Don't you hate bad service at a restaurant?

United States
February 5, 2007 1:19pm CST
We went out twice this weekend to eat and had a problem both times. We went for breakfast (just me, hubby, and the baby) and when we walked in there were no clean tables. Every table that was available had plates on them where people had already eaten and left. We had to ask someone to clean a table off for us. Then the girl comes and cleans it off and says they are shorthanded. She said the dishwasher and the bus boys had all called in. We had to wait forever for the person to come take our order. Then she brings our food to us and I have no silverware. She said I'll bring you some silverware when it's clean. So I had to sit there with my food in front of me and not be able to eat it until a while longer when the silverware was washed. I was so mad, I just wanted to leave. Then we went over to a friend's house that evening. We wanted something to eat so my hubby called in an order to a restaurant and he went and picked it up. When he got back the people didn't give us our slaw, no tartar sauce, nothing to eat with and no napkins. My hubby had specifically asked them to put it in a bag and that didn't get done. I'm tired of going out to eat and getting bad service. Don't you hate when that happens? We are paying for it so I guess that's why it makes me so mad.
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88 responses
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
Everyone hates to be subjected to bad service. This is the reason why when we eat out we always go those places which we have proven to be rendering good service even if they tag their food prices higher than those others. When we eat out, we are expecting to enjoy the food and services the restaurant we go to has to offer and not for them to make us feel utterly miserable.
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• India
6 Feb 07
Well, i don't agree with the idea that only expensive restaurants are hospitable. Afterall if you feel the services are bad but still like the food, you always have an option of HOME DELIVERY! ciao!
@kaikulet (30)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
you are absolutely right... i, myself had the same experience not once, not twice but alot of times... i once called a delivery and they said delivery would take 45 minutes to one hour because they only have 1 delivery boy/rider and they have lots of deliveries, i think they should have expected that and added more riders to give good customer service.... the burger is not hot anymore, sundae has melted and soda tasted like water because the ice melted... this restaurants should have plan A and B when things comes up unexpectedly so they won't lose their customers...
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• Philippines
6 Feb 07
i know you want to get good value for your money, but hey you got to be kidding if you think all people will cater to all your whims and wishes. This should be a lesson for you. Don't ever include soda and sundae whenever you order. Or better yet, don't call a food delivery so you won't have to deal with them if things don't go your way.
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• Philippines
6 Feb 07
i know but the store is just 15 minutes away from our place... sundae won't melt like a milk if they would just improve their delivery service, they always complain they have alot of deliveries to do then they should not just have one delivery guy....
• China
6 Feb 07
I hate it too.We pay for the food and the best survice.We refuse to pay for bad survice.No mater how good the food is.Bad survice may make a bad influence over what our moods are all the day. If the food of a restaurant is so-so,but its survice is very good.I am sure the restaurant will have more and more customers,and I will be one of them.Do you agree with me?
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• United States
6 Feb 07
Yes, if the food is so-so but the service was good then sure I would go back.
@myaccount (235)
• United States
6 Feb 07
yes i hate it when people wait and sit around for their tip but bad service is bad......sometimes they do it for money not any respect for the customer and they take away the name from customer satisfaction to just plain "customer"
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
6 Feb 07
i don't leave tips when the service is bad. i only leave tips for the waiters/waitresses if i am satisfied with their services rendered to us.
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• Philippines
6 Feb 07
I hate bad service whether its from a restaurant or from a mall.I always get pissed and I really complain when I dont get the service I pay..I have a short temper and I make sure they know Im not satisfied with their service..Especially when im hungry and I go to a restaurant so hungry and then my food is so long to get served..I really ask the waiters to speed up their service.
• United States
6 Feb 07
I hate it too when I am really hungry and it takes a long time to get the food.
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
5 Feb 07
For over a year now, I have been trying to order a cup of decaf coffee at our local Wendys Restaurant. The readerboard menu behind the counter plainly lists decaf coffee. (Actually they did sell it at one time--the little envelope kind that you stirred into a cup of hot water they gave you.) Anyway, each time I order, they say, "Decaf? Hmm. I'm not sure we have decaf." I point it out on the menu and they aren't quite sure how to react. One said, "Well, if it says we have it, we must have it." She went rummaging through the drawers behind the counter and a long line of impatient people formed behind me. My husband and I were nearly hysterical trying to keep straight faces. Finally, she went to the manager and was told rather snottily that they didn't have any. She came back and apologized, saying she was sure they would have it the next time I came in. They didn't, nor have the got it since. I have started asking them why they don't take it off the menu if they aren't going to have it. They always mutter something like, "Yesh, I guess we should. I'll check into that." But it is still there. I have quit asking the same ones about it, but whenever a new cashier comes online, I just can't resist. Hee, hee.
