Right thats it...............

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
May 11, 2007 2:03am CST
who gave Gissi the Idea? When I came of here last night I crawled into my nice warm bed, got myself comfortable and ready to go to sleep. As I moved my Foot something touched it I jumped out of bed and I mean I jumped out of bed half the cover coming with and Gissi nearly falling of the bed I started to lift the cover and Gissi started to growl at me so I told him to shush that I did not need his Grumpy Mood, I mean when I got into bed I had some job as he was right in the middle of the bed and did not want to move, Anyway I lift the covers very carefully and there it is......... One of his bl**dy Chewy treats. Well I was not happy, now I know why he did not want to let me into my bed because he had hid his stupid treats in my bed , while I am standing there fuming, Gissi is standing on my Bed wagging his tail thinking we are playing and this at 1.45am no I do not think so I put it in his basket and for the next 5 minutes he keeps jumping back up on the Bed with it. Well I turn of the light and then all I can hear is Gissi chewing away on his Treat which is very annoying when you are tired and at that time of the Night So come on own up who told him to do it I have the choice of a few I know he talks to Darkwing? Marlyse? Kat? Cloud? Shelagh77?
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28 responses
@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
11 May 07
Lol. Now I know why I could not sleep properly that day. Gissi was using his telepathic powers to tell me that he likes snacking in your cosy bed. It sounds like he was speaking some garbled Chinese. I did not understand him so I could not tell which one of the five is guilty.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Well Sweetie I will find out lol believe me and I will parcel Gissi of to them for a week so he can lay his little Tricks on them lol
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 May 07
Oh Gabs! I'm disappointed in you. I thought you knew what a sweet little innocent thing I was! ha ha ha Message for Gissi: What can we get up to tonight, boy? I have to make her pay for trampling my bluebells! he he he
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Ok he is posted in the Parcel tomorrow for a week and can terrorize you Actually I will leave him behind tonight hehehe I didn't trample the Blue bells Wendy did as she forgot how to fly (pokes tongue out)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Nope I told you Wendy's fault you know Peter Pans Friend Not Tinkers she behaved and flew
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 May 07
**Smiles at pokey out tongue** he he he. It's Tink's fault now, is it? You fall down there, my dear friend... you ARE tink!!! ha ha ha
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
11 May 07
Well it wasnt me thats for sure.LOL Gissi just wanted to have a little treat while you slept. I guess he couldnt sleep.LOL
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Well do you how annoying that is lol he chews loud you know you ask Mel
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
11 May 07
LOL It might have been Izzy! She does this all the time, and may have tipped him off on the idea. She did watch the video of him looking for his chewy, so she must of snuck up here while I was busy with other things and sent him a pm!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Oh no Tammy I forgot about Izzy yes I guess she could be a suspect to I will find out I will I hope lololol
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
11 May 07
hahahahahaha not telling. gissi and me have some secrets lol. i think its only right he did it, because i have pippa here, hiding all kinds of food and treats in my bed lol. its funny to watch whe she does this and when it ry to go to bed, i have to clean up the mess lol. hmmmmm darkwing and gissi, i help you to think about something funny for this night. maybe we can have a good chat later, the 3 of us, because i know gissi is able to use the keyboard hehehehehehe
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Now Sis that is not very nice at all you are suppose to hel me get the Mischief out of him not put it in him Hmmmmm I will have to watch you all
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 May 07
Ok, Marlyse... shhhhhhhhhhhh, Gabs is in bed, and we can lay our plan now. Gissi will contact you later... he'll type you an IM and tell you the plan. ok? He's got some great ideas that little chap! he he he
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
11 May 07
hehehehehe big sisters are allowed to do that :-P
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@crazy1 (479)
• New Zealand
11 May 07
Alright, I admit it, it was my idea.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Huhhh????????? you are the second one to admit hang on are you all trying to confuse me now
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@crazy1 (479)
• New Zealand
12 May 07
Nope, no confusion, it was me, I'm the guilty party.
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@weemam (13372)
11 May 07
thanks gizzie and thank you too pal for making me laugh so loud , hubby asked me what i was laughing at as I haven't been doing much of that this week , I read it all out to him and he was laughing too, he loves dogs , I will show him Gizzies picture later , I have a picture of you and gizzie in my head and you swearing at him and him thinking Oh! my mammy is great fun , playing with me at this time in the morning , I am still laughing , thanks pal xx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
First of all I am happy that we managed to make you laugh I know you needed that And yes do show him this sweet little pain in the Butt that I love very much You have the right Picture in your Head believe me When I come to see you, you will see this little Man in Action you ask Darkwing lol Love and hugs I am glad you laughed xxxxxxxxxx
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@shelagh77 (3643)
11 May 07
Oh lolololol. When will you EVER learn? I told you he would get you bath over that bath film! As to where he gets his ideas, he site up on your lap and reads mylot - remember the one about the rib bones that you thought was hilarious? I think Gissi did too lololol
@shelagh77 (3643)
11 May 07
Moi? How on earth could Little Me possibly give Gissi ideas? I am miles away and my telepathy ain't THAT good! Nope, it is all your own fault, you let him read something he shouldn't and he copied it, just like a kid. Sorry I still think it is hilarious though. hugs
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Yes I bet you do an all sorry innocense not accepted staying on Suspicion list
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Well I guessed that would have made your Day you are still on the Suspicion list Lady
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
11 May 07
My dear friend Gabs, Gissi it seems like to have his treat on the bed and seems to be in playful moods jumping all over may be little fellow doesn't realise you need some sleep. Yeah it might be annoying for you but i feel you can find ways so that little fellow is not bored and also allows you to have adequate sleep. Till then enjoy Gissi's mischiefs. LOL. The whole thing seems amusing though i am very sure you wouldn't find it that way. Good luck. be happy. have a nice day folks :)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Lololol oh I did later as I know my little Fellow and his Mischief lol
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
12 May 07
Nope! Uh-uh! Wasn't me! (Now if he had cold nosed your leg when you weren't looking, there might have been a tiny possibility that I whispered in his ear to do that to you. LOL)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 May 07
Hmmmmmmmm are you sure about that I am not to sure Sweetie you took a long time to come and let me know
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
14 May 07
I just wanted to keep ya guessing! LOL
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@Caila611 (992)
• United States
11 May 07
I have this mental image of you jumping out of bed. LOL!! That is too funny! It reminds me of our dog (may he rest in peace).
