nrg - NRG: New Radiation Group. A Koran boy group. The members are Lee Sung-Jin, Chun Myung-Hoon, Noo Yoo-Min, Meng Shin-Hoon and Kim Hwan-Sung. The youngest member Hwan-Sung passed away at 19 because of a terrible ill caused by fever. The second youngest one Shin-Hoon has been back to his family and family business (in the US, Shin-Hoon is American) after the Group released their 6th album. In 2005, one left three boys made their 7th album, 'One of Five'.  In 2006, Sung-Jin and Myung-Hoon went to the militery sevices for around 2 years. And the Group does not have any business activities at all at the moment.  But as they promised, NRG will be together forever.
@899010410 (2)

nrg - NRG: New Radiation Group. A Koran boy group. The members are Lee Sung-Jin, Chun Myung-Hoon, Noo Yoo-Min, Meng Shin-Hoon and Kim Hwan-Sung. The youngest member Hwan-Sung passed away at 19 because of a terrible ill caused by fever. The second youngest one Shin-Hoon has been back to his family and family business (in the US, Shin-Hoon is American) after the Group released their 6th album. In 2005, one left three boys made their 7th album, 'One of Five'. In 2006, Sung-Jin and Myung-Hoon went to the militery sevices for around 2 years. And the Group does not have any business activities at all at the moment. But as they promised, NRG will be together forever.