computer games

@jeanena (2198)
Bucklin, Kansas
November 23, 2006 12:16am CST
My husband can sit for hours and hours and play RPG on the computer . I hate these games ,how about you?
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10 responses
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 07
There is a different between RPG and MMORPG. While the concept of the game almost the same, the outcome is different. I am a hardcore fan of RPG, but honestly I'm not quite fond of MMORPG. Some of the factors have been debated by many gamers since the introduction of the first MMORPG. One thing for sure, MMORPG destroys the beauty of storytelling in RPG. That is because MMORPG don't have storyline, unlike RPG. When playing RPG, we will know if the game will end, when the story reaches climax, and we finished the game, the end, satisfied. But MMORPG, we'll be playing for hours, level up our characters, keep trying to get our hand on the best equipments, keep earning and spending money, keep climbing to the top. The only things that will make an MMORPG player to stop, if the games itself stopped the services, or the player become bored, or the player already achieve anything like the best equipments and ranking, and decided to stop. And MMORPG indeed can be so time consuming. RPG will only take around several days or weeks, but playing a single MMORPG can take years.
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
14 Jan 07
Morrowind(sp?) I hate it ! First he played it on Xbox till that quit then bought the darn thing for the computer.They are very addictive games that make some of us left behind family members want to scream and throw the computer, xbox or whatever out the window with a satisfied
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
14 Jan 07
Yeah your husband definitely needs help. :D I also played Morrowind before. Being a single player game, I just played it once in a while and finished it. Knowing I have finished the game, I said "That's it, I've finished the game." No more Morrowind, I'm satisfied. It's quite surprising to know someone who got too addicted to a single player game like your husband. He definitely need to be lectured.
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
14 Jan 07
LOL, When I(Lectured) too much about Morrowind , then came Pirates , AOE, EOD , you gamers out there know what those Intitals stand for I bet i dont even have to spell the names out . So yeah I get very frusterated. He is working again now so it isnt as bad, but when he is home on break we can hardly chase him out of the bedroom which is where he sets up his computer.
@zarazul (184)
• Italy
15 Jan 07
I like all RPG favourite is should try it...
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
15 Jan 07
Oh i dont think I will, I have too much other stuff to keep me occupied. Driving the kids to and from school.Drs appointments, dentists. and the dreaded house work (never-ending).How about you come and play some pool with me in yahoo sometime tho??
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
Love RPG games. My wife also plays so there is mutual understanding among us.
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
14 Jan 07
It really wouldnt be so bad (if) he would help with the kids or the animals or do the repairs on the house that needed to be done instead of sitting there and letting the place fall down around his ears . I love my computer too, but I can get up and walk away from it when the kids need to be taken some where ,or the dogs need to be taken care of. I am not half bad at plumbing these days , cause he sure didnt do it
@ikelliza (353)
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
That's the game! when u sit and focus of what game do you like to finish its worthy and it gives confidence in life. Game is a essence of life and game is more in common of life. Strategy, concept, plans, etc. it relate to our life.
• Philippines
15 Jan 07
i love playing computer games before, but as i grow older, im starting to dislike it.
• United States
17 Jan 07
yup rbg is kool ... etc many things 2 say but yes i understand how ppl love games n take it 2 far:)
@manzician (4727)
• India
23 Nov 06
YEa.. i love playing games.
@nana1944 (1365)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I hate those games also. I know how he is. It takes a lot of time away from the family. Time he should be spending doing things with his wife and kids.
@dadynigga (744)
• Romania
12 Jan 07
i was adicted to that kind of games until i realized that i grow up my character for nothing...when u reach the maximum level u don't have what to do then
@mist3ryo (156)
• Romania
12 Jan 07
i'd also like RPG games never mind what game is it as far is it a RPG. i like RPG because u must think on it and i love thinking at games.