Trying so hard to get back into....well....everything.

Perth, Australia
December 5, 2021 9:47am CST
I have hardly been active on MyLot lately. I miss it so much. I check every day but hardly doing anything. But at the moment, I haven't been in the mood or right frame of mind to do a lot of things. There are some things going on right now. Including my Poppy (my grandfather) being back in hospital. This took place some weeks ago but I've been pretty quiet about it. It's not been going good at all with his dementia which causes a stressful domino affect with other worries. I will talk more about it later. I haven't been doing much of things I want and need to do. I haven't been eating very good. Eating little or lots of junk. Sleeping is up and down. I'm not exercising as I've lost motivation. I wanted to read more but haven't been doing that. Wanted to go out more but nope, that's not happening right now. This may also be explained in further detail later but basically I've lost interest in majority of things. Honestly, it is because of what's going on but it's also complete disappointment that some of my close friends, who I always try hard to do whatever I can for them, whenever I can yet, whilst they know what's going on with me, their lack of concern or lack of checking in with me has pushed me into a deeper and darker place. I know everyone has things going on with various things but I thought just a little effort would have been nice considering the things I have done for them. I have no clue if this is even making sense. I will explain better later. Regarding MyLot, I am here, but sadly, OCD is making me go through ALL of my Discussions again to make sure I've not missed anything. It's tiring but that's OCD. It's ok if you don't understand but it's something I can't control right now, maybe never. And I know I have some recent Discussions to answer. I hope no one has forgotten me. I am trying hard to get back into the swing of things here, there and everywhere.
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14 responses
@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Dec 21
Good to see you. Too bad about your Poppy. Hoping for the best. I hope things level off for you real soon. Take care of yourself.
3 people like this
• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@CarolDM Thank you kindly. Good to see you too. Slowly making my way back here.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
15 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 You re very welcome. Always good to see you here.
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@snowy22315 (172021)
• United States
5 Dec 21
Sorry about your Poppy and that you have been having a hard time as of late. I hope you feel better.
3 people like this
• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@snowy22315 Thank you very kindly. I really appreciate that a lot!
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@LadyDuck (461950)
• Switzerland
6 Dec 21
Dani, try to calm down, do not get so stressed, it is not a problem if you have missed something here in myLot. We all have our life and our problems, it is just normal that we cannot be here every time we would like. I am sorry for your Poppy, this must be the source of so much stress for all of you. Take care.
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@LadyDuck (461950)
• Switzerland
16 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 I am so glad things are settling there. You must be relieved knowing that your Poppy is doing quite well and also your Nanny.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 22
@LadyDuck Thank you kindly Anna. Yeah I am happy he is in great hands right now. My Nanny had to have an MRI on her sore shoulder this evening and the poor thing came out shaking, pale faced and close to crying. She is claustrophobic and didn't like being in that MRI tunnel. I grabbed her hand and held her until we all (me, dad and Nanny) walked back to her house which is literally across the street. I felt so bad for her.
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@LadyDuck Thank you for understanding and being supportive as always. I will do an update later on but my Poppy is doing quite good right now. He is eating like a horse. He is in respite care for now until my Nanny's arm surgery but he seems to be doing well where he is for now.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
23 Jan 22
Selective OCD is good. It makes you do things well. My sound hole coasters are beautiful. But overall, OCD can be a pain. I hope you get your mojo working again soon.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Jan 22
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• Perth, Australia
30 Jan 22
@TheHorse That is true. OCD can be a blessing and a curse depending or could be helpful and tiring. Your sound hole coasters? Something you made? And thank you. I hope so too.
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• Perth, Australia
30 Jan 22
@TheHorse They look fine to me! I think you did a good job!
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
5 Dec 21
So glad to see you here again. I am so sorry about your grandpa, dementia is a terrible disease It seems to me that you are a little bit depressed, if you need to talk feel free to message me, I will be glad to lend you my ears
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@nela13 aww thank you so much, I really appreciate that a lot. I am trying to come back on here more. I am happy to at least be answering some of my posts tonight. I miss MyLot and MyLotters very much. Thank you for your lovely comment and being so kind. I am so sorry for my late reply and I hope you're doing well!
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 22
@nela13 Thank you for understanding and for asking about my Poppy. He is doing well thank you so much. Sadly the dementia won't improve but I am happy to say that right now his appetite is amazing. He is eating so much and enjoying all food he is given. That makes me happy.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
15 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 You are so very welcome. Don't worry about the late reply and I really hope everything has improved for you. how is your grandpa now?
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@GooglePlus (3837)
5 Dec 21
Hey! Sending some prayers at your end. looks like so many things going through your mind. I am hoping you are having proper healthy food, having proper Sleep... ( I know you talked about it as well. But still I would suggest at least have these points in place ) After reading your post I feel you just need change of air. I am not a good with making someone smile ( One of friend told me... She said I am not goo with talking as well And I don't understand what to say at what time. ) But if you need anyone to speak you can always PM me if sharing will help you come out of this phase of your life Take care. And Take care of your Grandpa
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16 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 She knows me well, I sometimes talk non sense, unknowingly and unintentionally that hurt people. So usually I avoid talking with people who are trying to co-op with difficult times. I don't want my non sense add more difficulty in their mind I am glad that my comment was comforting to you
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16 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 That topic is 8 years old when I was in College I don't recall, she doesn't reply to me as well now as she is in process of getting married.
