Growing plants

petunias - id like patunias like this
May 7, 2007 12:44pm CST
I have just started growing my own plants from seeds have you got any hints and tips for me?At the moment i am growing:- busy lizzies, coleus flame dancers, lobelia colour cascade, marigold naughty marietta, petunia patio mixed, and verbena compact mixed. I am also growing sun flowers but they seem to be doing very well.
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4 responses
@smacksman (6053)
7 May 07
Marigold and sunflowers are easy to grow and tough. Collect seeds at the end of the season for next year. Marigolds can over winter if the frost is not too bad. Busy lizzies I find impossible to grow from seed so I buy them as plugs and grow them on. Great for colour but die at the first hint of frost. Lobelia is great value with seed like dust. Don't bother to thin out (cant say pri*k out at myLot) each plant but in little clumps. Pot them up before winter frost and they will over winter in a greenhouse. Petunias are easy to grow from seed and provide a great show. However, slugs and snails love them. I grew geraniums from seed and then took cuttings so now I have hundreds of them. Pot them up before the first winter frost and over winter in the greenhouse. Geraniums are marvelous in dry weather and do well without a lot of water. The other plant with seed like dust is begonias but I also over winter some but loose a lot. Great bedding plant. I collect all seed each autumn and grow them on the next year. Wallflowers are looking great at the moment. Oh yes, I'm in the south of England.
7 May 07
thank you for the advice it is greatly appreciated
14 May 07
i am so happy all of the seeds i have pottered are starting to grow some more than others but i am finding it so enjoyable. i even went out and brought a bigger green house today.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
7 May 07
No I usually buy them when they are real small and put them in the ground and watch them grow. I would make sure to feed them and just watch so they dont get too much sun. Im trying strawberries from seeds that I just planted so Im anxiuous to see if they come up.
14 May 07
you will have to let us know how you get on with them
@jbrowsin66 (1321)
• United States
11 May 07
Morning glories on a trellis yield a lot of seeds and 4 o'clocks also produce abundant large seeds for the next season. They were both easy to grow.
@saierchok (1294)
• United States
18 Jun 07
always water them, keep them away from very hogh temretures and burning sun, and always notice if they are healthy or sick :) this is how I keep my flowers..