things and I would like to convey my message to the person who gave you a rude response "Try to be a little softer with your words, myLot is not a place to squirt out all your day's anger on people from all over the world." Hope he/she reads it. Regards, AJ-Rox
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• China
6 Jan 09
Thanks for saying that and I ama quite encouraged. mylot is really a great place. This is the reason why I am back now after 3 months away. well, it is late in night here and I am going to sleep. wish you a nice day.
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@regal_aeros (2605)
• Singapore
6 Jan 09
well... perhaps he doesn't understand what you were trying to say or he misinterpreted your meaning. don't let this get into you really. We're all still learning in one way or another. And it takes a lot of courage and will power to try to improve a language that you're not good at. And you're pretty good i must say. You make coherent sentences and they are understandable. Don't worry about it. yeah.
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• China
6 Jan 09
Thanks a lot for encouraging me. maybe there was a misunderstand there.perhaps I need to learn more grammar and words in English.I will work hard. Thanks again.
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@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Hello justmissyou! I am sad to hear that there are some racist out there and say that you answered foolishly. I don't even think your english is bad. I have many friends here who are not good in english but I understand them. English is not my first language too and I know I am not good in english.
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• China
6 Jan 09
well, just as what one friend said...just egnore that person..
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
6 Jan 09
I would certainly hope that it is a misunderstanding. I do not think that people should feel bad because they are learning english. I know that I would never respond badly towards someone that is just learning the language. As for your english I think that you have done a very good job here with your english. Good luck.
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• China
6 Jan 09
Thanks for your encouraging.I really wish that was a misunderstanding. And I would do more to improve My English in order that we can understanding each other more clearly. Thanks again
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• Philippines
6 Jan 09
hi! dont get depressed. i am also annoyed by those who write in very poor grammar and spelling but i guess yours is not too bad as compared with other mylotters here who even mispells words to the extent that the thought of the sentence is being distorted. cheer up folks. the good thing is your doing your efforts to improve your self. dont mind that person who commented on your post. just look at it as constructive criticisms. be blessed and stay happy!
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• China
7 Jan 09
Mood is better now after one night's nice sleep. I need more efforts to improve my grammar so that I can talk with other mylotters more smoothly. Thanks for your response.
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@srijshm (1165)
• India
6 Jan 09
when there are so many members at mylot, it's quite possible that some are rude. Let that not put you off, myLot is a great community & your contributions are welcome. No, i will not laugh at you. I will say that POST MORE! & laugh your way to bank(or paypal) Proficiency in a language or the lack of it does not make anyone a fool.I just Love your mylot name & avatar. Keep your posts coming.
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• China
6 Jan 09
Yes I believe 99% mylotters are friendly. Haha, improving English is important and earning is also important. isn't it? Thanks for responding
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@pujagupta (102)
• India
7 Jan 09
well i think i will not laugh at you. I am also like you. My English is also not too strong. But I think i should try and improve myself by taking any criticism or laughter constructively. I will improve upon my English. I will not get depressed.
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• China
7 Jan 09
let't make progresses together
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@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Don't feel bad. Some people are just idiots and lack compassion. Keep on trying and your English will get better and better. I will not laugh at you. If you write to me I will help you.
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• China
7 Jan 09
you are a nice man and I will make more efforts.haha
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@zackyo7 (301)
• United States
7 Jan 09
No absolutely not. I would love to help. I have a foreign friend and english is her second language. And sometimes she makes mistakes and some are very funny. Like she would say that she was jocking instead of joking. But I would correct her so that she would not be embarrassed. As a matter of fact I'm proud of her for speaking two languages and for speaking them so fluently. You are doing a very good job and should not be embarrassed at all. English is my first language and I spent almost my entire lifetime learning it.
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• China
7 Jan 09
thanks first. you know English is getting more and more important nowadays in the world (maybe is like a world language). I am chinese. As I know, many Chinese spend much time learning English. Beacause in the future, if we can't use English we will miss many chances.So I won't give up learning it.
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• Philippines
7 Jan 09
Hi there justmiss you. We should always keep in mind that mylot members are composed of many nationalities with different cultures and ways that may be very far different from ours.So sometimes,we really do bump into someone who will criticize us and sometimes say things that may hurt our feelings. Sometimes we cannot help,no matter how hard we try to be open-minded and try to understand our differences,we really do get affected by their negative comments. Just let them pass and forget about them.Those worth remembering are those comments which you think would help you to improve. Stay positive,not all users will say bad things to you.
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• China
7 Jan 09
You are right, maybe I take it too serious. I will get better. Maybe at that time when My English is good enough I will thanks the man who give me the negative comment.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
well of course not. Nobody should laugh at you or make un called for comments about your (typed accent)ha. and dont worry sometimes we that speak english dont even speak it well ha. you will get it so dont worry about those who dont get what you are saying. and certainly do not let anyone get you down about it.
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• China
7 Jan 09
I will doing more to get better ^^ Thanks you for responsding.
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• India
7 Jan 09
ua surely i will help you we can solve any problem because this is our connectivity ya you use to take various words and use them i writing in english be take care of grammer that you dont make any mistake in writing so do try this ok
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• China
7 Jan 09
emm..surely I need to learning more grammar...
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• United States
7 Jan 09
No, I wouldn't laugh at you, I would laugh with you. The funny thing about reading what other people write and thinking that they can't spell or construct a sentence is that sometimes they are using texting words. Like LOL for laugh out loud, POS for parent over shoulder, (I know what some of you thought I was going to say that stands for) and many other short cuts. So stick with it because I have heard that English is very hard to learn because it has so many exceptions to the rules.
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• China
7 Jan 09
yearh...really not easy to learn. even i know some written grammar. but it seems many mylotter use words more locally. And for those short cuts i know so few..
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