Fast Food and the Obesity Epidemic

Fast-food Chains - Fast-food restaurants have become very creative nowadays.
@sutan74 (1112)
May 7, 2007 10:06am CST
Fast-food restaurants have become very creative in their pricing strategies, menu selections, locations, and marketing schemes. Even I am drawn to their commercials on T.V with those mouth-watering, delicious, tantalizing and to-die-for ads. But did it ever cross your mind that fast-food can lead to Obesity??? As long as people have fast-paced lifestyles, work long hours with no time to prepare food at home, and continue their insatiable hunger for new fast-food concepts, the creative and aggressive fast-food companies will flourish. Sadly, so will the prevalence of overweight and obesity.
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5 responses
• United States
7 May 07
I believe that fast food is fine in moderation. Sometimes I need to just stop and grab something to eat and I love fast food for that. However, I don't feel that drive-thru french fires and hamburgers is an everyday dinner. I know people that eat McDonalds at least 5 or 6 times a week and eat out at other places on top of that. They are very large people and now their children are becoming obese. I really wish people would teach children healthier eating habits.
• Kottayam, India
7 May 07
Keep your body slim and do some exercise too.Those who are eating fast food at last have fast to make their bodies slim, weird is not it ?
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
7 May 07
The problem is that the fast food industry provides the consumer what they want. That is fast food. They are starting to provide healthier choice but the public is slow to choosing them. Many people do not like the salads that are on the menus. It is us the public that have put the fast food industry where it is today. Years ago when the burger joint first started they were an occasional thing. A place to eat when we went shopping or as kids a place to hang out on Saturday nights to see your friends. But we have gotten so that we want what we want NOW if you know what I mean
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 May 07
after awhile they all taste the same no matter which one ya choose so I stopped thenm years ago but they are now trying to get 0 trans fat wise lets hope that works huh?
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
8 May 07
Oh yes in regards to fast food they are not as good as they make out to be in regards to our health, and of course they look so yummy, but if you buy them all the time instead of watching exactly what you are eating that you can become obese from them.