Apartment inspections, Trump and other pains in the As...Neck

The future TV star!
United States
April 30, 2024 1:11pm CST
Earlier this month we had notices taped to our doors about the upcoming apartment inspections. I read through the missive and the first thing that came to mind was "When did I join the military? This is a senior citizen housing unit, and most of us are NOT in shape to do what the notice stated. We were told that we were to clean the walls, ceilings, molding, wash the windows inside and out...that last one is impossible for me. I live on the third floor and am terrified of heights. IF I were to try to clean the windows on the outside, they would need someone to dart me to anesthetize me and a rescue squad to lift me down from the outside of the building. Anyhow, it was all major stuff that older people sure couldn't do!!! We also were not to have stuff in front of the windows so if the place happened to catch fire egress wouldn't be barred. We also were to take care of the landscaping, cobwebs on the outside of the buildings, and any other things that the housing authorities came up with. Also any damages to the apartment that needed repairs were going to be billed to the person named in the lease. Oh, before I forget, when they come, I am supposed to have my therapy cats in a proper enclosure while they are in the apartment inspecting it. The cats will be stuck there until I turn them loose...that's depending on if I'm home that day. I have to change appointments so that the cats are comfortable and safe. Hummm, in short, the apartment gets the "White Glove" inspection, like they do or did in the military. I thought I lived here rather than just kind of (sort of) resided here. Then, I keep getting inundated with Trump and his problems. The man created them himself, from his sexual and marital problems to what he's going through now and everything in between. I was always taught that you take responsibility for your actions and be an adult and own up to what you did. It doesn't change if you cover up the dirt and people find the proof of what you did. I guess what I was taught was wrong, it changed with the amount of money you have and if the person you are dealing with is greedy enough to accept what you're offering. The thing is, I have stopped watching the news for that reason. I used to love watching the news, but that has gone by the wayside because of all the horrific stuff going on. I'm currently considering finding a cave up in the hills to move into. I have learned that getting older and living on a limited income is a real challenge. I have been treated like trash by the medical profession (I fired my pain clinic for one thing. The Nurse PA was very obvious about how she felt about me and other older "clients") It seems like the medical profession around where I live is interested in only one thing and it isn't the patient...You have three guesses and the first two don't count, about what they really are concerned about. I spoke to one of the neighboring tenants who was returning from seeing her doctor. She was having abdominal pain like I was, and she was released from her appointment with nothing to help the pain, but an antibiotic. She is to have a CT scan (like me) and her's isn't until June too. OH, finally, I had to dump my "cable/internet" company. Their charges were coming up to over $275 a month!!! I couldn't believe how much I was laying out! At the rate the charges for my "entertainment" were going (and NO, that wasn't even adding the premium channels like HBO, Cinemax, Showtime or the like) I would have to get three jobs to pay for it. I don't get a huge amount per month, but I get more than most of my neighbors in the amount of income...I wonder how they make ends meet. Enough of my grousing. I hurt (my broken ankle didn't heal properly. I found out that it broke like a fine china cup and the doctor only dealt with the compound break that would leave me able to hobble around some. He can't do more for it.) walking is a real challenge. My wrist fractured when I fell on the bathroom floor when it was wet from my scrubbing it. That was in addition to the injuries I sustained to it when I was on the job years and years ago. I have to find sandals that I can wear...I need them to be cushioned and not interfere with the area across the top of my foot where I broke it. Somewhere along the line I need to do something happy and get more joy into my days, including getting the manager of the apartment complex to realize that we are human and NOT machines that spend our days cleaning house or doing gardening. There is one fun thing in my life, that's Freya-my Siamese therapy cat. She discovered pipe cleaners. She is having a living ball playing with them!!! She will carry them all over the apartment and then bat them around with her paw. She discovered how much fun it was to drop them in a cardboard box and swat them around in the box like they were a mouse or a bug. I can't get a picture of her fast enough when she has one in her mouth or she is busily swatting them around with her paws. Her "fan club" will stop at the dining room window and watch her play with them. I have neighbors from my floor and from the other floors that will come up just to see the cats and their playing or sleeping in the window. So much for my boring you with what has been going on here. I have to find the source for AT&t to return the internet box-it costs more than the original company I was going with, and then I have teddy bears to work on. So, off to get busy. That's one of the biggest reasons I haven't been on the Lot, I haven't had internet because I shut down the original cable company I had. It's nice being back now. Hugs to all of you!!!
