I want to write novels!

@Pateos (79)
April 18, 2007 2:44pm CST
Hello people, I've been really thinking about this. I've been reading alot lately. Mostly fantasy and mysteries. I've looked through many of the fantastic stories and i thought to myself of the many times i've tried to write. I can remember, ever since i can remember, i was writing. When i was around 4 (i forget the exact age) i was given a little booklet, and in this booklet (which was not more then a few inches... around 4-5 inches) I would write a really short story in it. I found this booklet a while back and i've read the stories and laughed at the crummy writing i had back then. When i was in elementary school, around 10-12 years of age, i also tried to write stories, except i wrote them on a computer, but this story was discontinued, 3 chapter long script. When i turned around 16-18 i also wrote another story, but once again it was discontinued at 6 chapters. These stories, are good enough. I am thinking of writing again. This time i want to publish this story and do everything i can in order to show this story to the world. I've called my parents (Well doesn't everyone?) And i've talked to them and they asked me whats new? Well i told them this, i wanted to write again. The only thing i was told was, 'don't do it, you won't make any money unless you are very successful' Of course i was VERY sad and mad at the same time, because my parents at the moment were only thinking about money. I told them that this is what i wanted, i thought to myself since i wrote ever since i can remember that i was born to become a writer. I don't know that sounds kind of corny but i think it is what i want to really do. Not my current job. What should I do? Should quit my job and start a writing career? Im not entirely sure if it is needed, but do i need anything like a degree in order to write a book? Should i just write this story durring my spare time between my career and my life? If i do write though, Should i rework one of the stories i still have from my early days(I don't want to say younger, because im still young :P)? Or should i simply rewrite a new story. I've had everything planned for a new story. When i mean everything i mean a hole new story that i want to write, all ideas were written on a sheet of paper and i picked the story i'd like to write. By the way for the curious ones, I want to write fantasy novels :P Thank you for reading and thank you for responses before hand.(Or at least if there are actually any responses)
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2 responses
• United States
18 Apr 07
I would start a little bit more slowly than what you are planning, but if you believe in yourself, I would give it a shot. There is a great site with great critiques and other writers that I would start at...it is called Gather.com the wealth of information there is unbelievable. Then, use every spare moment to write and read..once you begin making a little money and are more confident, then think about the job issue. These are just my thoughts and whatever you do, I wish you well. I like to write myself, but I like my regular career as well. I teach !!
@Pateos (79)
• Canada
18 Apr 07
Thank you, Im going to check that site out... It seems very nice from what you are telling me... Maybe i should wait a bit and prove that my writing is good enough to make it through to books... I guess that means i should start from the bottom huh :P
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Apr 07
Another great site...and I would LOVE to refer you if you want as I would get a few dollars is Associated Content. They pay for short articles, etc...and are very easy to make a little money from. Let me know if you would like the link...Best wishes...feel free if you go to Gather to look for me...or let me know so I can look for you !
@Elusive (285)
• United States
30 May 07
what should you do, you should stop and go slowly, dont just jump head first when you arnt 100% sure you will succeed, quit your job and start a writing caree? no, stay employed because it might help you wright a degree? not neccasary, when you buy a book, unless its for smart people, you dont check for their education when to wright? i wright during school because i cant stand class, just keep a notebook with you and when you want to wright you will be able to wright, never force yourself to think of a story, it'll never turn out good rework old writing? what wrong with them, unless its from a 3 year olds point of view and its supposed to be a 20 year olds it might just be a better story than if you reworked it, and rewrite new stories because its fun just remember if you have an idea write it down, all it takes is a pen and paper and you could be the next great author