My Weekend as a Cosplay Event Judge at Robinsons Novaliches

Pasay, Philippines
May 6, 2024 7:46pm CST
Last weekend was an absolute whirlwind of excitement and creativity as I had the incredible opportunity to be a judge at a thrilling cosplay event hosted at Robinsons Novaliches. If you've never delved into the captivating world of cosplaying, let me take you on a journey through my unforgettable experience! From the moment I stepped into the event venue, I was enveloped in a kaleidoscope of colors, characters, and boundless imagination. Cosplayers, dressed as their favorite anime, video game, and movie characters, brought these beloved personas to life with meticulous attention to detail and an infectious passion that was truly awe-inspiring. As a judge, my role was to assess each participant's costume craftsmanship, creativity, and embodiment of their chosen character. Let me share you guys, the level of dedication and skill exhibited by these cosplayers was nothing short of astounding. From elaborate armor replicas to intricately sewn costumes, every detail was meticulously crafted to perfection. My task is very difficult but rewarding. And yeah, I am the one in the orange kimono, cosplaying as Ryougi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai. What struck me most was the sense of community and camaraderie among cosplayers. Behind the stunning costumes were individuals united by their love for storytelling and artistic expression. Conversations flowed effortlessly as participants shared tips, tricks, and stories from their cosplay journeys. The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the cosplay competition. Each contestant took to the stage with confidence, showcasing their characters' personalities through dramatic poses and captivating performances. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation and applause as we witnessed incredible displays of talent and creativity. Being a judge was both exhilarating and challenging. Both Day 2 and Day 3 of the event. Narrowing down the winners from such a talented pool of participants was no easy feat! However, it was immensely rewarding to witness the joy and pride on the faces of the winners as they were recognized for their hard work and creativity. Beyond the competition, I had the privilege of interacting with attendees who were curious about cosplaying. It was heartwarming to see the genuine interest and enthusiasm from those discovering this vibrant subculture for the first time. As I reflect on my weekend as a cosplay event judge, I am left with a profound appreciation for the artistry, passion, and sense of community that define cosplaying. It's not just about dressing up as a character; it's about celebrating creativity, embracing fandom, and connecting with like-minded individuals who share a love for storytelling and fantasy. I am still having the aftershocks of last weekend's event indeed. If you've ever been curious about cosplaying or attending a cosplay event, I urge you to dive in and experience this captivating world for yourself. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, there's something magical awaiting you in the realm of cosplay. Have you ever attended a cosplay event or considered cosplaying yourself? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let's celebrate the creativity and camaraderie that make cosplaying such an extraordinary phenomenon.
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2 responses
9 May
This is a interesting event. Not easy being a judge with so many good and talented contestants. I would be interested in attending one of these events.
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@grenery8 (3817)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
8 May
i haven't. it is a little bit unusual for me. if i may ask, did you get paid for this?
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