• United States
6 Feb 07
They shouldn't have it on the menu if they don't have it.
• India
5 Feb 07
I can understand your feelings. I hate bad service too. Once we went to celebrate my mom's birthday in a 4 star hotel and we had to wait for atleast 4 hours for our dinner to come. It was almost 1 in the night when we finished our dinner. Then once in another hotel we gave the same order to 7 different people and when the eighth one came to take our order we just left that place. All this is too common for me now a days
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Feb 07
Oh my goodness, 8 people. I would have left too.
@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Yes I definitely have a problem with it. Especially at a place where you tip. I raised four kids waiting tables. Good service is how They make their money. If I gave bad service my kids would have starved. If I get good service I tip well because I know it isn't an easy job.
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• United States
5 Feb 07
That is exactly how I am. If the service is good then I tip well but if not I will only leave maybe $1.00.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
5 Feb 07
It seems the service is getting worse, I have seen fast food places being run by mostly teens, who giggle, laugh and show off and take their time getting the order done. Often leaving out the tarter or ketsup. I have been to other resturants the silverware was dirty and had food left on. Tables dirty and having to wait. We got our food cold once and complained. They get tips and a lot of resturants want to charge a gratuity as if they deserve it but tips should be optional for the customer to pay for good serve. It should not be a requirement by any establishment. I have been in some who charge a 15% gratuity and they no way deserved it.
• United States
5 Feb 07
Oh yes, I've been to places before and got dirty silverware. I asked the waitress one time for another fork and she laughed at me and said what did you do drop it. I said no it's got food on it and I just need another one.
@kool78 (490)
• India
6 Feb 07
yA i hate it. I hate to wait for a long time at restaurants. but why visit such a restaurant again. there are many better 1 where u can go.
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@Casshern (100)
• Indonesia
6 Feb 07
yes i hate it when it happen 2 me.... we paid 4 the service n we didn't get the service well.... diffrent case if it's free heuheuheuehuehuehue
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• Canada
6 Feb 07
i do hate bad service, i was a waitress a couple years ago in a chinese restraunt, adn i always put on a smile and tawked to the customers and joked with them, even when i was havin a bad day, i would still put a smile on, so when i see sumone serving me whos not being very polite or nething gets on my nervers adn i dont tip then!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Feb 07
Oh, I have experienced a lot of sloppy service in restaurants and fastfood chains. I think that the servers (busboys, waitresses, cooks) are getting very low pay that's why they aren't so happy doing their jobs. The problem I think should be raised to the owners. I would often write on complaint forms or I would talk to the manager for poor service. I also hate poor service because I'm a paying customer and I want to be treated accordingly.
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• United States
4 Apr 07
Thanks for choosing mine as the "best response"! Truly appreciate it.
• India
6 Feb 07
yes...i have also experienced such silly things at restaurants..but i do not allow them to repeat them because i am paying my hard earned money to them to eat some nice and clean food in nice environment. whenever i feel something wrong then i usually call the manager and ask him to solve the things without any interference of any waiter or anyone else. i generally do not change my restaurants. i usually go to places where i have been before and the food tastes good and environment is clean. i generally do not try new restaurants for experiment and once any restaurant gives one bad experience i never go there again.
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@Decarus (146)
• Malaysia
6 Feb 07
Yeah.. i hate it too..Especially when we have to wait for a long time for the food to be served...Even worse is when u look at the spoon..Something sticky is around it... =.="
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• Indonesia
6 Feb 07
Their usually some of the most underpaid and overworked people around. As for the second case, thats definently annoying. It would have only taken them a few more seconds to get the order right. They should have tried harder. I used to be in the food service industry and know the difficulties from it. When I was younger and working as a server I was often overloaded. When I moved into management I was constantly plagued with scheduling issues
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I'd be upset too. Going out to eat is supposed to be a clean, pleasant experience. If I wanted to be faced with things that needed to be cleaned and things I needed to buy/do, I'd eat at home.
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• United States
6 Feb 07
I completely agree! I worked in the food service industry, as well as in Customer service in other industries, and I thoroughly believe that when a customer is paying for a product or service, they deserve to be shown that they are appreciated. I, myself, am very particular about customer service. If I get horrible service anywhere, regardless of the quality of the product or price, I will not return. These businesses are being paid by me, therefore, they need to earn my business.
• India
6 Feb 07
Of course I do.I hate late and bad services on nay restaurent and I must argue then.I never leave them.
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• United States
6 Feb 07
i hate it too. i mean when u get it for free then i understand but since when u are paying for it. I usually tell them what they did the last time when i ordered so they know that not to repeat it again this time. it is hard not to think bad about the rest. when u have such bad service. i mean come on food is getting colder and i dont have a silverware to eat with.
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