I did a NO-NO

Cloverdale, Indiana
December 25, 2023 4:05am CST
It's 4 am in the morn, merry Xmas to you all I went to a friends place yesterday watched a good football game & my team won 23-17. We had some good conversation about things to bring back the memories of our lives as we grew up, things we remember as kids. I hadn't really ate B-4 going over there & came home & had a Tv dinner, yeah you heard right it was whole corn with instant potatoes & gravy with 6 pieces of chicken tenders, I ate it all. I took my sugar test & it was M-265 N-261 this was B-4 I went to my friends place & hung out a few hrs & came home to eat my t v dinner. I took my night meds 2 hrs later & took my S test again B-4 bed & it was over the top, HI I took my F-acting insulin & went to bed, 7pm. After taking my F acting Insulin & went to bed I had gotten up a few hrs later 11pm & wasn't feeling to good, so I took my S-test & it was 245, it's going on 5 am now & took time to get some things done while hubby's asleep. I'm feeling a little better, but I see my T v dinners are out cause my system & body can't have it, which sucks cause I love my tv dinners, I have to make a food list of the things I can eat & STICK to it. . . I can't wait to hear & know just what I can have & can't have so I know what I can stock up on, I'm thinking all my pasta will be whole wheat along with my bread, & my milk will be 2-1%, I have instant dry milk enough to last me a GOOD while, so that's a help. I've cut my ham out, cause of the salt, we didn't buy a turkey of any kind, hubby has some things pulled out for a Xmas dinner to put together, I will figure out what I'm eating depending on what he makes for us. After I got my sugar back down I went in the storage rm & did a little rearranging in the extra stuff we have that I can't eat I put like 10 bags of each, in a box, noodles, mac a roni, speghettie, & what ever else I had, that's going to the friends house in a few dys, the sooner the better so it's gone. Hubby loves hamburger helper that I can stock up on & replace the pasta with whole wheat type pasta, which will help him too. At his age & what he weighs & his health I think if he was to lose a few lbs & start eating SOME of the food I eat would help. I KNOW he's not going to eat everything I do & I understand that & that's alright but I need him to eat more fruits than he does, cause he want's me to have it. He goes to ALL my dr appts & he will be with me when I go to the sugar Dr to tell me what I need to know on the food I need to be on so HE KNOWS what is going on. Not to make this a book but I'm learning what I KNOW I need, to what I DON'T need to eat, but every now & then we bend the rules knowing BETTER that we shouldn't. I hope you all have a great awesome Xmas eat all you can & enjoy every bite, cause there may be a time where you can't.
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6 responses
@just4him (311298)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Dec
Pasta is usually whole wheat, or at least a wheat product. Look into pasta alternatives. There are some good ones that are gluten-free. Ronzoni makes a good pasta product. I need gluten-free. This works for me. It should also work for you. I'd stay away from wheat of any kind. Be careful with fruit as they are high in natural sugar. Natural sugar might be okay but talk to your doctor about it. I know you'll get it all figured out. TV dinners are OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
2 people like this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Dec
Why stay away from wheat? they say wheat whole grain breads & pastas are better than white breads & pastas. Your right I'll figure it out when I talk to the dr's about what I can & can't eat & GET on the right track then. Yea I learned that T V dinners are OUT. . .
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@just4him (311298)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Dec
@2ndchances24 Whole grain, yes. But a lot of wheat products aren't whole grain. I can't have gluten. It messes with me.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Dec
@just4him o.k maybe that's what I'm thinking I don't know, I just know I can't wait to get it all figured out where I KNOW what I can & can't eat.
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@celticeagle (161409)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Dec
It's good you are able to make some adjustments food-wise. I don't know if I could do it. I eat what I want when I want. It is my one enjoyment lest to me.
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@celticeagle (161409)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Dec
@2ndchances24 .......There's a lane for that? Dang. I've never done a NO-NO just usually NO-NO-NOs.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Dec
I use to do the same thing till it laned me in the hosp danm near killing me twice & now I have diabeties & clogged arteries.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
27 Dec
@celticeagle what lane would THAT be?
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@RebeccasFarm (87109)
• United States
25 Dec
I am like you there Gayle. I know what you mean..I mean I dont measure any sugars or anything, BUT If I even tough any junk food, I call it junk even tv dinners, quick food you know what I mean..it is full of sugar and sodium hidden in there..it is how it is manufactured and there you have it, I bloat out like a balloon. My body can't handle the sugar and salt no more. Glad your sugar went back down. What football you mean? Patriots won here against the Broncos last night. If I had have been thinking, I would have placed a bet ..but no..I never think. Merry Christmas to you Gayle you and husband.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Dec
@2ndchances24 What are you going to eat for yourself today then Gayle?
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Dec
@RebeccasFarm I had some dressing & some hamburger meat sweet potatoes, & black eyed peas.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Dec
Thank you for your response, yea I have to be more observant about the foods I eat I learned that, cause it sure makes me sluggish. I'm trying to rid all the foods that I can't have cause if I don't it's going to hunt me till I do this morn I took my S test & it was 163 YES. Merry Xmas to you & yours as well, hubby is mixing up some dressing & black eyed peas with ham that I KNOW I can't have, did that on thanksgiving & I learned my lesson there too.
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@LadyDuck (463028)
• Switzerland
25 Dec
Whole what past is not too bad, I make it time by time, even if we both prefer regular pasta. If my husband gains a little weight would even be good for him.
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@LadyDuck (463028)
• Switzerland
25 Dec
@2ndchances24 Whole wheat pasta never remains "al dente" and this is why we do not like so much. My husband started losing weight two years ago, despite he is eating the same as he did in the past he is very skinny. The doctors found nothing wrong.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Dec
That's what I'm thinking, (whole wheat pasta) that's what I'm seeing from the videos I've been watching about what to eat when or how much. Yea if he would start eating what puts weight on he'd gain more than he has right now I think.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Dec
@LadyDuck Hum? I wish I could tell you something but I'm no dr & if it was me I'd find out what's wrong.
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
26 Dec
It sounds to me that you are new to diabetes. I’m so sorry you have it, but sticking to a healthy diet and lifestyle will be a boon to you and your husband. I hope your doctor provides you with a good list of foods you should eat and not eat.
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
28 Dec
@2ndchances24 I hear ya! Good luck.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 Dec
I am, I'm just winging it on what I'm hearing on you tube till I see my sugar dr in Jan the 26th. I hope to get hubby on board with me BUT??
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
28 Dec
@DianneN thank you, I'll keep you updated in my post.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60761)
• Perth, Australia
4 May
@2ndchances24 I know you will figure it all out. I know you like to do research especially when it's important like this. I wish you the best. I know you got this though!
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• Perth, Australia
7 May
@2ndchances24 If there are things you need to know about, don't you ask the doctors?
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
8 May
@VivaLaDani13 Oh yeah, but how much can you believe in what they tell you? I did go to the Dr the other day & she done some test on what may be going on with my pancreas & everything came out normal, so it makes no sense if all is normal why do I STILL have the runs, & the slight pain I have in my left side??
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
5 May
Yeah I'm a nerd when it comes to my health in doing research but hell I got to do something cause the Dr's wont tell me what I need to know & when it comes to my health I'm going to do as much research as I can so I KNOW what I have to do.
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