Sucre: dead or alive?

@shomomo (850)
May 12, 2007 7:04am CST
At the end of the last episode on season 2 you could see Sucre passing out from a wound (by the way, where did he get that wound?), do you think he died?
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5 responses
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
12 May 07
I believe that Sucre will be alive. As he has to save his girl friend, with that faith, it's impossible for him to die.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
13 May 07
Then let's see:)
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@sahm35 (890)
• United States
15 Jul 07
Westmoreland, the black guy? He did not die!
@shomomo (850)
• Israel
15 Jul 07
He's not the black guy, he's DB cooper..
@vamisola (905)
• Australia
14 May 07
I think somebody will save him and won't die.
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@sensesfail (2251)
• India
15 May 07
Sucre is coming back for good in season 3,so no worries.The script for the first episode of season 3 is out on the The script has Sucre in it.In that,Sucre joins with Linc to save Michael cuz in that way it'll lead to Bellick who has information about Maricruz. In season 3, Linc thinks that Sara is the reason for Michael to be in prison and Sucre explains what could have happened.
@zen_flynx (106)
• Philippines
14 May 07
he won't die. he'll be taken to the same hospital he got out of. by the way t-bag stabbed him with a screwdriver when him, sucre and scofield were in the car. and i think scofield will still fulfill his promise to westmoreland. but i dont know why since kim kicked the bag of money in the river... arrrghhh! the suspense is really killing me! i cant wait! good thing there's other sereies' like heroes and CSI to take care of my PB craving. i dont know if it could hold on till august though... hahaha!
@paulick (533)
• Denmark
15 May 07
Yes good thing there is CSI, i can't wait til the new Prison break season.
@fei1123 (56)
• China
15 May 07
I think he is alive.As one of the role player,he should be alive,and his girlfriend is waiting his rescue. I am waiting for the season 3.
@paulick (533)
• Denmark
15 May 07
I hope she survive until season 3..... ;-)