I saw my new Therapist for the first time this morning via telehealth. How it went?

April 26, 2024 12:11pm CST
Good morning! I realized I couldn't cope without some help from a professional. My insurance company sent me something in the mail about this company that has therapists that I can see via telehealth that my insurance company will cover. I just have to pay a copay. I saw my new therapist this morning at 10 a.m., and I adore her! She is as kind as she looks in her picture online and she seems like she really wants to help her patients. Today she did an intake of me. She is going to try to see me once a week. My next appointment is on May 1 at 5 p.m. my time. She is in Texas as this is telehealth. She is allowed to see people from my state though. The telehealth part went much better than my anxiety led me to believe it would be like Have you used telehealth for any kind of doctor's appointment? It was easier than I thought! I had my case manager here helping me sign onto the telehealth part.
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10 responses
@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
27 Apr
I'm glad it went well. No, I've never used telehealth. Though I have used a phone appointment with my insurance nurse.
1 person likes this
27 Apr
Thank you! This was my first time using telehealth. It was easier than I thought with the help of my case manager. I had an appointment with my primary care doctor once by phone two months after Covid started. I guess it was because I had made the appointment 6 months before that time that he wanted to make sure I got to have an appointment with him somehow.
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
27 Apr
@LovesEverybody I'm glad he made a point of reaching out to you.
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28 Apr
@just4him I think it was mostly because I scheduled the appointment 6 months before that. And he is a super doctor!
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@grenery8 (3728)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 Apr
i am glad you felt good about her. i had never talked online, only in person.
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26 Apr
Today was my first time talking online too. I have been to many therapists in person. I think I prefer telehealth because it is easier than worrying about going and the weather which I have a phobia of thunder, lightning, and wind.
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28 Apr
@grenery8 Yes, a great outcome not having to leave my room!
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@grenery8 (3728)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
28 Apr
@LovesEverybody i have second thoughts when i am about to leave anywhere so, i agree with you. weather is a horrible factor as well. this was a good outcome
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@akalinus (40935)
• United States
27 Apr
I hope you tell the therapist the truth about whatever is happening in your life. I know someone who has telephone therapy but she paints life as all sunshine and rainbows. Then when the visit is over, she starts acting like a maniac. The truth of your life might be hard to face, but get it out there. That is what therapy is for.
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@akalinus (40935)
• United States
27 Apr
@LovesEverybody I'm glad for you. There is no sense in paying for therapy and then saying life is perfect when it isn't.
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27 Apr
Don't worry, I have been treated by the mental health system for about 40 years so I learned it is no good to not tell the truth. I will tell her everything on Wednesday! Friday she got to know me, by doing what she called an intake. I told the truth even though it was a little bit embarrassing. or it was until my therapist admitted that she too has anxiety and went to school to get a degree to learn how to treat anxiety.
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27 Apr
@akalinus Yes, I don't want to pay what I am paying to not tell the truth. Fortunately, I am very blessed and I just have to pay a copay or I wouldn't be seeing her
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
7 May
Yes. I saw a psychologist who gave a diagnosis so I can get SSI. We did a few zoom sessions because I couldn't see one appointment and another time he couldn't be in office because his daughter had Covid. This Thursday I am supposed to do a Zoom with a therapist. I think I will like her. I just hope she doesn't cancel on me again.
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
14 May
@LovesEverybody Lisa, my new therapist, has schedule me to see her again May 22nd. I think she will be a good therapist.
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8 May
I already had a psychiatrist for many years before I got social security. I find telehealth better, in a way, because I fear the weather and going out in it. I have had many in-person therapists and this way I can stay in my house. My next telehealth therapy session is on May 23 and then after that, I have a standing appointment every Thursday morning
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14 May
@JESSY3236 that is great! My new therapist is super! all my past ones were bad, but I love my new one. will you have a standing appointment with Lisa? I start seeing mine on May 23 and it is a standing Thursday morning appointment
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@JudyEv (328018)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Apr
That's great that you like your new therapist. I don't have any experience with telehealth but I know it's a great idea.
