What do you think about taking "In God We Trust" off our currancy?

April 20, 2007 6:07am CST
Recently my mother received a phone call from an organization who was polling the people in her town, and asked her if she approved or disapproved our currancy having "In God We Trust" on it. She of course said that she strongly agreed that it SHOULD be on our currancy. My mom called me soon after and told me about the call she got and then also reminded me about a segment on the 700 club about four years ago. It was about a photographer from Australia who had either a vision or a dream (don't quote me I'm not exactly sure) anyways God told him that when man took his name off the dollar that he would lift his hand from the U.S. and that trouble would arise within the country. (As if our country didn't have enough problems right?!) I am curious if this mans vision will come true. What do you think?? Should they take God off the dollar??
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