What do you do for your friends?

@GardenGerty (158131)
United States
January 25, 2007 4:45pm CST
And what do they do for you? I am referring to the face to face everyday friends that you have, not so much the mylot friends. I have a friend with multiple food allergies, so when we have a social gathering we are both attending,and we need to bring food, I make sure I take something she can have. She is the one friend that I am never embarrassed about my house. She helped me with both of my children's weddings.I made sure the punch was something she could drink. Her husband sang at my first husband's funeral, and the two of them sang a duet at my second marriage. I like my friend. We loan each other cars, etc. and she is like my sister here in town.
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55 responses
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
26 Jan 07
You are such a lucky woman...I wish I had even one friend like that. The women I know I can't really call friends because they really have their own lives and don't seem to want to be bothered with me. And that's okay, I'm used to it. The thing that bothers me a bit is that whenever they need help with something I'm there for them, but when I call or email to get together, they have no time or don't even bother getting back to me. It's rather sad, if you think about it. I used to cry about it but doesn't seem to help because I really can't change the way people feel about things in life. Forgive me, it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself and perhaps I am. You are a very lucky, lucky lady.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Good friends are few and far between. Your circumstances with CJ may make it even harder. I do enjoy my myLot friends immensely, but they are miles away.
@darckj (885)
• Philippines
26 Jan 07
f-r-i-e-n-d-s -
friends.. oh yeah.. i listen to them when they need someone to talk to but i don't criticize.. i understand them despite sometimes i can see it is their fault.. i go with them even though i want to go home early.. but i don't understand why.. they sleep or change the topic if i need them.. they talk a lot when i want them to listen.. they have other company when i want someone to be with.. what do you think, have i done something wrong?
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I have had friends like that, you need some that are supportive to you as well.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
26 Jan 07
I have my friends since our childhood, we respect each other and treats as brothers and sisters. We've been through alot of troubles, from family to financial and still we are here for each other. We understand each others feelings and we learn adjust to those who have short-comings. I think they are the best of bestfriends that I ever had!;)
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
26 Jan 07
I am always there for my friends they know it very well that I do almost anything for them, to make their lives more liveable and they love me for this as well they do a lot for me there are two of my main friends and we are so close to each other just like sisters, when I was stuck in the county living away from them for over 3 years they missed me a lot and when I told them I was coming back home to live they were every so pleased as they missed me so much, we will always be there for each other other people have tried to break our friendship but they failed miserably.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I have some of the best friends ever! They each offer different kinds of happiness to my life. I have one friend who just has a keen sense about her, she always knows when i am down and is always there to offer support. She did all the decorations for my daughters wedding and she just adds smiles everywhere she goes. My husband is my best friend. He is just a wonderful person, inside and outside. He is kind, loveing, compassionate and gentle to eveyone he is around. I am so fortunate to have him in my life. He makes me want to be a better person. That is a true frined. I have another friend whom I have been friends with since 1965. She is the kind of friend that I wont see for months at a time but then when we do connect again, it is like we never missed a day. We just connect on so many levels. We have a personality alike, we were raised alike and we are just best friends. I can always count on her to rush the 1 hour drive to my home, if I need her. All my friends offer something special to my life in their unique way.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
25 Jan 07
You are right on the spot, mentioning yur husband as best friend. People who do not have this experience do not know what they are missing. I have an assortment of friends, and they bless and inspire me.
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@ashjoe76 (1422)
• India
25 Jan 07
I lend money to a friend of mine who is going through a bad patch in life. He tries to collect books for me from wherever he goes on his journeys related to his travel. He is a brilliant fellow, and I know that he will make it big some day. But at this moment, he needs a helping hand and he is willing to make himself useful to me whenevr possible.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I have friends like this as well, both on the giving and receiving end. Give and take makes it endurable.
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@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I don't have any friends that live close by. Sure I have neighbors but we don't get together. We speak when we see each other and we borrow things when we need it. My closest friend is an hour away. We are always there when we need each other. We talk about our problems and just daily life. We are there to support each other in the happy and sad times. We pay attention to each others needs like you and your friend. My friend sells things on ebay and I have given her alot of things to sell on there and not asked for any of the profits. I have given her things for her niece that lives with her that my children have outgrown. What makes you and your friend so compatible? I always think of my friends when we making plans. We get together often and when we can't do things together I always let them know we were thinking about them. We have bought a season pass for a local amusment park and plan on spending alot of time together as soon as it opens up.
