Today's trip to the big Tesco.

@sharonelton (25740)
Lichfield, England
January 31, 2024 6:42pm CST
We went to the big Tesco again this afternoon. I got rid of the soft plastic recycle in the recycle receptacle when I got there and then grabbed one of the small trolleys that had been left in the entrance hall. Then me and my Mum went up on the lift. As soon as I got up to the main shop, I discovered that the trolley had a wonky wheel, and it always wanted to go left! We got some flowers first, then I went and got some magazines. After that I went and got 3 lots of seaweed thins, one prawn layered salad because it was the last one, and one bottle of water. I got a different kind of salad bowl, with mushroom, instead of the prawn layered salad that I couldn't get. I went to see if I could get some pads for my Mum but they were still out of stock. I went back to my Mum to tell her. She was looking at the clothes, and decided to get a blue blouse which she was going to get with the Christmas money that my step-dad had given her. She folded it up and put it in the trolley. Then we went to the fruit and veg section. I asked my Mum if we were just going to put stuff on top of the blouse. My Mum said we can keep picking it up! But I didn't think that was going to work. Then Mum said put it in one of the bags, so I did. So then I got some blueberries, spring onions and a red pepper. I looked for a stir fry over that side but couldn't see any. I got some soy milk with no sugars from the area at the side, then I got 1 lemon. My Mum got some apples and bananas. Then I went over the other side and managed to find some stir fries. There were a few different kinds but I got a mushroom and vegetable stir fry. Next I went to get my yoghurts and this time I managed to get some peach flavoured ones. I got 2 bottles of milk for my Mum. My Mum was looking at some of the ready meals at the side so I went over. After my Mum had got what she wanted from there, we went to get Mums puddings for Sunday. Then I went to get some grated cheese and some Danish blue cheese for my step-dad, and Mum got some mini sausage rolls. After that we went to the vegan and ready meals isle. I got some Fridge Raiders plant based bites, some chicken and bacon style vegan tortellini pasta, and some falafel. Then I went to see what ready meals my Mum was getting over the other side. When she'd got her ready meals, she went and got some garlic bread. Then we went to the ingredients and sauces isle and I got some cumin, and some malt vinegar for my Mum. My step-dad wanted some white wine vinegar and some baking soda to put on the drive for some reason! How does that work? ! So I got some white wine vinegar. Mum wanted some mini pickled onions. Next I went to get some udon noodles but the ones I usually get were out of stock. I thought I wasn't going to be able to get any, but then I saw some from another brand, thank goodness! After that we went to the canned isle and I got 2 pot noodles for my step-dad, chow mein and beef and tomato flavours, and Mum got him some cockles. (Yuk! !) Then I went and got 6 sliced buns and then we went to the cake isle. Mum got some cakes but I didn't need any today. And then it was off to the crisp isle where I got some pringles and Mum got some ready salted flavour hooler hoops. Next we went to the teas and coffees isle where I got both Matcha and camomile T-bags, and Mum got herself some rich tea biscuits. I got some sea salt flavoured Love, Corn for me and some honey roasted peanuts for my Mum. Then we went to the cereal and baking isle and got some little treacle puddings and some ambrosia custards for my step-dad. Then we went to get his baking soda. They had baking powder and bicarbonate of soda, but not baking soda, so we just got some baking powder! (When we got home my Mum said she thought we should have got the bicarbonate of soda!) After that we went to the frozen section. My Mum got some choc ices for her and my step-dad, so I decided to get some vegan magnum ice lollies, because I think I deserved it after pushing this trolley all around the store! It was not going to go in a straight line no matter how hard I tried, and the effort of pushing it was giving me back ache! My Mum offered to push it for a while, and I thought, OK! You see what it's like! She soon found out! She pushed it down the next freezer isle. I got a box of chips for my step-dad. We couldn't get any battered fish because most of the fish freezers were completely empty, but I did manage to get me some king prawns. The salmon things were temporarily out of stock AGAIN! And the Chinese style vegetable thing also wasn't there. Then I went and got some latex free gloves and some washing up liquid. My Mum said why don't you go and start to put the things out while I go and get the rubbish bags? and I said, it's because you don't want to push the trolley, isn't it? So I went and put the things on the conveyor while my Mum went to get the bin bags. When she came back she helped me pack. I got a new bag (30p) because one of the bags had the blouse in it and I didn't want it to get dirty by putting it in with frozen stuff or anything. It all came to just over £170! By now it was already 4:25pm, so I quickly swapped my book at the Tesco book swap. I said to my Mum we should blame the trolley for making us late! We went down on the lift and my step-dad was there waiting in the pick up point. My Mum told my step-dad that I was an angel for pushing the trolley round the store with that wonky wheel! I said, did you just call me an angel? When we got home we unpacked the groceries and put them away. Then I got my dinner and watched some telly. I was so tired I left the washing up till 9:00pm, and I'll put the new flowers out tomorrow when I'm waiting for my paintings to.dry! What have you lot been getting up to today? I hope you are all well. Have a great night.
