Gun Nuts Unite!

United States
April 22, 2007 2:37pm CST
Since the shootings at Virginia Tech the Gun Nuts are once again coming out of the woodwork. To them the mass killings are the perfect opportunity to climb on to their 2nd Amendement soapboxes. According to their reasoning, the "obvious" solution for such horrendous tragedies is to arm more of the population, specifically teachers and students. But if one looks into this "reasoning" just a little deeper it becomes apparent that said "reasoning" is flawed on several levels. First, remember many of these gun supporters are the same people who decry that our colleges and universities are being overrun by "commies". According to them "commie, America hating Professors" are bent on turning our children into little Ho Chi Minhs. Now they want to arm them? Second, gun supporters claim that all "law abiding" citizens should be able to purchase guns, as many as they want, because they are not the ones committing crimes, it's the criminals who commit crimes. Cho Seung-Hui, as most remember, was a "law abiding" citizen who purchased his guns "legally". He didn't have a criminal record. And if you look at school shooters over the past 25 years, most of them had clean records as well. They didn't become criminals until after they "legally" purchased their weapons. Third, does anyone really feel comfortable with the idea that a bunch of college students could be carrying around handguns in their backpacks? Think for a moment what you were doing in college. On any given day 60-70% of the student body may be hung over from the night before. Should they be carrying guns? Fourth, if one looks at the history of groups like the NRA, they have a long history of having direct ties with white supremacy and anti government groups. If you doubt this do a search on former Virginia Senator George Allen. He had a photo taken with a known White Supremist group. If you pay close attention, to Allen's left stands Charlton Heston of the "My cold dead hands" Hall of Fame. Fifth, the 2nd Amendment was written when this country had no standing army. At any moment we could be invaded and the citizenry would be required to come to their country's defense. This is no longer the case, we have a professional military now. Militias of today are nothing more than a chance for middle aged lunatics to play around with guns. As for them "defending" freedom, the only thing I recall any militia member doing that affected our society was blowing up a Federal Building in Oklahoma City. So that sums up my stance fairly well. Bring on the rationalizations.
1 response
• United States
22 Apr 07
Thats the most I have ever seen anyone type on here. I beleave we sould put this behind us and learn from our mistakes.
• United States
22 Apr 07
Condescension from the marginally literate. LOL!