I'm done asking, I'm done waiting, I'm done period.

Cloverdale, Indiana
April 14, 2024 2:10am CST
I've had my patients tested for the longest with people that say 1 thing & never follow through with it, I've tried to be patient & not push, I've tried being nice & wait but when it comes time for them to do what they say they never come through, so I'm done with people period. So I'm not asking any 1 for anything ever NEVER again I'm not helping or doing anything for any 1 that ask for my help, I'm not even going to call them out of kindness. They don't have any respect for me or us to do what they said they would, they have no decency to do what they said they don't follow through what they say, that's it, I'm DONE. We're going to do what needs to be done & that's IT we've waited, we've asked, we've trusted & this is the thanks we get well that's it when the time comes for our help, we're DONE. So, we're fixing to start the 2nd 1/2 of the cabin, the big part & God be with us nothing BAD happens in the process of it we worked our tails off today getting everything out of the way. All we have left is to get the 75 gal tank drained & moved so nothing happens to it & then we'll be ready to get started on putting the vapor barrier up (plastic) to start sealing it up. I've been SO ready to see this day come true it's not even funny, husband took the stuff off the rafters today & he said " maw you need to get outta here there's WAY too much dust up here for you to be in here, go outside or the trailer." I told him THAT'S what made me sick & damn near killed me after being in here for 5-6 yrs, he said, I'm sorry I never knew something like this could happen from not being sealed up. I told him well NOW you know, but thank God I made it & I had the $ to get the supplies we need to get it sealed up so I DON'T have to be worried about it again & get my health back where it was, IF that's even possible as sick as I was. It was so dusty in there from all the stuff on the rafters it was horrible to think I was living in that condition, but NOT ANY MORE ! ! ! I'm taking EVERYTHING out & getting it sorted out to what I want back in there & getting rid of the rest that we haven't used in yrs & just taking up space. The place is going to look SO MUCH better & a lot better to live in & enjoying to live in after it's all done & I'll be less stressed & not have to worry about getting sick living in it. It will be WELL worth the $ we spent getting it redone after all these yrs I will LOVE living back in my cabin again & cooking what I want to eat & watching what I want to watch on TV & getting the sleep I need when I need it & enjoy it. Being the trees are down & not blocking the sun I MAY even take down the board from my LONG window to let the sun in that I have had blocked all this time & get me some stick on bird feeders to watch from my computer table, that'd be nice? Maybe even get some window stickers to put on there too like flowers & birds & butterflies, & whatever else I can find I MAY even repaint my wall I painted a while back who knows? But 1 thing about it it will be like I've ALWAYS wanted in a place once it's done, my kitchen will be AWESOME once it's done & my main area (the bigger part) will be just as nice once it's all done, I will love being back in my cabin without any worries. --Thank you lord Once the cabin has been sealed up & things are BACK in order with it all, I'll start my new life in the cabin as a 2nd chance in life where I can start my goals I have been making a record of, like my exercise's, my sugar diet menu, A lot of stuff I've held off. It's been a long rough go of getting as far as we have in getting this far, but I can't be more thankful than I am seeing it come together, the hardest part was trying to get it STARTED, whew. I wish this was ALL I had to get done but it's not, I still have a ton of work to get done, but this was the MAIN THING that HAD to get done, so the other stuff that I have to get done will be fun. Like the pond garden & the dog cemetery area & the yard planted up with wild flowers for a lot of color & the dog pens that needs a lot of work done, ALL outside work which I LOVE doing. Oh & the back deck that needs to be worked on so we can have a place to sit outside & B B Q (just the 2 of us) no friends, Life is going to be SO worth the time to enjoy once it's ALL done & over with. Thank you all for being here for me & all my rants & troubles I've burden you with, I'm SO sorry if I have caused you any harm in any way, that wasn't my intentions, I don't have any 1 to talk to & when I got back on here, you were the 1's that help me get through all this, I owe you all a BIG HUG & LOTS of them.
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3 responses
@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
14 Apr
I am glad that your husband is working now to seal your cabin. How long before you can move there?
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Apr
I'm hoping B-4 winter if we keep going like we have been but we had to stop & work on the dog feeders today the damn mice are eating all the dog food that had to get fixed.
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
15 Apr
@2ndchances24 - The hedgehogs eat the dry food of the cats that I keep outside.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Apr
@LadyDuck You have wild hedgehogs?
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Apr
I'm sorry no one came through for you. I understand how angry that makes you. I'm glad your husband helped to seal up the cabin so you can get the rest finished the way you want it.
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Apr
@2ndchances24 Leave it in God's hands.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Apr
@just4him I am, that's all I can do I can't let things like that get to me. I got a call from the therapy clinic I have a 10 am appt Wen, right after my bone density test.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Apr
Yea it really sucks when you try to trust people & they stand you up & throws everything off but that's alright they'll get theirs's 1 day.
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@grenery8 (3817)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
15 Apr
on some people you just can't rely on and i am sorry. i wish you so much luck with the cabin,you deserve it
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Apr
I have notice that & it's so not right but wait till they ask for help, I'm going to let them know where I stand. We'll get it done it's just going to take us longer to get it done is all & pray nothing comes up to hold us up.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Apr
@grenery8 Me neither cause I've been through SO much in the past 12 mons that I have to thank god I made it.
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@grenery8 (3817)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
16 Apr
@2ndchances24 o, yes, that day will come and they will know how it feels i also pray that nothing aditionally disturbs your dream
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