@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I think we are compatible because we do not judge each other, and if we speak the truth to each other and we do not agree, we do it in a loving and accepting way.
@asadahsan (723)
• Pakistan
26 Jan 07
well i always help them out and always save them for heavy losses and always love and like to help them guide them and meet them and i think this is a good thing that i can help them because if anyone can help everyone so it will make everyone happy...
• United States
26 Jan 07
I always try to make something that everyone can have. When making desserts, I make one with the diabetic in mind and one that everyone can eat. Too often people do not realize or really think about the what people can or cannot eat. They just make what they like. I will make sure that if I invite someone that has special diet needs to accomodate those needs too.
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@malsun (1528)
• United States
26 Jan 07
staying away from my country, i have left behind my parents, my friends and almost everything that i have grown up with. though internet has made communications very easy nowadays, all of my friends are now married and have their own personal lives. though we are in touch now and then its still not the same. i dont miss them too much as i have my wife and she is my best friend. the rest of my life is taken over by my 16 month old daughter.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Jan 07
good for you, family is a special kind of friend
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
26 Jan 07
good for you ..you have found a real friend...in my case right now..i really dont have any close friends..they wer gone after we have graduated and working far from our place...right now i considered my husband and my children as my best friends...when im still studying we help one another(my best friends in college) if we have any assignments in school..we share foods during our lunch break and etc..
@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I agree that you have to be friends in your family and with your marriage partner. That is how you learn to provide friendship outside of your home. You are a good example to your kids.
@oarnamav (2708)
• India
28 Jan 07
i seldom attend the happy momentoes of my friends, But never fail to attend his depression , failure and painful events, I mean I share the pain of my friends but normally don't avail their enjoyments. I even avoid financial helps, because that makes him a beeger habited. I care the dignity of all my friends. I don't intrupt them frequently too.
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• United States
26 Jan 07
I don't have any close friends that live near me. I have one friend who is going through a tough time in her life. I call her on the phone and listen to her problems and I offer her sympathy. I send her silly jokes to make her laugh. We visit each other once a year.
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@levir1 (17)
• Norway
26 Jan 07
i don't really do anything for my friends. Not because i am selfish, but because i only have friends that mostly doens't need anything. If, for instance, a friend have to wait half an hour or an hour or something for a ride home, i often stick around even though i could just take the buss home right away or something. And i try to be there for them if they need it, like if they are depressed or something. But other than that, we just co-exist :P
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
26 Jan 07
Guess i what i did nothing for them , the most is we meet up for a coffee or to go for a soccer match that all yea lol
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• United States
26 Jan 07
How wonderful you are to be blessed with such a friend. I am lucky enough also to have some good friends who are with me through thick and thin. I am always there for them and we call each other daily just to make sure all is OK.
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@vityota (878)
• India
26 Jan 07
i am also very close to one person and we are more like sisters, well wishers and guide also for each other and we do anything and everything for each other.. she knows by my voice itself how is my mood and if she is down i also find out without her telling.. we celebrate the day we become friends as an anniverssary
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• India
26 Jan 07
They are important one for my life.The friends can do anything for our life.So i will do anything for my friends.
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@danmike (58)
• Nigeria
26 Jan 07
I have a friend that is a bit shy above normal.He finds it difficult to speak to people,even his friends and look the in the face. I try to encourag him by telling him to try looking at me in the eyes when speaking to me, and to also try positive thinking before meeting new people. His frienship has helped me to know that no matter how shy i feel, others around me do have the same feelings;they just learn to contol it.
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• United States
26 Jan 07
I have a best friend who is like family to me. We are always there for eachother, and we call eachother every day! She's a daycare provider, so she is so helpful when I have questions about my son. She went through a bad breakup recently, and I was at her side 24/7. She means the world to me, and I'd do anything for her.
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