If Jesus returned to earth tomorrow would he be pleased with his followers?

United States
April 23, 2007 8:52am CST
When you look at the mainstream agenda of certain Christians in today's world do you think the issues they focus on are the same issues Jesus would focus on? Do you think Jesus would care about prayer in school, evolution, gay marriage, nativity scenes etc or do you think he would care more about our perpetual wars, poverty, starvation, lack of respect for life etc?
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2 responses
• United States
24 Apr 07
Based on what He was concerned about on His last visit, He would be concerned about the latter not the former. He would be angry about how we treat the poor. He would be livid about the preachers who in His name do more business in His house than most fortune 500 companies.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I think Jesus would care about the exact things he cared about when He walked the earth 2000 years ago. People. Hurting people, poor people, dying people, confused people. He connected with the world one person at a time. Yes, He taught the "multitudes," but he sought the sinners and the abandoned. He would probably teach against abortion, gay marriage, etc., but he would focus on the person in front of Him, healing them emotionally and physically. Then He would go on to the next one. That's the way we need to live. One person, one witness, one prayer at a time. We cannot change the world. We were never supposed to. We can bring people to Christ and change THEM, one at a time.