Have you ever walked out of a movie?

@snowy22315 (172197)
United States
March 6, 2024 8:29am CST
Pigging back on the discussion by @JudyEv (Thanks Judy) I was wondering if you ever walked out on a movie. I have seen some movies I really didn't care for like Cocktail with Tom Cruise..boring, and Armageddon..same thing..just didn't grab me, but the only two I ever walked out on because they were both horribly depressing wwere Elephant Man and Leaving Las Vegas. I go to the movies to be entertained and not depressed. I don't like movies that are going to upset me or make me cry either. I will only watch a movie starring a pet if I can insure the dog isn't going to die at the end. Even King Kong I had a bit of a problem with. Marley and ME I watched because it was only sad for about 5 minutes..Other than that no movies that bring me to tears, because I just can't handle it.
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14 responses
@AmbiePam (86320)
• United States
6 Mar
I won’t watch a movie either if I know the dog or beloved pet is going to die. I have never walked out of a movie willingly, but my dad herded his wife and children out of “The Beverly Hillbillies” on vacation. It was PG, but after the third curse worse, and the middle finger, he was done with his young kids seeing and hearing the crass behavior.
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@AmbiePam (86320)
• United States
6 Mar
@snowy22315 Oh man. That was a tearjerker.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
@AmbiePam Sis and I have both been a bit overly sensitive about animals too
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
Ohh .My dad took sis and I to see Old Yeller when we were young..what a disaster that was!!. I don't know what he was thinking.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
6 Mar
Yes I have ever walked out a movie. I don't know the name of the movie because I walked into the cinema when it had started and left after a short time. The movie was so loud and I don't like loud noise.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
Some movies are a bit loud with that surround sound on. I also don't like it when the theater is too cool. They don't do that that much these days with the high cost of heating and cooling, but when it is too cool in there it bothers me.
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• United States
6 Mar
I agree that some movies are just too loud. I doubt I could deal with that noise these days.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
6 Mar
@snowy22315 I prefer warm. I also wouldn't like it if it were too cool. @Marilynda1225 Loud noises give me headaches and so I avoid whenever I can.
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@LadyDuck (462282)
• Switzerland
6 Mar
I walked out from a theater years ago in Milan. I went to watch Caligula (by Tinto Brass). I was so disgusted and horrified by some scenes that I had to get out.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
I couldn't stand the depressing nature of Elephant Man and Leaving Las Vegas.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
@LadyDuck ugh..I only went because the reviews at the time were so glowing.
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@LadyDuck (462282)
• Switzerland
6 Mar
@snowy22315 I decided not to go watching Elephant Man, I was sure I would have not liked.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49424)
• United States
6 Mar
I’ve never walked out of a theater, but I’ve definitely stopped watching some.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
If you are trapped in a theater...how do you do that? YOu can't exactly stick your fingers in your ears...
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
@Tampa_girl7 Ha...yes, you can do as you please there
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@Tampa_girl7 (49424)
• United States
6 Mar
@snowy22315 I should have said they were the ones I was watching in a home.
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@JudyEv (328340)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Mar
Thanks for the mention. I pick and choose my movies more carefully now I'm older. Maybe I've become a bit more sensitive or something.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
7 Mar
The last couple of movies were ones friend wanted to see. They were OK, but I wouldn't*t have picked them. We did agree on Oppenheimer though.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
7 Mar
@JudyEv Maybe you are....
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@JudyEv (328340)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Mar
@snowy22315 I wrote 'now I'm louder'. Where did that come from?? I'll correct it.
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@apsmine9 (314)
14 Mar
Never walked out of a movie. I generally read reviews before I decide to go to the movie theatres.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
14 Mar
Yes, and the reviews were glowing for the ones I walked out of...nothing indicating how depressing and heavy the films were
@apsmine9 (314)
14 Mar
@snowy22315 Oh!! that's a downer. I usually give it time.
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@GardenGerty (158219)
• United States
7 Mar
My son-in-law walked out of a movie, taking my only grandchild out at that time. It was Polar Express but it was in a planetarium or 3-D setting. Grandbaby was not enjoying it and son in law got nauseous from the effect.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
7 Mar
Hmm, maybe it should have been shown with warnings.
@capirani (2791)
• United States
7 Mar
Once my then husband and I pulled my daughter out of the theater that her class had gone to for a field trip. It was not the movie itself that I objected to. It was that the movie was rated R and I had not given permission for her to be allowed to go. In school, they are supposed to have the parents sign permission slips for their children to be taken on any kind of field trip. I do not remember now as it was close to 30 years ago if there ever was a permission slip to be signed. But I do know I would not have signed for an R rated movie unless I had seen the full movie myself first. All I know is that when I found out she was in the theater watching a movie that was rated R, I was very upset. I am sure I embarrassed her greatly at the time. Later on, we rented the movie and watched it as a family. I felt that the content of the movie was better dealt with by family and talking it over together, not by teachers in school where you do not know what the opinions of the teacher and classmates would be. But, regardless of what the movie was about, I would still object to any R rated movie being the field trip my child would be going on.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
7 Mar
quite agree
@capirani (2791)
• United States
7 Mar
I am the type you could say sometimes that commercials can make me cry. I never know ahead of time what will or won't make me cry or be a tearjerker so to speak. I like all kinds of movies except horror and anything having to do with the occult. As for walking out on a movie, I have not done that. In general, going to the movies is too expensive and for most of my life since childhood, I learned that movies will eventually either be on tv or video to be rented. If I go to movies it is with others to drive-in movies and since I am with others, the option of leaving does not exist. But that does not mean I have not been stuck watching some pretty horrible movies in my time. Only one has stuck in my mind over many years as being the absolute worst movie ever. It was called Zardoz and "starred" Sean Connery before the 007 era. Seen at the drive in, it was about two clashing civilizations that once were one. The hero of the story was the character played by Sean Connery. He somehow restored peace by discovering a certain book in the library. If I remember correctly, one of the civilizations was called Zardoz...or that was the name of the one when they were combined and in peace. I looked it up once and you can still find it but it is rare. Can anyone guess what the full name of the book was that Sean Connery found?
@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
7 Mar
Not me
@maclanis (2371)
• Belgium
6 Mar
I have never walked out and I've probably finished most movies I've started. I don't know why, but I like to finish things once I start them. I totally understand leaving if you're not having fun, though!
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
I think most of us are like this honestly.
@FourWalls (63146)
• United States
6 Mar
Not walked out, since I haven’t been to a movie house in 37 years, but I’ve sure as heck turned some off! I was watching Kitten With a Whip on MST3K, and even with their riffing it I couldn’t survive the movie past about 30 minutes.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
It wasn't a movie..but Them on Amazon Prime was horrifying. I never will watch that again.
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@Juliaacv (49209)
• Canada
6 Mar
I remember we left a show back when we were dating. I think it was called Hamburg Hill, it was a war story, but not very tastefully done.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
I usually like war movies, but not if they are overly graphic.
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• United States
6 Mar
I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie but I've seen plenty that left me feeling like it wasn't worth my time. Now I prefer to watch movies at home where I have the option to turn it off if I'm not enjoying it.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
Good idea!
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@Dena91 (16027)
• United States
6 Mar
American Werewolf in London. My mother and one her boyfriends wanted to see it and decided I needed to as well. It wasn't something I would have ever spent money on. The first scene when the man's throat was ripped out by the werewolf I got up and left. I think I walked home. It's been ages ago. I was 12 or 13.
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@snowy22315 (172197)
• United States
6 Mar
Oh boy..glad I missed that one.
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