Rich people

@pehden (84)
United States
April 26, 2007 7:47am CST
Have you noticed that rich people always gives money to people in other counrtys? Why would some one give other countrys, I thinks its retarted , if a rich gave to another country they get some much credit, how about giving money to the homeless, hell how about buyng a house for a homeless person(s).
1 response
@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
26 Apr 07
You are 100% correct.Did you see how these poor people are living in New Orleans still?It is horrible that the U.S. donates so much overseas and yet seems to forget about its own people.I don't have an answer as to why the rich give overseas.I don't have too much money.But in the winter I go to homeless shelters and give clothes,blankets and coats that I no longer use.If I donate them to salvation army they charge a high price for them.And you never know how much profit goes to the U.S.
@pehden (84)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I have noticed that When a rich person gives to another country they get alot of credit! I dont think any rich person can see past there limo the poor people living down the street from there mansion! I know where several Rich people live in mississippi, and I have never seen anyof them giving away money, much less walking down the road.A loyal rich person to sosiety, would walk down the street with any one, hell the dont even have to bring there wallet or purse, they could have there body gaurd carry there money....