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17 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 I don't really have a social life. I never had in school nor in my junior college. When I join this college, she was the one who actually started talking with me in college. And since we chose the same subjects we stayed in contact till end of college. Sometimes I feel, she had more expectations from me that caused her not to reply me. Or I let her down with her expectations. But she was the one who taught me how to utilize my travelling time in something useful. I used to sleep while travelling. You know she cooked good sweet dish too. Madame used to say - If I visit her she will cook noddle's for me. Oh okay, so both female friends cut you out. I completely understand when a male breaks the friendship with female or female breaks the friendship with a male after marriage as circumstances might be right with her/him after marriage as it was before marriage. I will give you some examples - If her husband doesn't like her friends and don't want your friend to talk with other female friends. ( I have seen such husbands too ) or Change of house/ place/ life usually makes you busy adjusting and handling things you never did before that you can't give that much time to your friends. Whenever I think about her it brings a smile on my face. So I am okay she doesn't wish to talk with me. I just wish, whatever my friend is doing at the moment, she should be happy and get whatever she dreamt of . I would suggest you - Consider your roads were same till that moment when she left you, now you will get new friend, who will share the same roads with you. Don't worry!
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
5 Dec 21
I haven't forgot about you and so glad that you are here today. Sorry about your Poppy.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
15 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 , Hello Danielle, Glad to hear from you and hope you show up more often ! Enjoy the weekend!
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 22
@marlina I hope to be here more too. Thank you so much and wishing you a great weekend!
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@marlina Thank you for your sweet comment. I'm glad I'm not forgotten as MyLot and many people here (you included) are very important to me and miss you all when I'm not around. I hope you're doing well! Sorry for my late reply!
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Jan 22
I'm sorry life is so difficult right now. No, I haven't forgotten you and think about you often. I hope things improve with your grandfather. I also hope you can come out of the dark place. I know it will take time. It always does. Hang in there. You will get through this.
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Jan 22
@VivaLaDani13 You're welcome. I'm glad he's doing better and eating. That's a good sign.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Jan 22
@just4him Thank you, yes it's a really good sign indeed. Especially compared to when he was not eating anything before. I'd rather he eat like a pig than eat very little to nothing. So happy about it.
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• Perth, Australia
16 Jan 22
@just4him Thank you kindly for your lovely comment and for not forgetting about me. Thank you so very much, I really appreciate your supportive comment. My Poppy is doing quite well at the moment. He is eating a lot lately which is fantastic. Dementia won't improve but thankful he is eating right now.
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@JudyEv (328120)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Dec 21
I have missed you, Danielle, and have been wondering if life is a little hard at the moment. Sounds like it's very tough. I'm also sorry your friends haven't been there for you, just when you need them most. Sending hugs and good wishes.
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@JudyEv aww hey Judy! Thank you for your sweet comment and nice to know I was missed. I missed you too as I've missed everyone on here. I am slowly getting my way back onto being here. Thank you again for always being so sweet and supportive. I hope you're doing well and I'm sorry for my late reply!
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@Courtlynn (66918)
• United States
5 Dec 21
Sorry about your sleep, appetite and grandfather. Hope everything gets better for you, soon.
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@Courtlynn Thank you so very much.
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@Starkinds (32703)
• India
6 Dec 21
I'm sorry to know that you are missing your friends support. I'm not active here since many months. But I never forget you. . You always help me and understand my problems. Sometimes we can't control our emotions. I wish I could do something for you
1 person likes this
• Perth, Australia
15 Jan 22
@Starkinds Thank you kindly Jaya. I know that you aren't always on here. I really hope you're doing well! I would never forget you either. Just thank you for commenting and being sweet, that means a lot to me!
@Treborika (17423)
• Mombasa, Kenya
30 Jan 23
Sometimes it can be very hard getting back into something that you have missed for quite sometime and most especially when you lag behind as others are far much ahead. Just like when you miss classes in school for like a period of one week.
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• Perth, Australia
30 Jan 23
@Treborika I agree!
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@Treborika (17423)
• Mombasa, Kenya
30 Jan 23
@VivaLaDani13 I can understand that
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@Treborika (17423)
• Mombasa, Kenya
24 Jan 23
Welcome back again. I hope all will be well to your poppy
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 23
@Treborika I wish it would. Thank you.
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 23
@Treborika Thank you very much. He is alright. It's just dementia that is getting much worse.
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@Treborika (17423)
• Mombasa, Kenya
24 Jan 23
@VivaLaDani13 I hope that dementia will go too and poppy be free from any diseases.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 May
I haven't forgot you & I was too busy to stay in touch & I know that's not right either, but when I was took off mylot I got into what I was doing & I'm SO SORRY for not keeping in touch. I appreciate EVERYTHING you have done for me & being a awesome friend & person you are, I wish you all the best in your life & pray that you can see the light of day in everything you want in life to be for you.
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• Perth, Australia
13 May
@2ndchances24 Thank you kindly.
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• Perth, Australia
17 May
@2ndchances24 That's right.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 May
@VivaLaDani13 Now that I have your email & we are on here maybe we can stay MORE in touch if 1 of us decide to chill for a few mons from mylot & we can keep up with each other.
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