Does Absence Make Your Heart Grow Fonder? - This would have been better had I remembered some of my old tricks earlier, but by the time I had remembered I was to far into the creation of this so I just left it as it was. I was also going to do a 'heart + absence = fondness?' one but I completely forgot about that until I had started this one as well. I think I can therefore conclude that today has not been a good day for my memory lol!  Oh well the simplicity of this one is nice and it does exactly what it says on the tin. The more complex stuff will appear later. For anyone who wonders I made this using GIMP and did final editing with Photoshop, I do most things like that :)  Dranz
@DCLehnsherr (1037)

Does Absence Make Your Heart Grow Fonder? - This would have been better had I remembered some of my old tricks earlier, but by the time I had remembered I was to far into the creation of this so I just left it as it was. I was also going to do a 'heart + absence = fondness?' one but I completely forgot about that until I had started this one as well. I think I can therefore conclude that today has not been a good day for my memory lol! Oh well the simplicity of this one is nice and it does exactly what it says on the tin. The more complex stuff will appear later. For anyone who wonders I made this using GIMP and did final editing with Photoshop, I do most things like that :) Dranz