Are you a picture fanatic?

@Aali311 (6112)
United States
October 22, 2006 12:11pm CST
Are you always taking pictures of everything?
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24 responses
@HomerBundy (1325)
• United States
22 Oct 06
we take tons of pictures of our Dog...back before digital cameras, we would take like 5 rolls of film a week to Costco for developing...
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
22 Oct 06
wow that's alot.
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• United States
22 Oct 06
now with digital, we rarely print anything...i still like having an actual copy of a picture better...but printing digital pictures at 14 cents a piece still adds up quick...
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@Priceless (1277)
3 Dec 06
Yes. I do it for my bebo lol
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• Netherlands
22 Oct 06
Yes. I am too attached to my camera it is sad really. I probably look like a lunatic with that thing.
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• United States
10 Dec 06
No, I am not. But my husband is. Check out his photography on my art site. Do you take a lot of pics?
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@cikedo (3483)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Ever since I got my digital camera I've been taking pictures of everything.
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@ruby1459 (2600)
• United States
8 Dec 06
mmm,I don't take everything but I know that I love to take a picture!!!! ;) I take lots of picture almost every day,my puppy my fiance and outside etc :)
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@LotSelf (1508)
• India
8 Dec 06
rhino at kaziranga world heritage park,assam,india - rhino at kaziranga world heritage park,assam,india
picture taking is my profession a photojournalist i've won many laurels to my boot,but sometime it is very risky when we cover strife torn localities of our india.....a beautiful foto for you 2 my dearest and cute friend
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@devilangelo (4522)
• India
3 Dec 06
yupos . i m a picture fanatic . i keep taking pics or video record things from my mobile phones. i find it ver entertaining :D lol
@nithila30 (1423)
• India
8 Dec 06
No i am not like that .when something rare case or with friends only i used to take picture if not no
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Yes, I am. I like to take pictures of my grandkids and my animals. Sometimes I like to take pictures of scenery but I am not that good at it.
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@Albone (1338)
• Italy
8 Dec 06
I like to take a lot of pics even if i don't have a good camera...
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@drrahul44 (1152)
• India
8 Dec 06
no.. i am not...and i don't take pictures
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• India
8 Dec 06
nature that means rivers, hills and childs
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@gprasad (177)
• India
8 Dec 06
i am not a picture fanatic but i love photograhs of nature. i really adore the patience n the innovation a photograher has to take out the snaps.
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• India
22 Dec 06
roses - i like it very much..
yes....i like it very much.....i am a nature lover...........
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
3 Dec 06
In my storage areas there are boxes and books and envelopes of photos I have taken over the year. I will never have time to put them all in albums. I don't take so many now as I cannot afford to have the films developed or even to buy the batteries and film anymore. What I would really like is a nice digital camera. Today I went to a Santa Claus Parade and hundreds of people were taking digital pictures. People snap pictures all over the place and never give a thought to how much film they are spending, only that they have to have enough room on their memory cards. When they get home they don't have to worry about sending out these many pictures to get printed only to find they don't like them...with digital they are now able to pick first and print after. What an awesome advance. Just so you know how I old I am (without looking at my profile) my first camera was a box "brownie" camera that took 620 film and most of the time the film we could buy was more readily black and white!!
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• Indonesia
3 Dec 06
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• India
31 Dec 06
yes i am
• China
22 Dec 06
1 - 1
It's hard to say.But after my mother buy me a digital camera.I became crazy of taking photos for a period of time.But now I do not have enough time taking photo.
@rmoiselle (185)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
yeah! i am a pisture freak...fanatic. that is always the reason why my treo would freeze. i have 512 Meg card. i'm planning to buy 2 Gigs for extra space. LOL!