Got my Sunday morning choral music going. Do you have a Sunday routine?

@TheHorse (209094)
Walnut Creek, California
May 12, 2024 10:34am CST
I am on my second cup of coffee and chilling to some Sunday sacred music. The program is called "A Joyful Noise" and it's on KDFC, the only remaining classical radio station in the San Francisco Bay Area. It's a public radio station, and is one of the few things I occasionally donate money to. Soon I will "fire up" and do some grocery shopping. I am out of frozen dinners, bacon, wet kitty food, beer, and a few other necessities. What is on your agenda for this sunny and warmish Sunday? I may do a bit f reading by the pool. If the water is warm enough, I may jump in. We shall see. I did get a cycle in yesterday, and may do so again today.. Photo is from my visit to Iowa a few Mays ago.
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15 responses
@koopharper (7532)
• Canada
12 May
My Sundays start out slow. My wife takes my daughter to her violin lessons and I kind of bum around planning on working in my shop but usually not getting much done on that count. Lately, I have been able to get pictures taken and my latest wood project posted for sale on Etsy. I try to be more ambitious but my energy levels haven't been there.
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• Canada
12 May
@TheHorse They are. Once I get going I don't understand why I'm not doing more.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
Wood projects sound fun.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
@koopharper I make little coasters out of guitar sound holes when I don't have vintage loudspeakers to work on.
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@LadyDuck (462856)
• Switzerland
12 May
We went to the paper recycling center to throw some papers and card boxes early this morning. In the afternoon we had a very pleasant walk in a natural park not far from us. We do not have Sunday routine.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
I will head out for groceries soon. It is still pretty early here.
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@LadyDuck (462856)
• Switzerland
13 May
@TheHorse - All stores are closed here on Sundays, so grocery shopping should never be part of our Sunday routine.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 May
@LadyDuck Ah, I had not realized that all stores were closed on Sundays there.
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@GardenGerty (158310)
• United States
12 May
Got up, had breakfast and coffee, went to church, had coffee and cookies, shopped while we were in town, took hubbies little car and dropped it at the shop, it needs a wind shield wiper motor installed. Came home, ate, and have puttered around ever since.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 May
I am good at puttering. How long did the windshield wiper motor take?
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@allknowing (130940)
• India
13 May
Yes, I oil by head, massage it well and have a leisurely bath
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@allknowing (130940)
• India
13 May
@TheHorse Coconut oil
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 May
What kind of oil?
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• Eugene, Oregon
12 May
I'm most likely to turn on some nice classic jazz and have waffles, like any other day.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 May
Sounds good to me. I just lounged around at the pool and then actually took a swim. The water was cool but not cold.
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@LindaOHio (161373)
• United States
13 May
Sunday was very quiet. Today I have to make several phone calls and our housekeeper will be picking up a grocery order and prescriptions for me before she comes over. Have a good week.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 May
You too.
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@LindaOHio (161373)
• United States
14 May
@TheHorse Thank you very much.
@popciclecold (36117)
• United States
13 May
Raining here, by all means go to the grocery store kitty needs that wet food. Enjoy your music.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 May
@TheHorse Good.
@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
14 May
She got her wet food.
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@kaylachan (60440)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 May
During race season, we get up, do our morning tube routine, and kill time until the race starts.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
Do you watch car races on TV? Or do you go to the track?
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@wolfgirl569 (97871)
• Marion, Ohio
12 May
Its not any different than the rest of the days here. It did get nice out here today
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
it is rally nice here too. I will do a bit of reading at the pool and then decide what's next.
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@RasmaSandra (74971)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 May
Nope no special routine just starting my day as usual, I just finished writing up some articles for posting tomorrow, I hope you and Kitty have a good start to the new week,
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
Thank you. You as well.
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@xFiacre (12559)
• Ireland
12 May
@thehorse Me? Sunrise walk along the shore, coffee, more coffee, mid morning walk along the shore with wife and daughter, Church, lunch out, lazy afternoon then forest walk.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
Sounds like a good day.
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@JudyEv (328823)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 May
That looks a pretty park.
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• United States
12 May
I haven't checked for our local classical music station, comes from either my being lazy or the memories that the search will bring back---I used to do a LOT of my bear designing and crafting work with it on. So far today has been pleasantly quiet. I took out my garbage and am considering dealing with the apartment floors. Then maybe the fridge. I still haven't decided on what I'm going to do with the oven. It wasn't clean when I moved in, and I haven't done much to add to the mess. After the inspection I plan to go through the place with a fine toothed comb and get rid of a ton of stuff I really don't need or use. I'm tired of feeling overwhelmed by "stuff". I'm expecting a package on Monday...more bear making supplies, and want to be here to get it. I ordered some really FAR OUT bear making imported acrylic fur (I'll post a picture of it when it gets here. Only someone as crazy as me would order it!!! But for the moment, I am doing the bare minimum! I almost forgot to add that down here, at 12:15p.m. it's 77 degrees. We still have time for it to warm up more. Shoot even our teenaged raccoon stopped by the cat feeding station and had some breakfast. I figure him (or her) to be under a year old. It's a cute sucker, but I had better keep my mouth shut or else I may end up with him (or her) deciding to move in with me for a better lifestyle. I hope your day continues to be great and you decide to relax by the pool. I just the temperature and it is now 80+ degrees at my place. I'm debating with myself if I really want to get that active...I also want to list some stuff on Craigslist too. So, off to debate and digest (I also had a TV dinner lunch at's 1:05 p.m. here in the bowels of Atascadero.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
I got my groceries done, and will head to the pool now. I do still have coupe of errands to run. Got any more recent bear pictures?
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@dya80dya (34806)
12 May
No, I don't have a routine. I don't have the energy to have a routine.
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@TheHorse (209094)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 May
I hope you get some good rest. I am quite good at sleeping.
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@kareng (56761)
• United States
13 May
So you had my sunshine today!! Rained most of the day today, but that kept the temperature down to where we didn't even turn the ceiling fans on today! I hope you got all your groceries and didn't forget to get some treats for Kitty.
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