Do you OR will you tip the delivery boy?

May 3, 2007 11:56am CST
While i was flipping over the pages of my daily newspaper a piece of paper rolled down. It was nothing new but the same colorful Pizza Hut ad with exiting offers on those lovely mouth watering pizzas printed on it in an enticing manner. Anyway not giving much attention to go through further details on those pizzas i just left it over the table to continue with other headlines. How silly of me. The ad was not to go waste. It fell into my kids eyes and as soon as I returned home she persisted that we should try on the new offer. she pleaded so humbly holding my chin with a cute smile that any word in the negative from my mouth would have spoilt her mood. So I rang up the number given on the ad slip and ordered a Pan4all. We had a pizza delivered to my house and the girl who looked like college girl, acted as if she got mad when i gave her exact change. She shook her head when i gave her the money and walked off without saying anything. I watched her get onto the two wheeler and she again shook her head in disgust. This isn’t the first time I have had these pizza hut drivers get mad. I don’t tip them for delivering me these pizzas as I have already paid extra for the pizza to be delivered home and I don’t find any reason whatsoever to tip these delivery boys or girls. But I do pay a small tip to the one who delivers my monthly groceries and rice bag etc. on his cycle as these deliver boys don’t mind even if you didn’t tip them even though they do the extra labour to deliver these groceries etc. to your door step. Do your order pizzas home? If you did, do you or will you tip the delivery boy or girl even after you paid extra buck. What about groceries etc…? Do you get them delivered home and if you did’ do you will you tip the delivery boy? Share your thoughts.............
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30 responses
• Ireland
3 May 07
We always give some sort of tip, depending on how long etc it took for the order but most of our take away have free delivery if you spend over 10 euro with them anyway. We have our regular chines, indian and pizza places that we always order from when getting take outs and its usually the same person who delivers. They are fairly quick and always nice and friendly., so i think they deserve a tip.
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• India
4 May 07
well the pizzahut people always promise to deliver within 30 minutes which they adhere to. i think its for the service they charge. so i avoided any additional payment in the form of tip.
• Singapore
3 May 07
How much are you going to give as tips? Say you ordered something that costs $24.50. You want to give a 50 cent tip? $2? In Singapore, that person might even be insulted. Too little! It is not practical and normally we just try to find exact change for delivery. Not that popular an option though since usually we can just get food within walking distance.
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• India
4 May 07
i was charged 295 Rs for the 4 pan pizzas that came in a small box. the actual cost of pizzas was 250/- i was said. so i paid Rs. 295/- to girl who delivered. if gave her 300/- the additional 5/- would come to just few cents and would be insulting now as you said. now from what i observed any tip below 50/- would still have left her unsatisfied and would have costed me around 100 bucks more for having a pizza.
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• Singapore
4 May 07
No idea really... but I remember when I travel, we were cautioned by the tour guides that if you want to give tips, don't give less than x amount. I am not mentioning the countries or amounts here but at some places, you might get worse service if you give a lower than "acceptable" tip! :P
• United States
3 May 07
I always tip delivery people on the rare occasions I order pizza or such. Most of the places near me don't charge extra for delivery though, but I would probably still give them a tip if there was a charge, the tip might just be less. I usually just tip a couple bucks, unless it was a really large order, then I would probably give $5.
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• India
4 May 07
if a small tip could make them happy then there wouldn't be a problem. but the girl seemed to expect more than that.
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
3 May 07
Usually my order from Pizza Hut costs around fourteen dollars. I can't afford to tip big, since they also add on a delivery fee. I ALWAYS tip at least one dollar. When it is an elderly person I'll give two dollars. I can't afford to give everone a two dollar tip, but when I see elderly people delivering pizzas then am reminded that I'm not the only one who has financial trouble.
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@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
8 May 07
That's good. I hate to see elderly people doing a job that they shouldn't have to do. Perhaps some like being active, but I don't think they relish having to climb stairs and carry heavy things. I'm 26, and it's hard enough for me to do!
• India
8 May 07
it a good thought to tip an elderly person. anyway all the pizza delivery boys or girls in our place are mostly in their teenage and i havent seen elderly people delivering.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
3 May 07
There is always a general rule applied for the delivery boys here. You are not allowed to ask for some tip. I'm a great lover of pizza and always ordered one for delivery almost every week. I will pay the bill without leaving any tip. The delivery boys will still remain cheerful and courteous. They know that customers can easily called up the store where they are working and complaint about them.