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Lol yes I guess it must have looked funny
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@mummymo (23706)
11 May 07
lol - well at least I am not getting the blame for this one! Oh my goodness no wonder you are so tired sweetness! I can just see this all playing in my mind! Do not find it amusing at all ...honest! lol Poor little Gissi - how is he supposed to know you didn't want to play the treat game! Never mind Gissi - we love you xxxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
No you have been to poorly to talk to him he told me so I know it was not you I did say no it was to late but of course that was again a sentence where to ignore Mum it did not suit Gissi But its ok as you know he got his punishment tonight when I was on the Phone to you lol I wish you could have seen him when he fell of
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 May 07
Remember all that teasing on the video, Mummymo? Gissi's getting his own back! ;-)
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@mummymo (23706)
11 May 07
that is exactly what I was thinking of honey - I mean she laughed all through that - how is poor gissi to know she wouldn't laugh last night! I'm ok I'm not getting the blame - you better watch out for a gissi shaped parcel! lol xx
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
11 May 07
Kind of like dogs hiding treats in the yard, Gissi hides his in your bed. Yep, I bet he has been receiving instructions. Good luck solving this mystery. Heehee
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Thanks Sweetie I will find out
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• United States
11 May 07
It was me not them Teapotmom. My dog does it and so I thought I would teach Gissi. It is so much fun to touch a wet cold chew toy in the middle of the night with your toe. LOL. Petie hides his chew toys he does not know they are to chew on. He is so silly he will run all over the house looking for the right spot to hide them. I have found them in the fire place, under pillows, in my knitting, under the bed, in the cousions of the couch and of coarse in the bed. I have made the bed and not been able to tell that he was even under the covers. I explained that to Gissi. I did tell him to not wake you I told him to only put it in bed when you naped. I guess the time change from America and where you are needs some improvement. LOL, SORRY. Jannie
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Oh right I see Well he actually put it there while I was here on the Computer Now please restrain from giving these more Ideas and Gissi I don't know Teapotmom I would never have thought it of you and I hope you are not just sticking up for the others Lololol when did you tell him it must have been while I was asleep on the Settee I thought I heard him on here
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@rainbow (6761)
12 May 07
I warned you there would be revenge for laughing when the poor little fellow fell with a plonk, bless him. I can say that this was not my latest idea, as I gave him another which he is saving up for when you're not expecting it. He was laughing like Muttley when he told me about this ones success tho'. Good one Gizzi!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 May 07
Lol I bet
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• United States
11 May 07
I have a feeling that Gissi has you wrapped around his finger. Hehhehehe. He is adorable, but I can see that anoying as you are tired and trying to sleep. Oh well, he's family now, what can you do? Hugs, M&M
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Lol Margie I can't help it he is so sweet and loving and he had such a bad life before I just can't be mad at him I told him of once and I was very firm and the look on his Face broke my Heart I had to pick him up and cuddle him He is a good little Fellow and so happy now I never will let anyone hurt him again ever
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• United States
11 May 07
No my Schatzie emailed him as it is a great hiding place and she wanted to share it with Gissi.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 May 07
Oh no Heather not you to lol oh I have to put everything under lock and Key I mean how any is he talking to at night lol
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
11 May 07
Oh Sweetie, yes it does give us a fright when we try to get into bed and there is something there it is quite a straange feeling isn't it oh dear Gissi as his ways he is always getting into trouble for one thing or another love. Oh I think that no one would like to own up to this but may Shelagh told Gissi to do this as she is lives closet to where you live. haha!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Hahahaha Sweetie well I think they where all involved in this one lol
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
11 May 07
That is so cute! I know it is annoying, because my dogs have done that before. I about have a heart attack when my foot touches something under the covers. I'm always relieved it is a toy or a treat, but aggravated when they feel like they have to play with it or eat it as soon as I remove it from my bed. : )
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Lol yes they have their little ways
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• Melbourne, Australia
12 May 07
lol I know what that is like. We have 2 smallish dgs that LOVe and I mean LOVE to sellp on the bed. One of them one night thought it was great to see me jump agter discovering a live cockroach in the bed heets after she brought it inside as a treat for later on...I didn't find it so funny considering it had actually crawled up my leg and then fell off all before I could jump out. I now check my bed each night and my husbnd thinks it's funny still.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 May 07
Yuk no I would not have found that funny either lol I love your Avatar lol it is so cute
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