how to breakup?

May 6, 2007 11:03am CST
I want to break up with this girl,but I dont know how,and I dont want to leave her alone,in the situation she is,I want to stay good friends after that,so how?
2 responses
@subha12 (18441)
• India
8 May 07
i think its a difficult situation. i also don't undersatnd why you want to break up when you want to continue as good friends.look into the situation, think twice and ask urself. It is difficult to say other than knowing exact reasons for you wanting to braek up.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
7 May 07
You cannot break up with a girl just like that you have to have your reason behind the break up. Maybe if the feeling is mutual then breaking up is easier but in most cases their will be hurtful feelings that you'll experience and you could not easily resume the relationship as good friends that is. So expect those things to happen and just hope that she will take it easy when things are already done.