• India
8 May 07
ofcourse most of these delivery boys or girls are cheerful whether you tip them or not. but i didn't find the girl who delivered to be same.
@anonymili (3138)
3 May 07
In the UK tipping is not compulsory (as far as I know anyway). I do tend to give a tip to the delivery driver when I order a home delivery, even if it is 50p or £1 as delivery is free from most places that offer home delivery. I wouldn't actually order from anywhere where they charged for delivery as it is the norm for free delivery. I know people who've worked as delivery drivers, they get paid an hourly rate and make very good tips on top of their wages. At the end of the day I work hard for my money as does everyone else. We all started at the bottom and earnt low wages; working in an office as a junior administrator I never expected tips for doing my job, so I don't feel I should be guilted into giving a tip because someone works in the catering industry. Saying that, I do give delivery drivers a tip 99% of the time, except for when they press the wrong doorbell and upset the neighbours when I gave the specific instructions as to which bell to ring. I think your delivery girl was very cheeky to make faces and shake her head in disgust. If someone did that to me, it would only cause me to ring up the company and say something along the lines of "If that's how your delivery drivers behave, I won't be ordering from you again." It will be their loss and maybe they can tell their delivery staff not to behave like that in front of customers, especially as if she was already sulking, next time she might drop your pizza on the floor deliberately or something and then shove it back in the box and deliver it to you! I wouldn't want to risk that sort of behaviour as I know for a fact this does happen :) Not a nice thought eh?!
• India
4 May 07
i am not against the pizzahut but the girl seemed to more concerned and greedy about her tip. and not all those delivery guys are like that. anyway i thought complaining to company about her attitude would be bad thought. but such attitude is really freaky.
• Netherlands
3 May 07
If I order pizza I will tip the delivery person if they bring me the pizza fast and have a good attitude. If they are nasty or rude I will not tip. Same as if I went to a restaurant.
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• India
8 May 07
• United States
3 May 07
Well, I don't know if this is something you should base anything on, cause I'm a notorious over-tipper (I was in the food service industry for a very long time and have a profound appreciation for good service) so I usually give them the same 15% I give people serving me from restaurants. All the pizza places around our area do not charge for delivery and even if they did, I always feel compelled to give the server (which is what they are) a tip. The reason is that extra fee for delivery usually goes into the company's pocket for expenses like gas and such, and I think it's important to go out of the way for the servers who make sure we get our food... I don't order groceries to be delivered, but that's another one where I would probably tip for their service.
• India
4 May 07
i appreciate your thoughts. but if i were to tip 15% of price which already included the extra charges it would mean another 50 bucks for me which i think is not reasonable.
• United States
3 May 07
Tipping is a must. even if it's a buck for a 7 or 8 dollar meal by urself. waiters only get paid 2.13 an hour, so 60 to 70 percent of their pay is tips only! my fiance works at Carlos O'Kelly's and she gets 2.13/hr. sometimes people tip great, while others dont even leave a dollar! one time she sai she had a group of 4 highschool girls, they had dinner and desert. she said their bill was almost 50 bucks, which would make a 10% tip to be 5 bucks, but they left 3 quarters! if u think thats bad, this family of 5 came in, ate dinner, and a few deserts, their bill was around $70, they left no tip. people like this make me sick. be sure to tip!
• United States
3 May 07
oh and i always tip the pizza guy too lol
• United States
4 May 07
I've never worked as a server, but I think it is criminal how little restaurants have to pay them, when everyone else gets $5.15 an hour by federal law. It's amazing that the people stuck on the "slow" shifts can even pay thier rent. Plus, they are expected to clean and do other jobs when they don't have customers to wait on, for no extra money. I always tip the server.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
3 May 07
I tip delivery boys. My husband used to deliver pizza, yes they charge a small delivery fee but that goes to the pizza company, the driver never sees a dime. They make minimum wage and get a few cents per gallon they drive. They are putting miles on their car too, so they have maintenance for that. I see it as a common courtesy to tip, plus it's good karma ;)
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• India
6 May 07
tipping a good karma! Geez!
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
3 May 07
I always make sure that I give the delivery persona a tip. The reason is because most of these people are grossly underpaid. The reason that the company charges a delivery charge is because most of them reimburse a percentage of the delivery persons fuel. I had a friend who delivered pizza a few years back and he was only earning $5.15 an hour, and really depended on tips to make any kind of money. I make sure that when i get a pizza deivered that I tip like i tip anywhere else. About 20% is good for me. If I order $20 in pizza it is not going to hurt me to leave the driver an extra $4 or $5.
