Starting discussions when myLot is messing up

@JenInTN (27514)
United States
September 22, 2012 6:33pm CST
It has been over a week now since my notifications have worked and I am quite irritated about it. I know it has been pretty common that myLot has been wigging out, but I have kind of a routine when myLotting. I have been coming to the site and going to the friends started tab but I still like the notifications. Not only has it made it uncomfortable for me, but I can tell that it has really affected the participation of myLotters. The last time I started a discussion there were only two responses. Either the discussion was terrible or no one even saw I have a couple of discussions that I would love to start but I want them to be discussions. I like discussing back and forth but it is hard to do when you have no idea that you have been responded too. I could check every discussion that I have given input on but that would be several discussions where most of my comments may not have even been answered. Do you start discussions when myLot is messing up? Are you understanding when there is no participation
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17 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Sep 12
You haven't had notifications for over a week? Because I have, though I have not seen any postings from you. I know when it is messed up, I ONLY reply, I NEVER start a discussion because I know that those who use the notifications won't see it. I didn't know that sometimes only some are not getting notifications, I will have to make a note to check the tab with my friends more often.
• United States
23 Sep 12
Have you contact MyLot admin about this? Because one thing that messes up on me occasionally are the messages. I can receive them and reply, but once in a while when I go to PM someone, it doesn't work, so I contact them and within a day or two, they fix it only for a few weeks/months later it messes up again. So maybe this is something where you will have to contact them when you stop getting notifications.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I think your right. I guess I figured everyone was having the same issues but I can see by this post that these things seem to be rather unique per person.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Nope..actually a little longer than that. They have actually come and gone for a while. Just when I would think they were back, they would stop again. Even then only a few actually have gone through. I know there were best responses I had had for a month or more that I didn't even realize. I do go to that particular tab now. I will have to get in to a different routine just to make sure I don't miss anything from my friends. Thanks for responding
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
23 Sep 12
Oh dear! This is one of the worst things to happen here at mylot. I dont have any notifications set today except the friends started a discussion only because I didnt want to miss out any of my friends' discussions whether I respond or not... I do read. I also know the pains of keeping the hunt for a comment/response on your box as that is what I have got used to today (courtesy: mylot's failure to send notifications some initial days when I joined, but those days discussions were discussions and I didnt want to afford missing out on such occasions - today it became a habit) but I know it is not that great... Anyways, as for starting discussions during the messed up days at MyLot backends, I have become really lazy to start a discussion these days, but I would not prefer starting one when I am certain that MyLot is not functioning right and needs some tonics and capsules to get fixed
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Sep 12
oh wheee oh that should have it up and RUNNING FOR SUREthanks for making me laugh the first one of the day.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I'm glad I could make you laugh.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Hi thesids I need to get into another routine for sure. I do think there are a lot of people out there that depend on notifications though. I hope they will find another routine too. I am thinking of giving mylot a big dose of Castor oil and see what it thinks about that. Thanks for responding!
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
23 Sep 12
Hi Jen! I agree with you that irregular and erratic notifications could rob the pleasure of checking discussions, comments and responses. I also get irregular notifications and it irritates me but what to do :(. I check mylot home page for updates. And the same gets more tedious when am required to check through my mobile handset.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
24 Sep 12
Yes, I agree with you. You probably missed my recent discussion. Please check my profile page for the same.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Hi Deepak! Great to see you! I have missed you. It certainly does make it hard to have a great discussion when you have to through so much just to see if someone has commented or answered you. It would be different if there weren't so many to visit where there haven't been answers or comments. Thanks for responding!
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Sep 12
I hear u loud & clear. Get it's hard for mylot noyt to have glitches sometime but looks like to me when they have one they could notify everyone not to post, start discussions etc.U alwaYS HAVE TO FIND OUT THEY ARE HAVING TROUBLE THE HARD WAY. tICKS ME OFF TO GET A NEW DISCUSSION WRITTEN & IT WANT GO THROUGH ETC.Hope your weekend is going good. Kiss that little girl for me.hugs.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I know! I do understand that the site isn't going to be perfect all the time. I wouldn't expect that but it seems it is getting least for me. It makes me mad when I try to post a response or discussion and it kicks it out too. I haven't had that happen in a while though. Thanks for the response and I'll give her a kiss.
