Whty do you avoid someone?

April 1, 2012 3:09am CST
coz my super close friend right now is avoiding me..its like he doesn't look for me anymore and before he used to look for me always..just that, i did always turn down his invitations for going out, but then I am trying my best as well to still keep in touch with him. I'm resigning from my work (we are coworkers) and just when he knew I was resigning, at first he always wants to go out then later on, when i turned down most of his invitations, he avoids me..,when I try to talk to him, it feels so weird already, coz one moment you are like a stranger and the next, he's so close and super touchy towards you. Then, he even said to his friend, he's uncomfortable with me even if we are close! I feel bad coz i know im important to him, everytime he comes back from going somewhere, he brings something always for me but then now its like why the cold and weird treatment.
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11 responses
@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
1 Apr 12
I wonder if it's possible that he fell in love with you. If you are friends, but one or both of you are in a relationship, he might want to keep the distance. That would explain why he feels uncomfortable. Another guess is maybe he told about a secret or something that makes him feel ashamed. I can't think with anyone else's brain, but for me those could be the reasons to keep distance.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
19 May 12
I think sometimes some people feel crush or other feelings and at that time they do not want to talk to the people and sometimes they might be having some problems of their own and at that times they do not want to be alone.
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@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
1 Apr 12
I meant that maybe for some reason your friend doesn't want to talk about feelings that bother him.
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@tinjan11 (75)
• Philippines
1 Apr 12
It really feels bad when your close friend is avoiding you for a reason you don't know. i had experienced it when I was in college and I'm so thankful that we solved that problem and we bring back the friendship again. The best way that you can do is to talk to him. Make the first move, lower your pride and talk to him in private.Verbalize what you feel and ask him the real reason for it. If he turns down your invitation to talk to you, be persistent.Don't give up if you want to save your friendship.Hope this can help.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
14 May 12
I also felt very bad sometimes when friends avoid me or a particular friend avoid me. Most times I try to move on with life rather than thinking about the particular friend.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
2 Apr 12
Know ing when and where to avoid someone usually starts the dilemma. I usually only worry about avoiding someone when i know that confrontation is sure to follow.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Apr 12
Well something must have gone wrong somewhere or the person thinks that something got wrong, where they were slighted in some reason. There are times where even if you know that you didn't do anything to warrant this kind of behavior, they obviously are going to think that you did something to warrant that kind of behavior, where there are coldness. Then again some people are just a bit strange, it is almost like there are two different friendships. Of course, people are going to get into their weird moods, where there are going to be absolutely not able to do anything rather rational. And you are going to wonder why. Wonder why someone would do something like that, treat another person in a way.
@voracious (624)
• Philippines
1 Apr 12
Maybe you did something wrong so that's why he keeps avoiding you but I suggest that you should talk to him to know the real issue.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
5 May 12
I think it is common for people to avoid other people. Sometimes people who are not emotionally stable and who are not in good mood avoids other people. I think sometimes direct talk helps to understand why one person avoids another person.
@pandora22 (868)
• Romania
1 Apr 12
i never avoid people.if i have a problem i just go to that person and speak my thoughts up.if someone did something wrong i just tell him in his face.i always try to be opened to my friends because a relatioship based on suspicion is going nowhere.if i simply don't want someone in my life i just tell him and i also give him the reasons why.i used to have a girl that was trying to be friend with me but she was the kind that gossips a lot and she was always talking bad things about people that she barely knew so i told her that she is not the kind of people that i want to have arround me.
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• United States
1 Apr 12
I usually avoid certain people because I just don't want to deal with them or deal with there negative attitudes or negative energy. Why should anyone, or why should I have to deal with that? I don't want to. I also don't like dealing with people who are destructive or who do things to hurt other people. I also don't like people who love to start trouble. People who love drama.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
1 Apr 12
I think most probably there might be some reasons for it. I think only way to find out is to talk to your friends. Only when you talk to your friend you will know what is going throughout your friend's mind. I would suggest you to have a tea or coffee together and have a chat together and you will know what is going through your friend's mind.
@lowyder (282)
• Canada
1 Apr 12
hey maybe from what ive read and seen if you guys are as Super Touchy Towards Eachother then just you stopped answering maybe he thinks he has a small member lol example but (self consiciously ) maybe feels un satisfied with himself or the fact you guys were so close and then just stopped talking going out etc.. then he just prob feels as if we wil just stay freidns but i know aswell it is hard to go from touchy feely back to normallyfreinds atleast without the relationship in the middle ... maybe felt you didnt feel the same and he was just wasting effort... Best of luck ~!LOW~!
@maezee (41996)
• United States
1 Apr 12
Some people just seem to be shifty like that. I am known to avoid people that I don't feel like talking to or being around. I'm bad like that. It just depends on my mood though and usually doesn't have anything to do with the other person - I am just not feeling social or something that day. *shrugs* Happy MyLotting!
@TheIzers (680)
1 Apr 12
Maybe because you keep avoiding him in the past, and also you both no longer coworkers. Other wise he might want to see you how you reach when he ignores you.