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11 responses
@celticeagle (161492)
• Boise, Idaho
1 May
Oh, lovely. You have an inspection too. Ours is May 8th. I know what you mean about heights. Ugh! I'm sure glad the guy who does our inspection doesn't expect the cats to be enclosed. He just said he could smell the littler box last time so we are putting up a deodorant cone.I hope that does the trick. It is sort of weird because when you come in to our apartment the downstairs bathroom is just across from the entrance. So, what do they expect? You are going to smell the litter box sometimes. Trump really frustrated me. He is forever saying that this is a witch hunt and he is so innocent. He doesn't even know these women who are testifying. He is such a liar! I was never even interested in politics until Trump entered the game. I remember back when he was in an interview and showing off his fancy apartment in NYC. I thought he was a d*ck swinger then and I think so now. Sorry for the term but he is just that. The trial is so funny. The judge is not impressed with his lawyer at all and now Trump is unhappy and feels he isn't being aggressive enough. The poor guy doesn't have anything to work with so what can he do? I'm sorry to hear that you have such awful medical care. I have great insurance and just had a home nurse come to do a basic exam last week. My doctor is a dream. She and I have such fun discussing my health when I make it into the office. I usually do telehealth over the phone. I'm sure sorry you don't have something as good going on for you. So glad you have Freya. She sounds like quite a cat. We have five cats. One of the younger males got into a fight and my grandson has been keeping the wound clean and he is healing pretty well. My grandson is so gentle with him. He whines to go out just about the time I am trying to go to sleep in the early morning hours. We won't let him go outside very much due to wanting to let him heal. We recently cut off our cable and are using Roku and apps to entertain ourselves. We are saving about $130 a month. Always enjoy your posts. Hope you are enjoying nice weather.
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@celticeagle (161492)
• Boise, Idaho
1 May
@BearArtistLady ......Yes, we put soda in the bottom of the litter box. It helps to absorb the urine smell. Hopefully, this guy will be okay with that, and the deodorizer cones set around. Geesh! My grandson checked it daily and I live upstairs and don't smell a thing. Hehe My dear dog Stryder had killer farts. We found out he was going across our alley to the 7-Eleven and the store manager would give him their old burritos. You couldn't be in his area when he was farting. Oooh! As far as Roku goes you have to have a TV with it I think. Then you can choose from many free apps available. I get lost in them FreeVee, Tubi, PlutoTV, etc. I do like my RokuTV experience. Do you mean to tell me that you finished my teddy? My Scorpio Teddy Bear? I'm so excited! Falling isn't funny. I love the doc voodoo doll. That's great. Oh, yes I know about young cats. I've been around cats ALL of my life so I know about them. The two younger males aren't fixed and sure, they need to be. But, we have no transportation. Transporting the cats in an Uber to and from will be expensive, PLUS, the neutering bill. So, it hasn't been done yet. You're so funny! We have two inspections each year too. The first is from HQS or HUD I guess. Then we have a local property manager one too. But, this usually ends up being three or, even four sometimes. Why? Because my daughter does have pride and doesn't really care. I'm upstairs and so I don't see how the downstairs is and my grandson isn't always forthcoming. So I think you know how that can be. I get very nervous and upset. Stress is high. Even though I have been doing these for 20+ years now I still get stressed. I am very sensitive to stress and I get sick. Rashes, headaches, nausea, etc. The entire realm of stress. It gets pretty ugly. I think what you do with your teddy bears is just great. I'm sure the animal places appreciate your help. You never bore me, dear. Have you thought of selling your bears through Etsy. I've shopped from there and think they have some great stores. Hugs back to you from my daughter(Camilla), my grandson(Josh), and the five cats= Silver, Mittens, Whiskers, Finn and Colbert. Hope to talk to you soon. Always enjoy your posts and talking with you.
