TV series 'GRIMM' - Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television drama series. It debuted in the U.S. on NBC on October 28, 2011.[1] The show has been described as 'a cop drama—with a twist... a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimms' Fairy Tales exist',[2] although the stories and characters inspiring the show are also drawn from other sources.
@iluvusabado (2560)
• Philippines

TV series 'GRIMM' - Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television drama series. It debuted in the U.S. on NBC on October 28, 2011.[1] The show has been described as 'a cop drama—with a twist... a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimms' Fairy Tales exist',[2] although the stories and characters inspiring the show are also drawn from other sources.