I hate winter

@Hannihar (130058)
March 7, 2024 10:54am CST
I know some here really like it and one in particular lives in Wisconsin and writes books. I do not like it I guess it started where I grew up in the States in the Midwest and thought winter would never end. Here even though winter ends and is mild but since my scooter has to be outside I do not know how the weather is going to be each day so do not like to go out in the bad weather and would rather watch it from inside. I have found I have been caught out in the bad weather and do not like it but there are times I have to go out whether it is nice or not.
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11 responses
@MarieCoyle (30397)
8 Mar
I enjoy living where the seasons are all sorted out. Here in the Midwest we have 4 seasons. I do have to say, Fall is my very favorite. I love the leaves showing off their colors and it's not hot, and not cold. Just so nice.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
10 Mar
@MarieCoyle Here in Jerusalem my favorite months are spring if we have one and summer. I know lots do not like the weather in summer but I am not usually out when it gets too hot. I grew up in the Midwest too and where I grew up I felt that winter would not go away and it was very harsh and thought the nice weather would not come. Here in Jerusalem I know winter will end and the nice weather will come. We have nice weather till November or December and we may get rain but not a lot till we are supposed to get it.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
11 Mar
@MarieCoyle August here can always get very warm but I love that month. I was born in that month and so was my cat.
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@MarieCoyle (30397)
10 Mar
@Hannihar I've always enjoyed all the seasons. My least favorite month here is August. It's always very hot, dry, and every bug in the free world is out and about, biting me and looking for it's last meal. Ugh.
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8 Mar
I don't like winter either. I don't like it because I am always cold. I also have a new medicine that says don't go outside in very cold weather because my body can no longer regulate cold temperatures. (have to ask my doctor what that means next week) I will admit the last several winters we have had have had above-average temperatures. but I dislike those days when we do have to freeze.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
10 Mar
@LovesEverybody What I hate about winter is not only the cold but the days it is nice and then goes back to let us know it is winter.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
10 Mar
@LovesEverybody Happy Daylight Savings time. It is hard to go from warm weather to cold weather.
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10 Mar
@Hannihar I agree! Last week we had degrees in the mid-70s Fahrenheit and today, a week later we are to have in the mid-30s Fahrenheit. Those days were so nice last week! But it is the first day of Daylight Saving Time today! I did research online and today with the sun setting later, the sun sets in my area at 7:24 p.m. this evening and it rose at 7:38 A.M Have a great day!
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@AmbiePam (86328)
• United States
7 Mar
I like winter, but in Oklahoma, winters are usually mild. And tornadoes rarely happen in winter, although we did have one in December back in 2022.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
8 Mar
@AmbiePam I am sorry about the tornado that you had in 2022. I hope they stay away from where you live. We have mild winters too here in Jerusalem but each because the weather people are not very good at their jobs I have to pray that I am not out stuck in the rain.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49427)
• United States
7 Mar
I enjoy all of the seasons.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
8 Mar
@Tampa_girl7 I am glad for you that you enjoy all of the seasons.
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• United States
7 Mar
I'm not a big fan of winter, although I moved to a part of the United States where winter isn't quite so bad. I had lived in Montana for awhile and I REALLY hated winters with the snow, the tons and tons of that white sh*t!!! I was the lucky one who got to shovel our walks, my husband couldn't be bothered. I ended up getting rid of him, and moved back to California in 1981. I still don't like winter quite as much, I don't relish being cold, but I know it's going to warm up soon which makes it a bit tolerable. We're expecting rain again today...and possibly through the weekend. The weather people have finally updated their forecast and stated that it's "Mostly cloudy", yesterday they were optimistic with their forecast of it's being "mostly sunny". Come to think of it, they are way behind, it's raining again. No wonder I'm cold!!!!
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
7 Mar
@BearArtistLady Thank you for sharing that. We are supposed to get rain in the winter and the weather people predicted clouds today and it rained but we have mild winters here in Jerusalem and we have gotten a lot of rain. I hope it is enough. It only rains in winter here in Jerusalem. I grew up in Minnesota and winters were very harsh there and I thought they would never end. Here in Jerusalem we get snow at times but not all the time. We get rain more and that is what we need because after winter is over we should not get rain and it should be sunny all the time. Rain does make one feel cold. I am glad you got rid of your useless husband. I am glad I am not alone in my hatred for winter.
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@dya80dya (34728)
7 Mar
You are not alone, I hate it too. It's very cold and cloudy.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
8 Mar
@dya80dya Thank you and it is nice that there are others that do not like winter too.
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@kaylachan (59973)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Mar
Most people don't like bad weather. And, those who enjoy things like snow or rain tend to enjoy it more when they aren't out in it. I hate winter, too. But I also avoid bad weather.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
8 Mar
@kaylachan There are those that are very hot in winter too and dress like summer with shorts and sandals like this man I used to see. I would dress like winter but he looked like he felt comfortable the way he was dressed.
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@RebeccasFarm (87091)
• United States
8 Mar
I am certainly getting sick of this cold here..usually I am all for it Hanni.
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• United States
10 Mar
@Hannihar Oh really? It was gone? That sucks.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
10 Mar
@RebeccasFarm I am glad that soon we will be done with winter and l will look forward to the sunny days.
@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
10 Mar
@RebeccasFarm I know I answered you and came back and my answer was gone. I do not like the cold also but what I hate most is when we have nice days in winter and then goes back to let us know that it is winter.
@TheHorse (208615)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 Mar
I miss more pronounced seasons. I live in (almost) Coastal California. My hunch is that the weather here is not THAT different from the weather in Israel.
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@TheHorse (208615)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 Mar
@Hannihar More "temperate" than in the Midwest (where I grew up).
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
12 Mar
@TheHorse That is good then. I think you mentioned you grew up in Chicago. If that is right then you grew up by me. I grew up in Minneapolis and I liked Chicago.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
12 Mar
@TheHorse I have no idea how your weather is. I just talk about Jerusalem, where I live, when talk about the weather here.
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@Dena91 (16027)
• United States
7 Mar
I love winter. I don't go out unless I have to in any weather. I don't like being out when it is raining but sometimes that is unavoidable. Like yesterday I needed to go to the grocery store, and it was raining. Not fun but had to be done.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
8 Mar
@Dena91 I had to go out yesterday and there were times it would rain a lot or sprinkle but later the sun came out and it was ok. I never liked winter because of my feeling when I was young about it.
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@LindaOHio (160755)
• United States
8 Mar
I hate winter and s**w with a passion. Have a good weekend.
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
10 Mar
@LindaOHio I see that others do not like winter too but there are those that do not mind it too.
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@LindaOHio (160755)
• United States
11 Mar
@Hannihar Yes, there are several that love s**w! I am not one of them! lololol
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@Hannihar (130058)
• Israel
11 Mar
@LindaOHio That is ok because not everyone is alike.
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