• United States
2 May
@celticeagle UGH!!! Old burritos!!! Man between your dog and my Petey cat we could have made a fortune off their KILLER farts!!! When they can clear a whole apartment with one fart, you know they have the ability to make a fortune at the prisons in their "gas" chamber!!! We had one dog that didn't do silent but deadlies, he had roof raising cheek rattlers. At least we knew to hold our breath and open the windows!!! Then we raced for the outside, breathing deeply.
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• United States
1 May
Stupid question, but what brand of kitty litter do you use? I get the scoopable kind with baking soda in it. If you want to be really cool, add a box of baking soda to the litter box before the inspection, it really clears up the odor. With my using the scoopable litter I scoop it twice a day, in the morning and just before I go to bed and the house is odor free. I put the scooping's in a gallon zip lock bag and zip it closed and use it until it's almost full, that also contains any odor. I have had people from the agency come in and they never comment on any litter box odor. I'm a real stickler about any stink from the cats, the only one that I don't have any control over is the noxious emissions from Petey's rear...his farts are still killers!!!! With my luck he'll fart during the inspection...of course if it's bad enough it'll knock the inspector out totally! I wouldn't trade either of the kids for all the money in the world!!! I have heard a LOT about Roku and am going to get it turned on today and take the Spectrum junk to the return place. I am in awe at how much it costs per month through them...I tried to rationalize it as entertainment and I'm worth it, but I had to also say that they aren't worth it either!!! So, out they go. I've been watching You Tube and doing fine, but want a little more on the selection of channels. I also love getting educational channels too, so the answer is obvious. My neighbors swear by Roku and what they can get on the provider so here's a try. It was funnier than heck when I took the fall in the bathroom. I fell on the right side and my right wrist took the brunt of the fall (so did my right hip and butt, but there was enough "padding" that it didn't get hurt). My neighbor lady also had to go to the emergency room because she had taken a bad fall. We got there at the same time and got x-rays. The doctor came in and told me it wasn't broken and if it hurt to ice it and he left. I was sitting there with my mouth wide open; his attitude was like because I was poor I wasn't worth his time. My neighbor finished before me and she experienced the same attitude from the man. I don't like wishing people ill, but I hope that "doctor" experiences the same treatment when he has a good hard fall and his wrist and hand hurt like crazy. I ended up immobilizing the wrist for about two weeks until the swelling went down and the pain subsided. I am finally back to making teddy bears and doing my designing of critters. Yours turned out darling!!! I'll get the picture of it to you one day soon, after I get done sticking pins in my ER Doctor doll's wrist and butt. I know this is a rather personal question, but is your male kitty that got into the fight neutered? When they are younger and intact they tend to get into more fights than those that are "fixed" (I remember asking my mother how come the male cats need to get "fixed", how did they get broken? She never figured out a good answer for the question...I was about 10 years old and very animal oriented. So of course I was always full of those tough questions!) Well, I had a great night's sleep. I did a lot of cleaning and other work in preparation for the inspection. It's doing me a world of good getting active again. Only thing is that I was informed that I would have two inspections per year. One is for the housing for the county and the other is for Section 8, which my social worker got me on to when I was burned out of my home. As I said to my friend I plan to be home for both inspections and also plan to be working on teddy bears, more than likely cutting out the real fur bears from the antique furs, like mink and other ranch raised furs. I get those from the thrift shops and recycle them and donate a portion of the sales to the animal rescue groups. But the best part is that it is good and messy with "fluff" sailing around the room. Of course I have the same fluff from acrylic, mohair and alpaca fur too. The mohair and alpaca is clipped from the critters and sent to factories for processing-no animals are harmed in the processing of the hair. I think that some of the smaller lengths might get glued to the top of bald men's heads for their vanity. I have kept you bored for long enough. I should get off my chair and get my shower and work on bears. I have one I am working on for my nearly blind neighbor downstairs. It's for her friend that she has had since she was in kindergarden-she's in her 70's now. I'm doing a really special bear for her to send to her friend...I'll get a picture of it and post it on the lot. I'm also thinking about selling my bears through one of the online sales places. Anyhow, the nearly blind neighbor is getting a guide dog soon, so I want to get the bear to her before she goes up to the guide dog school. Have a wonderful day, and treat yourself to something extra special that you'll enjoy. Tons of hugs from Freya and Petey...Petey is in his spot in the diningroom window and Freya is playing with her pipe cleaners in the box under the work table. Hugs from us all!!!
