How to clean cat urine from carpet?

United States
April 25, 2007 11:54am CST
Help. I really need some advice about how to get rid of cat pee smells and stains. Our cat used to pee on everything. We did our best to clean it up but the smells just never go away. We had the carpets professionally cleaned about 6 months ago, but now it seems the smells are back. It's like they arose from the carpet some how after time. Besides getting new carpet... what can we do? Should we just get it professionally cleaned again? we tried the whole vinegar/water combo thing and that didn't really seem to work. ugh, this is so gross. I hate the way the house smells. let me know if you have any suggestions . thanks
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3 responses
• Canada
25 Apr 07
I am not sure you will fully ever be able to get rid of the smell unless you do get rid of your carpet . The strongest thing I have ever heard that works the best but will not get rid of the smell completely as they say that the smell will always come back until you illiminate what the cause of it is , such as your carpet , but what I have always used is straight vinegar , no water , you let it sink in and then let it dry into your carpet to basically mask the smell for the cat odor which is so strong . Not sure if you have tried that since you said you used the vinegar but you had said you used it with water . We don't use water at all and it works much better . Wish I had more to offer as the smell of cat pee is extrememly strong . Best of luck !!
• United States
25 Apr 07
thanks for your help and suggestions.
@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
25 Apr 07
Well we had to buy a steam cleaner and do the carpets every couple of weeks. Two couples living in one household with a total of 8 cats and 4 dogs, we get plenty of accidents. It was quite a problem till we bought the steamer. It is no longer noticeable in the house, and winter is just ending in our parts so we have had the windows closed.
• United States
25 Apr 07
• United States
25 Apr 07
I have that same problem. The best thing that works for me is just to wash everything in the washer that can be washed and OUT! pet stain remover. Unfortunately, I can still smell it, too. I think we may just be very acutely sensitive to it, though, because friends and family never say anything about it (and no, not just to be nice, lol). OUT! is really good cleaner, for hairball spots, too.
• United States
25 Apr 07
thanks. I'll try that. Where do you buy it? Can you buy it at a regular grocery store/Target/walmart? thanks