Love the beach

@ecaron (678)
March 19, 2012 11:27am CST
The warm weather is here and I am starting to think about the beach. I used to live in a beach town but the lake was very shallow. I had to wade out quite far to get the water up to my chest and then I could swim. I love to swim. Now, that I live in the city, I guess I'll have to swim in an indoor pool which I don't like as much as a real beach with sand and sun. When I was a kid we would go to the local swimming pool which was outside and that was fun and later my parents had a beach house and we would spend many summers there and I loved to water ski and swim in that lake until later years when it became a little polluted with algae. I miss the sun and sand and clear water of the beach. Do you like going to the beach? Do you have one nearby that you visit in the summer? Your thoughts or stories, My Lot, friends!
9 responses
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
In our country, beaches are almost everywhere. The city where I live in and grew up is basically located near the sea so there are a lot of beach resorts here. My neighbor with their entire family go to the beach every Sunday. My family and I occasionally go for a swim. My brother and I go to fish. My friends and I go to just have fun. Beach is a common site for sight here. Common but always fun.
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
19 Mar 12
Great, have fun at the beach, this summer.!!
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I always do and thanks!
7 Apr 12
I am jelous i would love to live near the beach if i came into a lot of money or won the lottery i would buy a house near the beach some where in the sun.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
30 Mar 12
Hi ecaron! I like going to the beach but I don't get to go much because we don't live near the sea. We live near a lake but the lake shore is hardly a beach. There is sand but it's not like the sand in the beach. Mixed with sand are broken sea shells and little stones. There are also lots of water lilies around. I loved swimming in the lake when I was little though. Especially when it's raining. But now, we don't swim there anymore because the water is always murky. There are lots of squatters near the lake too and they use the lake as their toilet! I love going to the beach in the seas, on the other hand. I've been to some and I love the sun in the morning. I love to swim in the sea because I'm much lighter there. This April we're going to go beach camping and swimming.
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
30 Mar 12
I'm glad you enjoy the beach and water as do I. I really miss living near the water. I guess I'm a water person at heart.
@findcutegj (1466)
• India
2 Apr 12
beach - beach photo
Ofcourse no artificial pool can match the gods creation namely beach.. Its so wonderful experience to just go near it and hear the loud waves running all over the place. Feeling the fresh air on your body and hearing it in your ears. The sound of current waves cools you down. It all calms the mind and makes it peaceful the moment you close your eyes. Its a unique experience you can't find anywhere else. Ofcourse, when you go in the water, its altogether a different experience and you tend to spend hours in it. Its so refreshing and joyful to be in sea water and just play around like a little kid with sun on your head. You are just very near to mother nature.. Feels like heaven. No other water source such as lake, pool, pond etc. can match the experience you get at the beach. Unfortunately, the place where i live does not have any. But whenever I get a chance to visit it during my outings/vacations etc.. there is no way I miss that experience and that takes me to some other world altogether.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
19 Mar 12
i am pretty fortunate becaue we live in between two great lakes. we live fairly close to the shores of lake ontario, so we can go there for a walk on a sunday afternoon or at night if it is really hot and we live about an hour away from lake erie so we go there and spend the day there at the number of different beaches there. i, like you, love the water and the beach.
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
19 Mar 12
You're lucky to have two lakes to go to and I hope you enjoy them.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
20 Mar 12
I love the beach too! I usually take the family for 2 weeks a year. Once in the summer and once around Christmas. We love it. My dream is to move to the beach!
@ecaron (678)
• Canada
20 Mar 12
That's my dream too, I used to live near a lake and I sure miss it.
@olliekobra1 (1825)
7 Apr 12
I love the beach i went with my family last year in the summer and it was brilliant we all went swimming, played soccer and cricket and then had a barbeque. When the sun was setting me and my girlfriend went walking on the each of the water and it was really romantic i really enjoy the beach.
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
19 Mar 12
We have no sea shore in my country, so I can choose between swimming pools and small dirty or dangerous mine lakes. We have one big lake too, it's very popular and usually crowded with tourists, but it's very expensive to spend even just few days there. I love swimming, but haven't been to a beach or swimming pool for years.
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Mar 12
hi, is there really nice beaches there, i like beach but i like to weather to be nice a nd cold i do not like summer much its very hot there, i like pools and no more seas its salty in here, pools are safe and not salty and so nicer for swimming and haveing good things time here
@pjha1975 (214)
• India
30 Mar 12
Aaahh.. The beach - the Sun, the sands, the beach bars & restaurants!! I just love them... This discussion has brought back beautiful memories of the island I stayed in for about 3 years - Curacao. Its been almost 6 - 7 years since I have been back to that island. I remember swimming, snorkeling even canoeing (once).. It was just lovely. Waiting to go back there again.. Plans are in progress.. :-)