• India
5 May 07
you are too liberal in tipping 20%. and if thats in vogue as a custum then delivery boy job is finest than any other.
• Malaysia
3 May 07
erm.. i think it's not a practise in my country.. so we really seldom give tips to delivery boy.. but i think many rich people will do so.. i might tip them if only i have extra coins.. it's impossible for me to give them a few notes as tips right? that would really be costly to order a pizza or any fast food.. and depends on their service too.. if they deliver it fast.. i might consider giving them.. if not.. don't even dream about it.. haha.. i know i'm bad.. but i'm just being a realistic person.. hoho :) ... i think there's no wrong for not giving tips to delivery boy =)
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• India
6 May 07
there's nothing wrong to tip but since i already paid enough extra money i didnt give away any tip.
@anubiz (43)
• Philippines
4 May 07
yeah i think is would make someone smile in you give a tip and i think it would me you smile aswell if you made others smile and more you will feel saffer in eating your food if you have a happy delivery guys dont you? so i sugest to give a good tip to those guys.
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• Philippines
4 May 07
it is good to consider giving a tip to the delivery boy. that will at least tell him that his effort to bring the item to us is well appreciated. that will also provide him with a little more to add to his daily income.
• Norway
13 May 07
This stori was good, but i dont think its normal to tip the delivery girl and if she was rude their is no reason to tip because then she is just a young girl who havent learnet customer treatment and thats sad. Not for you but for pizza hut.
• Pakistan
4 May 07
Well I have a habbit to tip the delivery person no matter if they charge a little extra for the delivery charges. Although it is not compulsory but it is customary in many countries around the globe. From the reaction that she had it appears that she was expecting a tip and was dissapointed when she got none. But it is really upto if you want to give a little tip or not. RS 20 as a tip would have been enough.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
6 May 07
I live in the country and we do not have pizza delivery out here at my place.My son however does order pizza at his place and i do think he tips,but he tips everybody so that don't count.If you have to pay an extra dollar maybe they charge that for gas,im not sure..I really don't know if you suppose to or not.On tv they tip,if that helps.Maybe someone else on here can tell us...
@karvin87 (1033)
• India
8 May 07
well, i do. i feel everybody should tip the delivery boy. Few coins out of your pocket wont make u poor but yeah few more coins above the bill will certainly make him happy! i feel with the amount of hardwork they do(though they are even paid by their masters) we should also hand themm a little bit of tip...i feel for me it comes out of kind gesture he did by bringing home my food. i even do it in restaurant when the waiter is poliete and some more if he's got a smiling face!
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
4 May 07
I always tip the delivery people, they always appreciate it because they don't get paid that much. And usually I get the same person and they make sure I get my order fast and still hot since I tip.
@lreddell (172)
• United States
6 May 07
We live in a the rural area, and we don't have the luxury of any deliveries of food, groceries or anything else. But if we did have that luxuy, I would definately tip the drivers. I am a part of the management team at a Pizza Hut in a small town about 15 minutes from my home. And yes, we do charge a minimal fee for deliveries. It's only $1.50 (USD). It doesn't matter if its an $80 ticket; the delivery fee is the same. We even deliver very small orders, for people who are home bound. Fifty cents goes to the store. The remaining dollar goes to the driver, as part of their pay, and to assist them in re-filling their gas tank. The drivers make minimum wage. Every person who is in the service industry (ie-delivery drivers, servers, etc), are hard working folks relying solely on tips for their livelihood. Did you know that minimum wage for a server is $2.15 per hour? Think about that... I know I couldn't feed my family on that wage. I've been in the food service industry for 28 years. I am a good server, who pays careful attention to my guests. Fortunately I make pretty good money, through my tips, and because of my guests appreciation of the service I provide them. Without tips, I wouldn't be earning much of a living. I agree that the young woman shouldn't acted that way due to the lack of a tip. But perhaps the young woman who delivered your pizza needed to make $50 dollars to feed her son or daughter, or to put gas in her vehicle so she could continue her education. Maybe she was just having a bad day. Who knows. Hugs.
• Philippines
7 May 07
Well, we don't often call food deliveries but when we do, I dont give tips for them too. I mean, that's the reason why there are delivery charges, for this extra expenses of delivering the food into your doorstep. Here in our country, I think delivery boys/girls are used at not being given tip especially if they are delivering in a not so rich customers. They understand that 10% delivery charge is already high for the customer to pay. Or it's just my opinion?