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10 responses
@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
I hate it when I get a wonky trolley in the supermarket. I do not like being in lifts either, they scare me for some reason. Not doing much today.
3 people like this
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
@sharonelton I am not keen on moving stairs either , I always get a bit panicky when getting on or off them. I am scared I will get my foot stuck or something. I remember once we were in a busy building that had a moving staircase and people were blocking the way when I was trying to get off.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
No, I don't like the wonky trolleys either. When I got the trolley I saw my Mum talking to a guy outside and he was offering her his trolley that he had just finished with, but she saw me coming with the trolley and she told daughter's got one. Later we wished we'd taken his trolley, it might have worked better! I'm OK in lifts, except for when they make horrible clanking noises and start jerking! That can be a bit disconcerting! But it's the moving paths and stairs I don't like because I've got no sense of balance! The only other way we could go up to the shop with the trolley if not in the lift is on a moving path, so I'll take the lift over that any day! I'm going to be doing some more painting today. I hope you enjoy your day, despite not doing much.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
@lazydaizee I went on one once when I went to a concert in London. It was in the underground station and I nearly fell off backwards because I have no sense of balance! If someone hadn't been behind me to catch me I don't know what would have happened!
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@LindaOHio (160319)
• United States
1 Feb
Thanks for taking us on your shopping trip. That was a lot of stuff! Have a good day.
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@LindaOHio (160319)
• United States
2 Feb
@sharonelton Thanks. Yes I always enjoy going with you!!!
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
3 Feb
@LindaOHio That's very nice of you. I'm glad you like coming with me!
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
It's my pleasure. I hope you enjoyed coming with me. Yes, it was a lot of stuff! You have a good day too.
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Feb
Why didn't you exchange the trolley? I've had those and quickly grabbed another. Trying to steer those is horrible. I'm glad you found most of what you wanted. I'm sorry some things were still out of stock.
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Feb
@sharonelton I'm sorry it was too late when you went up the lift.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
Well, when we'd gone up on the lift it was a bit too late, and we didn't want to go back down on the lift again. Yes, I know what you mean. Thank you very much. Yes, it's a bit frustrating when things are out of stock.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
@just4him Thank you very much. Next time we'll test the trolley first!
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@JudyEv (328122)
• Rockingham, Australia
1 Feb
Some of those food items sound really delicious. Some of those wonky trollleys really are the pits. We try to give them a bit of a test push before we head away from that area but sometimes we still get a bad one.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
Thank you very much. I hope they taste delicious too! Yes, the wonky trolley was the pits! It really was a struggle just to push the thing! I guess I should have done a test push really, but it didn't feel so bad before we got in the lift! It is hard to tell sometimes how they are going to perform!
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@Dena91 (16009)
• United States
1 Feb
I went to the store early this morning. I like going early as to avoid the crowds. I couldn't get everything that was on our list because they didn't have certain things. I will stop by Friday after I am done cleaning the church to see if they got the product in.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
I hope you enjoyed going to the store early this morning. Yes, it is good to go.early if you want to avoid the crowds. I know that feeling. It's very frustrating when they don't have what you want. I should be going down town shopping again tomorrow. I'll check what the weather is going to be like on my weather app first!
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
1 Feb
I have the same with you while using a trolley when my wife and I are shopping. I take a problematic trolley. It turns right when I push it forward.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
Yes, it's very frustrating when they do that, isn't it? Yours went right, mine went left!
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@GardenGerty (158154)
• United States
1 Feb
Your shopping trip narrative makes me almost as tired as if I had done it all myself. It also gives me insight to how the stores are where you live.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
2 Feb
Oh, if you'd have been there you would have been tired trying to push that stupid trolley! I'm glad I've enlightened you!
@Orson_Kart (6165)
• United Kingdom
1 Feb
I think I’m going to buy some Tesco shares, if you continue to spend this much. Have you won the lottery? I think your stepdad probably wanted distilled white vinegar (it’s cheaper) to mix with the baking soda. It can be used for cleaning drains but also killing weeds. That’s my guess.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
2 Feb
No, I haven't won the lottery, and it's my Mum's money not mine! My step-dad does give her some housekeeping money too. I see. So we got all the wrong stuff. But I don't think I saw any white distilled vinegar.
@jstory07 (134806)
• Roseburg, Oregon
1 Feb
I just love reading about your trip to Tesco you go in such good details. All we do is write a list and buy what is on the list.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
1 Feb
Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoy reading about my trips to Tesco. We also write a list and buy what's on the list! But I enjoy talking about what happens too, not just about what's on the list! That would be a bit boring!
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@porwest (78786)
• United States
1 Feb
Wonky wheel carts never make it too far with me. I just won't deal with wonky wheel carts. It's a rule. No wonky wheel carts.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
2 Feb
I don't like them very much either! Next time I'll check first to make sure we don't get a trolley with a wonky wheel!
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@porwest (78786)
• United States
3 Feb
@sharonelton I always put wonky wheel carts right back before I even try to use them. They drive me nuts. lol
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
4 Feb
@porwest Yes, they drive me nuts too! I will do my utmost in future to put a trolley with a wonky wheel right back!
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