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@JudyEv (328018)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Apr
@LovesEverybody It makes such a difference if those you have to deal with have sense of humour.
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28 Apr
@JudyEv I agree. I dislike people when they don't laugh or have no personality
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27 Apr
I used to not have any experience with telehealth either. This was my first time. I am happy I decided to start this therapy. Did I mention my therapist laughs a lot and she has such a lovely laugh? So full of warmth!
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@Hannihar (129966)
• Israel
28 Apr
@LovesEverybody Is Telehealth like skype or zoom? I have not heard of it. I am glad you liked her and hope it will go well.
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@Hannihar (129966)
• Israel
28 Apr
@LovesEverybody You are welcome and I am glad for you. So, will you have the sessions on zoom?
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28 Apr
@Hannihar I think it will be Zoom I will be happy to see her regardless of the way we see each other.
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28 Apr
Thank you! I finally have great hope that therapy will help me. she is the most genuine and kind therapist I have ever had My therapist explained to my case manager who was here with me and I didn't want to spend the whole 55 minutes having her explain as it wasn't that important to me. but I think she meant we were having our session on Zoom. her company had sent me an address to get to her a half hour before but it was the address to the company that handles the therapy I am getting not Zoom or Skype.
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@AmbiePam (86259)
• United States
26 Apr
That is wonderful! I am so happy for you. Telehealth has really been a huge help for people in need of health care, especially mental healthcare.
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26 Apr
thank you! this is my first time using telehealth. I wouldn't use it for any other doctor. But i think therapy and my therapist make it worth using telehealth.
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@AmbiePam (86259)
• United States
26 Apr
@LovesEverybody Absolutely!
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@kaylachan (59637)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Apr
When the VA closed and required people to wear masks, George did his appoitments by phone. With the grand opening of the new ficility on Williomson, and his doctor retiring suddenly, it's been a scramble to reassign George to a new doctor. So, we're waiting to hear from the VA on that. As a result, our doctor's appoitment yesterday was a video call. Had we known the doctor George was actually supposed to see was going to be a video call, we could've stayed home. George and I are okay with in-person appoitments. However, due to the stroke, George needs to be cleared to drive again, even if his licence is still valid. So I have to spend Money on ubers to get around. not ideal.
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26 Apr
my first appointment in May right after Covid started my primary care doctor's nurse called me and said to not come to the office but to wait for a phone call from the doctor. I had made the appointment six months before I don't mind in-person appointments for every six months or so. But every week that my therapist will try to fit me in, that would get annoying to leave the house, I got injections from my psychiatrist every two weeks for 7-8 years (they insisted i even come during Covid) i convinced my psychiatrist to stop the injections in February but i am traumatized about having a doctor's appointment i had to be at so often. where I live Uber's never show up. My sister said it is because it is such a small town. I have gotten stuck at doctor's appointments for four to five hours before an Uber would pick me up. Tell George I am thinking of him and hope he can get cleared to drive soon
@DianneN (247205)
• United States
26 Apr
I know a couple of people who use teleheath for therapy, and they love their therapists. So glad you like yous.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
26 Apr
@LovesEverybody Hope this one lasts longer.
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26 Apr
@DianneN Since I don't have to leave my room, I won't mind seeing her once a week. I also always quit therapy as it was so hard to leave the house.
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26 Apr
Maybe it is a trend that telehealth therapists are loved more than in-person ones. I know I never really loved any therapist I had in person. I also never stayed with any therapist I saw in-person longer than several months.
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@dya80dya (34562)
26 Apr
Anxiety lies to us. We shouldn't believe anxiety because it's a liar. I don't have this here, but my therapy is online.
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26 Apr
exactly! But it is so hard to believe that when I feel the anxiety. but I am going to try to work on my problems with this new therapist.
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