Tell me why! I want the Ans Now!

May 9, 2007 4:39pm CST
Hello to all the readers... Its is a request to you peple to please please give me ANSWER of me problem!!! That: "WHY THE FIRST DAUGHTER/SON IS MORE LOVED & LIKED BY OUR PARENTS?" WHY ? WHY ? WHY ? Why they dont consider their other children before their beloved first daughter??? Why they do so??? is there any satisfactory ANSWER? for my prob? Is there??? I have just sisters ... I am the 2nd one ... whenever I do something nice & reforming, my parenst & also my close relatives ignores & does not give any aprecistion... BUT when my elder sister does any any sort of work (no matter how idiotly it was done) they use to encourage her till the extent! When i does a mistake they start scolding & criticising me, but in her case (Even when she give them a great loss) SILENSE!!!No scolds no bad wordz nothing !!!! I am raelly getting frustrated from my parent's injustice...Some one please tell me why this always happen to me??????????????????????????
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2 responses
@trinihd (996)
• United States
10 May 07
You should know there is no real answer to this, and you should also know that this is not always true. Sometimes the first child gets all the stress and strain and the others that come after have it much easier, it's as if she has cleared a path for them to just sail through. If this is any comfort, just imagine that it could be much worse, you could have no parents, or parents that abuse you or you could live with foster-parents or have no siblings at all! It sounds like you do need to have a talk with your parents though, calmly and rationally, try and explain that you feel un-appreciated and you believe that sometimes your good deeds don't get the same praise as your sister's. Who knows? There may be something more to this than meets the eye. The only way to handle it is to talk it through with your parents. Try not to be over-wrought when you approach them. Let them see that their opinion really means a lot to you and you are feeling the loss of their approval and want to know why. I wish you all the best!
• Pakistan
15 May 07
Thank You so Much!!! I really Wanted that ! I was waiting for some one to talk to me on this matter...Give me a huge Hug!(no one did...!)Thank you Again...Because i'm a new commer ,I did not know where to go & read the reponse ...thats why got late to reply to the commets... I really needed that sir/madam who ever you are!!! I will defenately talk to my Parents on this matter But ONLY after she(big Sis.) gets married, cause i know even then! this matter will be given & finished in her favour!!! What is the meaning of your Mylot Id "trinid" ? do write Sir/ Madam...! Regardz...
• Pakistan
15 May 07
Can you Answer this... "Life is Great" You Said. "Love is Life & Life is Friendship" I SAY...BUT What is Great? , Who are friends..?,Where is Love..? Where can we find these costless thingz?
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@trinihd (996)
• United States
21 May 07
You can just call me Trini for "Sir" or "Madam" please!! I am female if that's what you are wondering about! :) I am very glad that my response helped you! I wish you all the best!
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
10 May 07
I agree with trinihd, you need to talk to your parents. You are needing their support right now. There may be other issues going on that you do not know about or are not seeing that will come out during your conversation. I am the oldest in my family. I have 2 brothers and a sister. I always felt like my younger brother, the first boy was treated better and was prefered over me. It was not the case but at the time it was how I felt. I also suggest you talk to your sister in a nice way and let hwe know how you are feeling also. You said you have 2 sister, does your younger sister feel the same way? Maybe she feels youa re the favorite over her. This can possibley be solved with a nice rational discussion with every one involved. Call a family meeting and get it all out of your system.
• Pakistan
15 May 07
Yes madam Teresa, I will Try to call a family meeting where minus 1 percent chance I've in my favour... I saw yor site its great!... your Photo with that icon on your cheek was very soft & lovely & that smiling girl looked so too... Thanks for the explanation... I'm Glad that this world is not out of Love yet...! Thank you Again Madam. keep writting... Regards, Zer
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