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@TheHorse (209262)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Apr
Oh, I should get some pipe cleaners for Kitty! I just gave her an extended grooming session. She was chasing flies for a minute this morning, and then lost interest. Interest! I think I have to re-invest some retirement funds!
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• United States
30 Apr
Freya likes the really fluffy kind of pipe cleaners. They are soft and easy to carry around in her mouth...I think she found them in among some of my craft supplies. I totally love watching her with them, and she will also fall asleep with them wrapped around her front paws. They take the place of insects as I don't get many up on the third floor. The pipe cleaners also take the place of her other favorite toy, the laser light mouse that she would chase all over the living room. I tried her with the laser mouse last night and it was okay, but not as good as the pipe cleaners.
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@TheHorse (209262)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 May
@BearArtistLady Heh. I don't think Kitty would get that excited about pipe cleaners. She'll bat my shoelaces for a few seconds when I put my shoes on, and then she loses interest. Sigh. But she does sometimes do that 4 AM thing where she chases imaginary small critters around my apartment. Right now she's doing what she does best.
@GardenGerty (158383)
• United States
1 May
That cleaning list is absurd. I was lucky my sister did not have that kind of stringent rules, and the property company took care of all exterior stuff. After she passed we surprisingly even got all of her deposit back.
@wolfgirl569 (98066)
• Marion, Ohio
1 May
Glad you are back. That is too much to expect many of those people to do cleaning. Most of the outside of the building should be maintenance for starters. Freya still sounds fun.
@TheHorse (209262)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 May
I will feel safer if Trump is incarcerated for a long time and cannot run for president. I am actually NOT a bleeding-heart Liberal (any more). Experience has taught me that some of my preconceptions were wrong. I want the Republican party to get its act together. But I believe that Trump has caused damage to that party that could last for several election cycles.
@TheHorse (209262)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 May
If they kick you out for a cobweb violation, with they at least give a you a sleeping bag? It can get chilly under those bridges in Winter, especially for people over 50. If you ask, I'll give you tips on how to cok potatoes and onions over a dumper fire (or a campfire).
@kaylachan (60639)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Apr
When you chose to live in low-income housing or specialized hosing, i inspections are part of the deal. Most of what they want, such as outside window cleaning, are the responsibility of the apartment complex. When I was on section 8, I got a list of things they looked for, as did the complx landloards.My responsibility was to be home and clean the inside of the apartment. any repairs, or difficult things were the responsibility of the complex. Like when one of the burners stopped working.
@RasmaSandra (75118)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Apr
Best of luck to you getting ready for the inspection. My cat Freddie found my old scrunchies and loved batting those around and carrying them about, Then he lost interest, and I still find colorful scrunchies here and there, Glad you are back, My entire life and entertainment revolve around Internet,
@sallypup (58733)
• Centralia, Washington
30 Apr
The ceiling?! Hah. I'm glad you have Ms. Pretty Girl.
@NJChicaa (116701)
• United States
30 Apr
If the management office expected me to clean the walls, landscaping, outside windows, etc. I would LAUGH IN THEIR FACES. I pay rent and it is their job to maintain the place.
• Northampton, England
30 Apr
Hes been a naughty tweeter and could be jailed for that