Any AC writers here also on LiveJournal?

@legbamel (179)
United States
May 3, 2007 2:25pm CST
I am trying to get a little more exposure by joining communities there, but I'm having trouble finding ones that I like. I did find one called acwriters at http//, but apparently there are only two members (including me) and for some reason the one post I did make doesn't show up. All of my recent journal entries show up on the friends page, though! At any rate, what I wanted to know was whether anyone else on mylot was also a member at both AC and LiveJournal. I'd love to have a little community over there for posting and linking back and forth but this one is obviously a slow starter! If you haven't joined one, please consider this one, and if you have please post a link so that I can check it out. Thanks!
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1 response
• United States
3 May 07
Hi there fellow AC Producer and Live Journaler . . . My name is erica or sojournseeker here at myLot and gather. Share your Live Journal url and I will visit there and comment. Here is mine: sharing the light, e
@legbamel (179)
• United States
4 May 07
That's fantastic - thanks so much! I'll take a look at yours today. You can find my journal is at as I try to keep the same name everywhere I post. It's part of my "build a brand" attempt - while the content I write for various sites is the same, it's all me. Thus I'm at Helium, AC, LiveJournal, and here under the same name. It makes logging in a lot easier, too. LOL
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