How often do you clean the fridge?

@nela13 (55830)
February 27, 2024 8:05am CST
If there's a job I don't like, it's to clean the fridge, on average I clean it 3 to 4 times a year. Yesterday I realized that someone spilled milk in the fridge, of course there's no point in asking who did it, because it was never anyone I have to take some time this afternoon to clean it up, I had other things planned but they will have to wait. To clean it, I only use water and baking soda, I avoid using chemical products. What do you use to clean your fridge and how often do you do it? Picture from web
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10 responses
@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
27 Feb
Same as you, I hate to clean the fridge and I clean 2 to 4 times a year. I use water and a drop of dish washing liquid, then I rinse and dry.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
28 Feb
When I don't have baking soda I also use dish washing liquid.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
29 Feb
@nela13 The same as I do. I do not want to use chemicals.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
29 Feb
@LadyDuck We are already so surrounded by chemicals, sometimes in places and things we couldn't even imagine, that it's best to avoid them as much as we can.
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• United States
27 Feb
A thorough cleaning a few times a year but mostly I try to keep it clean so it's not a huge mess.
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• United States
27 Feb
@nela13 it's definitely harder to keep it clean when you have a family. When my children were growing up I had to constantly be wiping up spills, etc
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
28 Feb
@Marilynda1225 Yes, it is difficult to maintain things as we wish.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
27 Feb
I also try to keep it clean but with two kids at home that isn't and easy job.
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@JudyEv (328093)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Feb
With two of us, mine never really needs a deep clean. I throw out things as they age and it's never really full so it's easy to keep clean.
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@JudyEv (328093)
• Rockingham, Australia
29 Feb
@nela13 I am much better now at checking if something needs to be thrown out too. That helps.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
2 Mar
@JudyEv It helps a lot.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
29 Feb
It is surely easy to keep it clean when there is only two persons using it, in my case with two kids it gets messy easily.
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@thelme55 (76635)
• Germany
29 Feb
I clean it quarterly. I use only water with dishwashing detergent.
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@thelme55 (76635)
• Germany
5 Mar
@nela13 Dishwashing detergent is also good in cleaning the fridge.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
6 Mar
@thelme55 Yes, it is.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
2 Mar
Sometimes I also use dishwashing detergent.
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@dgobucks226 (34606)
9 Mar
Not often enough. Actually, I'm embarrassed to say rarely. Guess I will put that on my to do list for this weekend, lol.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
9 Mar
If it is generally clean you don't need to worry too much.
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@dgobucks226 (34606)
9 Mar
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@pitsipeahie (4503)
28 Feb
Our fridge doesn't really get that messy as I try to keep everything neat, organized and clean. Its easier for me to maintain that way. When something spills I clean immediately. When I see a part gets dirty, I clean right away. Everything that I put inside has been washed or wiped and are usually placed inside storage bins or containers. I deep clean twice a year and simple dish soap and water does the job for me.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
29 Feb
Your strategy is the best, if we clean as soon as something gets dirty, it's always clean.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
2 Mar
@pitsipeahie I try to do this but with the rush of every day it is sometimes difficult.
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29 Feb
@nela13 And for me its a lot easier work and effort than having to clean a stain in the fridge that's been there for so long its all dried up and hard to scrub away.
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@marguicha (216950)
• Chile
27 Feb
I just use water. But, I like you, it is one of the jobs I hate to do. I do it maybe 3 or 4 times a year too, but I take out jars and put some order into shelves oftener.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
29 Feb
I also do that but every now and then a deep clean is needed, especially with two kids at home that messy it easily.
@RebeccasFarm (87035)
• United States
27 Feb
Eh, not too fussy about once a doesn't get so dirty Manuela.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
28 Feb
Once a month is the ideal as it won't give a lot of work and keeps it clean.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• Pikeville, North Carolina
27 Feb
I tend to clean the fridge sporadically when I notice it needs it. I usually clean a couple of shelves this time and a couple more the next time. My wife will also do this. In a year, the whole fridge probably gets cleaned 2 or 3 times. Now that our kids are grown and gone, we've noticed it doesn't get as messy.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
29 Feb
with kids it is difficult to keep everything clean, including the fridge. Sometimes I also clean in parts in 2 or 3 days.
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
27 Feb
Clean the fridge......hmm......let me think. Nope. Can't remember cleaning the fridge! My Mum puts kitchen roll under things in the fridges, then they get wet and freeze, and stick to the shelves! It's terrible! There's a great clump of frozen kitchen roll at the back of one of the fridges and when I tried to get it out it would NOT move! It is stuck fast! I don't know how to shift it or what to use to shift it.
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@nela13 (55830)
• Portugal
29 Feb
It seems yours also need a deep clean. good luck!
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@sharonelton (25740)
• Lichfield, England
29 Feb
@nela13 Thank you very much. I think were going to need it!
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