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• Canada
24 Sep 12
My two special friends...NOTICE TWO surrender flags....My summer has been rough workwise, and the few times I could get on here, it was IMpossible! At my age I don't NEED elastic steps on a ladder...the climb is hard enough on it's own! DANG, Jen....I miss my friends SOOOOOO much, but sometimes the challenges of getting on here make me start my day angrier than a wasp in an upside-down cocktail glass!BIG HUGZ to both!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Sep 12
It is so good to see you on Shirley! I have missed you terribly. I do know what you mean. I have been ultra busy with the new addition on top of everything else. I have to say that the extra steps can be quite trying. Love and miss you!
@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Sep 12
I feel the same way. I haven't had my notifications come to me since early SPring. I miss them but have resigned myself to navigating around Mylot and trying to decipher all the responded ones and who have actually answered their discussions. It is frustrating because I find one from yesterday and last week all mixed together. And it takes forever to go through them all. I only get an occasional Mylot notification telling me my response has been deleted and why. I don't start any discussions until I feel everything is working well.
@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
29 Sep 12
It certainly does. I finally found an email address that works so I have my notifications back. Ya! About time. Has only been about six months or more.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Oct 12
Looks like I will have to resort to changing my email too. I haven't yet but I do miss my notifications.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Wow..that is a long time. It does take a lot longer to go through responded and started than it does to see notifications. I know I have probably missed out on a ton of great discussions too. Thanks for the response
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@Orson_Kart (6181)
• United Kingdom
23 Sep 12
Hi Jen, How could anyone ignore you? Did I post on your last discussion? I think that often puts people off. Why I don't know, because I am not scary at all.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
You are a sweetie patootie Wasn't you that scared anyone off. Mylot has been acting silly for quite some time now.
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• United Kingdom
30 Sep 12
Ooooh! Double hugs :) I feel all warm and loved up now.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
23 Sep 12
That was part of the reason why I 'disappeared' for a while, I got so frustrated with Mylot, to me it was slow to load and I would constantly have to copy and paste anything I typed because it would come up with an error or I would lose the response. I started to lose interest and in the end decided to give it a break. Even now I find it slow to load. I hardly get any notifications now, on average 4 or 5 a day when before I was getting dozens, does that mean all my friends have left? I have done a few discussions but again I always copy and paste, there's nothing worse than spending time, thought and effort transcribing a discussion only for the stupid system to lose it and you have to start again. Mostly I gave up!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Oh yes...I have had some past experience with that too. It really has hurt participation here that there have been so many glitches so often. I do understand there will be those but it seems to keep getting worse instead of better. I do hope they fix it soon. I was wondering where you had been. I just figured you were extra busy. Thanks for responding!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Sep 12
I barely start discussions because I'm too self conscious.. When there's no participation, I think no-one wants to respond. Most often, when I do start a discussion, I'm lucky to get even 20 - 30 responses. Most of those will not be from my friends so I have to say I don't get it. Even most of those people I often respond to don't respond to my discussions. I surely don't understand a lot about myLot; i.e, how it works and why it stuffs up. I just wait till I can post again and off I go.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Sep 12
There's certainly no worry dear Orson. I am seriously honoured and deeply humbled when you appear in my responses.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Oct 12
That Orson does have a way of brightening things up doesn't he? I am still having issues with my notifications so I do apologize if I have missed any of your discussions. I am a bit discouraged. It is not easy to change a routine sometimes. You are an interesting person Ms.Tickle. We all miss out when we miss your discussions. Thanks for responding!
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• United Kingdom
30 Sep 12
Of course you will have the added worry of uncouth people like me posting annoying stuff in reply. Stuff? Why it's stuff and nonsense most of the time.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I don't have alot of patience so when its wigging out I give up. I find something else to do. I hope you have some luck soon with starting discussions!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
It is aggravating but I have come to realize that it wigs a little differently depending on the person. I figured everyone was having trouble when I was. Thanks for responding.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Sep 12
hi jenintn it seems to run in spots here in the US as i am getting a ton of notifications and in other places they have the same problems as you . I like to work out of my email too bu t now have some 700 notifications backed up on me yet others in other states have the same problem as you are having.I have been starting some discussions as I have no problem here.hope mylot fixes its glitches soon.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I really took for granted that everyone had the same issues at the same time. I can see by this discussion that it is unique depending on person and location. I may have to get into a new routine.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
23 Sep 12
When Mylot is messing up I usually get discouraged and just leave the site for a few days until I've heard it's been fixed again. I don't use email notifications so it doesn't bother me any. I just go through my friend's started tab and respond to discussions from there. Truth be told I have about three years of spring cleaning I need to do here on mylot though.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I need to start doing that too. I have gotten into the habit of using the notifications. Time to start a new routine I guess. Thanks for the response!
