my other mylot account - This is my first and original mylot account. Sad to say I'm not using it anymore because of the name =) hehe. Well, I just missed it. My rating is good there, I posted a lot and most of all I have lots of personal messages there from friends, but cannot open it anymore. I miss almost everything with that mylot account except for the name I use =). Ces't la vie
@genuine_jnet (87)
• United States

my other mylot account - This is my first and original mylot account. Sad to say I'm not using it anymore because of the name =) hehe. Well, I just missed it. My rating is good there, I posted a lot and most of all I have lots of personal messages there from friends, but cannot open it anymore. I miss almost everything with that mylot account except for the name I use =). Ces't la vie