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@allknowing (130980)
• India
23 Sep 12
I do not depend on notifications although they appear in my inbox diligently. I look at my 'started' and 'responded' tabs where I get what I need to know and then ofcourse the 'recent' tab, and my favourite home page where there are so many tabs which cover most of what I require. I also look at 'interests'.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Oh least I do know it's not just me fighting with Mylot. I will definitely have to figure out a new way of keeping up with everyone now. I will be trying the other tabs too. Thanks for responding.
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@allknowing (130980)
• India
23 Sep 12
This will make you feel better - My message box is all messed up. My latest messags have all vanished!
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@ajk111 (2495)
23 Sep 12
I definately share your feelings in this regard. I have noticed maybe a week later that someone has replied to one of my responses which i got no notification for and lots of replies to my discussions have not popped up on my email. Never the less i continue regardless. I have so little time on mylot i stick to a format. After i open up mylot i.... 1...Go through the "friends started" tab. 2...i reply to my "started" discussions. 3...I check and see if i have any replies to the responses i made on no.1. 4...i respond to the other tabs. 5...i check responses i have made that day. 6...i start back at no1. I guess this makes ajk111 a very predictable boy!
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• Canada
24 Sep 12
I think that is far too funny! friend have poured the first Scotch, and onto the second before you start your list....and WE ALL love you...just for your insanity!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
That's ok...I'm a predictable girl I was going through my email notifications from oldest to newest. Now I will have to change my routine to be much like yours.
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@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
23 Sep 12
Honestly, I don't really care. I will just keep myLotting despite of whatever happens here; unless when I unable to post anything, or when myLot stops paying :P. Hopefully they will eventually send the notifications, even it's way late. Because it seems impossible for me to manually track all my activities here. If they don't send the notification, I might not be aware to reply back.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Sep 12
That's true varier. It's hard to hold a potentially great discussion when you have to track so much activity to find it. Thanks for the input!
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
3 Oct 12
Yes, there are many times we do not get notifications here so if you are only checking your email it is harder to keep up. I am so far behind and quite busy lately it is very hard to keep up. I have to all the time just check for a new discussion my friends have started other Asia and always finding ones I know I have missed.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Oct 12
I know what you mean. I keep thinking that things are slowing down for me but then bam...they speed up. Life as became very demanding for me lately too. I hate not having my notifications but I will have to change my routine if I am ever to keep up. Thanks for the response!
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
13 Oct 12
you cant say like that,it all depends ,if that mood is good you can read the notifications always
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Oct 12
That is just my problem my friend. I am not getting them at all. I have been coming and using the friends started tab and responded to try and keep up. Thanks for responding.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
14 Oct 12
I try to be understanding though I know things do not always work the way you think they should or might. I think life on mylot can be mixed up sometimes though if you ask why it is happening sometimes get the answers you need. I know I like discussions too Jen and really have enjoyed the ones I've had. It can be very discouraging if you put something into them and don't get the results you want. There must be real reasons though. I think some people get lost, or time out or maybe confused in thier pursuits. I know when I was busy here there were times I thought I can't talk about that now so didn't and wanted to wait until I felt the urge. Well, then I would get sidetracked or forgot to go back to it. Sometimes I just wanted to listen too and think about stuff (imagine that) Now, as you have maybe noticed I've been away from mylot a lot - sounded funny! But it is true we get off on different tangents I think. You know as far as the technical aspects go maybe computers are always going to be a little imperfect but as long as they give us something reasonable then we might be able to work around it. I'll try to get back to see you soon ok... take care loveyah
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Oct 12 is so good to see you! I was wondering where you were. I do know that people have their things and sometimes get caught up in life. I know I do. Not only the issues with my notifications here, but I have been doing work, school, plus caring for the new grandbaby a lot! I just can't imagine her being with someone else in the evenings while her mom works.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
18 Mar 13
I think it is great that you are looking after yourself! Sometimes in the whole mix of things we forget about that one. I have been away for quite some time but I have missed you all here terribly. Soon.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
18 Feb 13
I know how time fly's that’s for sure. It seems that if we get off our routine and make changes we form new habits and they sometimes stick. Then there are the priorities. I think you have your hat on straight Jen when you put her at the top of the page. I've had to look after myself for a change. :-)